Saturday, July 28, 2018

Make it rain

It's hot inside, I cannot breathe, I wish like snakes
crawl out my skin; what could I plead – torment
or mercy? Get off the pan or be the steak?
Please, make it rain – my head still shakes;
as eyes roll down the floor. The garment
of my robe still splattered red – I lament
of the days gone by. The bed is staged…

My blood has ditched me, this hollow stump;
my body hiding underneath. The bed just beckons:
Come out and sleep!” The night goes bump
as they all enter… Make it rain, before they camp
my nightmares trounce; my foolish reckon –
Alas, no answer, the void still echoes;
and I am waiting for the jump!

The abyss looks deep, should I dare push
my hand to grab the final straw?
My urges fervent shouting: “Mush!”
Oh, does it fall for me? – The rush! –
I feel the madness and despair, claws
run deep when letting go – my jaw
still hurts for pulled out tooth – I gush…

Please, let it rain – outpouring sounds;
my throat is shut, the claws rend meat…
I cannot see, I cannot feel – zounds
of flies are feasting mayham. All rounds
on me, all dibs and shotgun, the end meets
starters – love at first sight! I fail to treat
this serious nature, as my carcass fractures wounds.

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