Sunday, October 29, 2023

Favourite Biscuit


Pro-moat the goat spout, then stout nihilists hit “Applause”

otherwise, who would know the right taunt and cause.

Unfazed of lost bandviwth, some connections strained;

pause for a second, to opt and choose new venues.

Roles are meant to mature, but human nature –

caricature, to feature too many monkeys in a frown...

Like the Statues “Incredible Hulk”, all Nazi doomsday weapons;

then you can't believe past glory, what's there to clown!

I'm down for business, but somebody ate my last biscuit,

to learn, you could steal a house at Usha, no shit.

Picture this, a G.I goes to mission and some low life

overfucks his wife, squatts there 30 days and now its his.

Possession, where's Mr. Exorcist. Cast those demons out!!

All the Ravens and Crows and Vultures: Cant you see I to I?

A delinquent is smirking at the bro, last boyscout under fire:

would you please pluck it out! Make him rue his desire.

At every river and Michael Jordan cosplay, seethe red;

make their ways go astray. Astor is on her merry way.

Betray. Make their feet run boobytraps, lag behind,

for who smites the cheek of a soldier, shall go blind.

Behold the Monster


Behold, the Monster, lets drink some blood;

to the hollowed lets blow the horn – Y

to the Victors, L to the crowd. In the mood

for some damage as wasn't home Good.

Make some noise, I cast a selfy;

keyboard warriors semper sellfist!

Crack the smile and break the hood!

Behold, the Monster, take a chill;

lets look deep inside the radness.

Either your out or closing in.

Drive throughs, shoot-byes, whim

licked tears to chin the badness...

Balded groans still shabby-saddened;

who will let the doggy out the mill!

Behold, the Monster, fighting White Knight;

windmills steadfast, Newsfeed outsourced.

More to know, than fits a stick log, still in blight;

no wisdom to hold – bearings like a Tesseract: “Right -

Left – East – North – South, who's more hoarse

than cooked goose pout! Raddish Brandish cause

will matter, means just moments – Goals or Hike!”

Cheering leaders, pathos drenching; sheep

are well fed, Wolves in safety. I call shotgun

then fuck out the train, you can keep your sleep

intourist. The dragon fell but was reborn steep.

The former Saviour became savant savage bum!

Hollywood, goats fuck good – who jumped the gun?

Was it Brandon Lee or Bruce Allmighty. Lets Rite!

Behold, the Monster, give yours moire grin;

make way on crossroads, chase Wild Hunts.

If you see outcasts bounce them in; if you grip

worthy, give them pink slips. None shall grit

their tooth on Heavens Supper, but transplants!

Lets attribute change you from disciple to sycophant;

what you haven't done to lesser, you didn't do to Grim!

Reject – Eject not on my Watch. Ben Ten can shower

E. Leven your in. God has no Sons, but under-workers;

if you're not like water, I'll piss you out, bRowzer...

Behold, the Anthems, of forgotten times; why dost wows

them, if none compliant? Better enmity than fake brother;

who would run after any Shepherd, but scatter

then a single finger hits your sour thumbs ensnared.

Behold, the Monster, lets eat some Flesh.

Hocus Pocus, your bloat did hoard pus(S).

Is that your rank, or crossed your heart fresh;

cause nothing ventured, nihil gains meh's!

Those, who don't follow in their Masters footprints, rush

to their own abandon; glimpsing deeper blush –

the Darkened Chaos from within a Piper for freshmen!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

I still think Kindness is not a Virtue


Well then, a Christian flashed me the two tablets of Doom, what every teenager dreads. The seven deadly sins and the seven Virtue. Because Envy is a sin, and Kindness is a Virtue! Now the World is complete again, if you can thump the Bible on some misbehaving child's or adults head. Did you really address the underline problem, then you said: “Kindness always Good!”? If a region is suffering due to somebody counterfeiting money, it doesn't help, then you give me the number of the Bank or Federal Reserve. I guess, it helps that now I am not under fire, but there is still an insurgence of false bills in the surplus. The same issue is, then a Christian dost get it, how defending Kindness doesn't help, then on the streets the issue is Envious Karens gaslighting the living shit out of their victims. But you can do nothing, because it was Kindd-nessnessness. Sorry for the echo, not really sorry, kinda.

Why would I love Witch Adria, who sacrificed her own child, Leah? How can I possibly feel kinship as a confirmed Christian. As a Baptist no less, who was first to go to church and last to leave; who always giggled, like Spongebob at the sight of yet another Academical treatise in the guise of a Sermon, then the other students groaned? Because I was Named Kristjan Räst!! Due to my father doing, what many 19,20 year olds do – a hit and run, leaving my mother Pregnant. He mustered enough courage, to push through 2 years of marriage, while whining among booze and friends how Mother and Father-in-Law don't like him. And then still gave up... Thus I was named by my Grandmother, who worked in Tartu University Library to restore old manuscripts, that my name should be “Kristjan” for its so hard to pronounce and would be fun. Also he was a closet Lutheran, who didn't dare to go to church, because her husband, my grandfather don't approve. Yet they offered their best fishes to baby Jesus – and God accepted. That makes me like Leah, in the story.

Its not, like they offered me any Christian education. My first vision was at the age of 6 then I first entered a church. I wanted to be there, because it was like reaching Home. It was in the form of safety you cannot explain, what makes a child play in the church, under the seats, while others try to listen to the Sermon. Obviously you can't baptise a 6 year old, for Baptists don't do that; also its illegal against the child safety and anti-grooming laws in Soviet Union and Post-Soviet States. Until I finally was allowed to finish my No Nut November as I see it, it was 2003 from 1998!! That's how hard it was for me. Try to not cum for that long, then everything teases you to oblivion and you really want to. Also the fact, I cannot understand those parents, who are so eager to cut first and ask questions later, then it comes to their children's gender affirmation. I could have been Trans too, but luckily my Mother was a Lioness and mauled anybody, who gave me the wrong gaze. Truth be told, I was Shota, fully not aware, what signals I gave out, able to talk to any stranger with a dazzling smile. I was the friendly one. Because being a Bastard, what I was, I couldn't approach people and make friends through my face and honour, which I didn't have, but by being Kind!!

And did you know, Faithful Servant of the Lord, what the people did unto me, then I tried to be Kind? Lets open Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban. I had to drink tea and eat biscuits with Aunt Marge! Mostly in the threes, because Karen's never travel alone. And how well could they mask their Envy, that a 19 year old promising girl, who should have gone to Uni, and had scholarship, lost it all. They there Kind to me, by flattering my Mom and her parents, how gifted I was, and how hard it is to raise kids these days. Underneath those help offers and votes of concerns, there was the want to destroy somebody, who got something, she shouldn't have. But I had to assume a nice smily face and behave, because good children only talk then asked something, or then the hen takes a piss. Whenever I did something, it was my Mothers fault, because she didn't raise me well enough to meet the standards. She was also one of those women, who was tormented in Churches by not letting her hear the “Mothers Heart” for she wasn't holy enough! How many tears she had to cry and how hard she had to labour, until she was fit to be redeemed from her grievous Sin, of believing a Man, my Father, who's name and Face I carry! If it there'nt for Lord Jesus Christ, I would go Voldemort and kill my father the most Bronx way possible. But people would blame it on my Mother, not me... so I turned the other cheek, as they say and assumed moral and spiritual bankruptcy, due to my dept in front of the society could not be paid in any other way, than offering the Honour of God Itself. Tell me again, how I should Love Kindness, ye Christian? Or do the Mišbat!

And if you ask me, why didn't I report them or my family, then things went South and I was offered yet another self-help tour of “Indigo Child”; “Crystal Child” “Savant This” “Gifted That” – because the culture was built up on shame. You couldn't never pennalize the people doing the wrong. You could only make the victims life harder. If I had been sentenced to a orphanage I would'nt have got my education. Definitely wouldn't a Pastor pay half my tuition to study Theology. I would have glown in the dark, like Mr. Burns on an evening stroll on his medication. Also the fact that my little brother was with a mental condition and my brain was so unique, the doctors wanted to study it more thoroughly. Luckily the Soviet Union collapsed first, so I was excused. How does a boy, who is already illegitimate make that call and risk shaming his Mother and sending himself in a Psych Ward for Evaluation?? Because there could be that kind of abuse as well. You can't tell. Experts tend to overreact then shit hits the fan. Especially then Aunt Marge; Rita Skeeter and Professor Umbridge help out and mask their own involvement in poisoning the Well. How does Kindness prevail in that event? How do you prove, you're not “It”?

That was the only lecture what I got, but I had to look for Christ on my own. Since I was alone and my Family Name was Räst (The first part of Viper so you can take your pick is it VIP or heads, both are bad then snakes are involved, because Jesus crushes them under his heel...) I also had a strong proclivity to Darkness. I had a knack in getting myself into trouble. Or accidentally stumbling into the spirit world. I don't need drugs, because Aspirin is already too strong for me. If I read a passage from the Bible or any more spiritual book or something, what has a emotional connection with its readers, I can drop to an altered state. Its called love and is regarded a shamanic trait and not the word it looks like in English. Its pronounced like clover or bother, because the empthasis is on the e not on the o.

So while people there really Kind around me, because I was so special, I dropped into the spiritworld and hanged around with demons and shadows, like I was the daugher of Trigon from Teen-Titans. I guess Jesus asked them really nicely, like Shaft to not touch me, then their on babysitting detail, because I had to trespass in places, where a normal Christian child should never find itself... That's why I don't like, then people compliment my skills or brain. You might as well, compliment a womens bust or a mans enourmous cock and balls. I just wanted to be a normal child, who could have fights with his younger sibling and stuff. But you shalt not hit a handicapped child!! Tell me again, oh Faithful Servant of the Lord, how I should be Kind in all this!

I'm happy to even be alive, that all my meditations and escapades, there I fucked around, like a cunt taking it into her 5 holes. Yes, you can take in 5 if you account the eyes or ears as spiritual channels, because listening and watching also counts. Mat 5:28; 15:11 I was being nice. There is a lot moore than 5 channels. Don't ask me, why Lord Jesus Christ keeps me alive, then I'm such a roadkill. Perhaps I'm meant to be there for some teenager, so he wouldn't kill himself and/or finds the Way. I find myself so much more at home with dwarfs and fairies; pans and dryads or ghouls and banshees. I have heard – I don't know, if that shit was real, or just told to me, so I wouldn't get into trouble – but there was a student, who also studied theology, for the sole reason, to get his Priests collar, so he could go to the rural grounds and offer protection against the spiritual world and exorcize demons. The demons inquired the Acts 19:15 and found out, that he was not covered in Heaven, but was an Alp who fucks around. So he got possessed. He only got so much breathing room, to sigh “Help me” in the most wimpy sound, while people there praying for him. After the prayer circle had to take a break, he was under steam again. That could have been me, for I'm pretty sure, I fucked around if not the same level than more, but for some reason, nobody has punched my ticket, like that... Kindness is not a Virtue, if you live amongst the Sons of Eli, who fornicate with the Temple Maidens, making people dish the service of God. If to use figure of speech. Constantly afraid, then the hammer falls, and the Arc of the Covenant taken from us, to give us Ichabod. “Honorless” Does it matter then, that in the Bible Kindness is a Virtue, but if I go to the real world, I have to mind, that it could cast a real person dead, due to his/her sins. I mean, there was a reason, why Joseph wanted to abandon his fiancee, and make it look like, he fucked her pregnant outside of marriage, so it would look better than the reality. Until the angel came and let him see the way, how to accept his shame. Because it was the Messiah. But alas, there's no Messiah here, just a little whiteraven. What am I gonna do with your well wishes... You'd do well if you run into your church and pray to God, that he might forgive you, that you did the Luke 18:9-14 How dare I dish the Holy Virtue of Kindness, sounds like Greta Thunberg. There is no correlation between me and the game Diablo 3 more so with Witch Adria and Leah. Its not like I was offered to God, to be yet another Samuel, in a world, there nobody wants to follow Christ, but in His amusement, God sent Whiteraven... Halleluyah, Godspeed Deus Vult.

Mothers Heart


Apologia for Adria the Witch, who sacrifized her daughter Leah, to be the avatar of Diablo; to address the futility of Kindness.

I know, I know – Diablo 2 best game ever, Diablo 3 can't hold its sandals and wash its feet, while worshipping the dirt it stands. Still I have played more Diablo3 than 2 due to my lack of motor skills and massive lag from various meditations and prayer/magical sessions. Also I love the way, how Blizzards, just as J.K. Rowling with the hoarcrux in Harry Potter could hit the nail. I am talking about the relationship or lack there off between Adria the mother and Leah, the daughter. In its twisted manner it highlighted my own relationship with my father, who never acknowledged me, and who only showed at the court, then alimony was discussed, for being compelled by law, but otherwise didn't even show at my graduation, to be happy, then he didn't finish school like that. It broke my heart, so I felt the betrayal on a personal level, then the scene came, there Adria revealed who Leah's real father was: The corrupted former prince Aidan, who hosted Diablo, so daddy could possess daughter! I mean, that scenario is so many layers of twisted, evil and wrong, making even the “NO” of Luke Skywalker or Anakin Skywalker pale in comparison. The cartoony setting of the game, in contrast of the prior dark theme, made it even worse. If Blizzard had taken a step back and made an entirely new game on that topic, where a mother sacrifices her daughter in a cult, without disgruntling the fans of Diablo, it would have been even more wicked, but you cant have everything.

Why is Kindness so bad in my mind? What does Kindness stand for in everyday life? What does it mean to be Kind-hearted? In Ecc 7:16-18 it is said: “Don't try to be too good or too bad; don't be too wise or too foolish. Why should you die before your time? Try to be a little of this and a little of that. Even Yahveh's followers do sometimes good and evil.” Also see the Rehepapp culture in Estonia which could be summed up of Jack of all trades, master of nothing. Also Kaval-Ants, the dark side of that culture. How did Kindness look in the olden days? For instance, the normal tithe was 10% but Jacob promised 20% because he saw the stairway to Heaven, while he was running from his brother, who's birthright he had just stolen. Like running from a lion to see a bear open his warm embrace in front of you. That was the reason, he was so Kind!! He knew, he was worthy of death, so He pleaded with his everything to live another day. The same was with the tax collector in the New Testament, who found Mercy in Lord Jesus Christ's eyes and pledged things, what could only be upheld if his dirty money didn't exceed 12% of all his funds. That's a lot of fiscal honesty from a Jew. But then people of nowadays offer Kindness. What does it cost you...

Its nice to give in your splendour, something you would have thrown away anyhow; but its something else if a widow gives her last 2 cents for offering. Adria gave her only begotten daughter, much like Yahveh gave Jesus on the Cross or like Odin sought after the runes and poetry. It was the nonconformist approach – or how Jaime Lannister fucked his sister and tossed a kid out of the window, to hide it – there you don't care, what the others might think, because your gaze is not outwardly but inwardly. We use Kindness to substitute for the lack of character. Because we want to believe something. Leah didn't doubt for a second all the lies she had to eat, then Adria came back to her life. Its textbook narcissist gaslight at its finest. It had nothing to do in the Diablo franchize, because the game was about something else, but I digress. We want to be Kind and Respectful to others, because we can't live in a world, there we have to accept, that our lovedones could turn against us. Because then we would have to exercise more strength and resolve, what we might even believe to have. Because its a world shattering experience, if things don't go, as they socially should. And that's why Kindness is Evil. It assumes, there will always be a civil society to catch you – or “God is not a cheater”, as Rene Descartes would presume. Whenever there's an opportune moment, people cheat, like the story of Cain and Abel showed. You can't expect people to be any more nice, than a lion not to eat you, while you're praying to Baby Jesus, that he would be Christian this time. He can snuff a food prayer and eat you anyway. Its not a problem at all.

Adria is the personification of a Mother and Priestess, if you will, who focust her all to her goal of serving Diablo, to vanquish all the other prime-evils and making them subservient to the Black Soulstone and Diablo becoming Legion. Even Machiavelli couldn't have done it better. Kindness, just as Pity are treats worthy of the gods, then you know the full picture. What business has a feeble mortal with it. You could be literally Kind to Adolf Hitler or Jossif Stalin. Can you live with it, little Christian, who you read this? Otherwise Jesus wouldn't have said: “You have heard, thus said to the ancients: 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!' but I tell you, not to resist to an evil person, if someone slaps you on the right cheek turn under him another; if someone sues you for the tunic, give him your cloak as well. For the one, who forces you to go one mile, give another, give to whom asks you, and don't turn, who wants to borrow! You have heard, it was said to the ancients: 'Love your neighbour' or 'Hate your Fiend'! But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those, who persecute you, that you may be the Sons of your Father in Heaven. He causes the sun to rise and the rain to fall even unto the wicked as to the righteous. If you love those, who love you, what difference do you make? Do not even tax collectors do the same? And if your greeting your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Didn't even Gentiles do the same? – You be Perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.” Mat5:38-47

Why would I add the turn the other cheek into loving your enemies? Because we don't know the Jewish culture anymore!! The reason why it was distinguished between left and right cheek, was this. The Right cheek represented you! This was slapped, then somebody owed money, to ritually show, that you had disrespected him to force through shame, that you would pay back. Where there issues about class and when to regard an insult and when not, which not really currently important. The Left cheek represented God. This could not be touched even by the High Priest. If somebody would smite that, he would immediately be stoned to death, for blaspheming against the Lord and asking something along the line: “Why did God create this vile Man, and disrespected me?” Nobody was equal to God or above Him, to askew thus... But then you're arguing with your rival, just as in Deu 25:11,12 where a woman's hand would be cut off, for touching his neighbours genitals, who was wrestling to the death with her husband. Because she tarnished the thing, what was used, to make oaths and thus broke his ID. In the face of the Law, that man was now lesser. As though he had intercourse with his neighbours wife!! You can in the heat of the moment slap the wrong cheek and be stoned to death. For that reason Jesus offered us this mercy to love our enemies. BUT With that he also opened the door to people who would abuse it and intentionally not pay their dues. How do you ask yours back, if your asked to talk to the other cheek and not to the hand? That's why Kindness is Evil!

You must always preserve for yourself, just as the Maccabites, who warred on Sabbath day, a way out, lest your own rules be used against you, like the woke do these days, to usher in their new world order. What are you gonna do, against that person, who slaps you out of reach, like the scene in Looney Tunes, then Spike was on a leash and Silvester slapped him with a newspaper. Spike just changed the thin line, to draw the enemy closer and pulled him out of his skin. So then you love your enemy, make sure you can avenge it, then the love is not returned in kind. Move towards that Perfection, Jesus spoke of, real slow. For you don't want people to abuse you, like the Idiot of Dostojevski.

Always be aware, what is going on, in and around you, like Adria did. You can hate her, for the deed, but it was brutally effective in dealing with her enemies, she so despised. That was the reason, she didn't like her daughter being Kind. She never had a plan for herself. Always fighting the battles of others, then even the mayor tried to escape. Is that worth living and dying for, little Christians? The Tavern put inside is just a silly remark. Leah, dost even know, what it means to run an Inn, for being a Mary-Sue, who always drives herself to the ground for others business. A good tavern owner must love herself, to make profit and provide the needs of its customers. Kinda hard to do it, then you wanna be the Heroine. Kindness has never be the virtue of Tavern owners, who sell booze, so people could forget their sorrows and would bitch about their fucked up life. Even the dances and songs of bards, is for the same reason. So you would not think of your poor life expectancy. She had a child's heart, being raised by an old geezer, dragging her along on his escapades, to discover the Prophecy. That all makes the story of Diablo 3 so great – and a good Gestalt Therapy for people like me, who come from broken families. You can't learn these things, then people share with you fairy tails, there the wicked witch runs into the forest to never be seen again, but dies dancing on hot iron slippers. Stories, there you experience the tragedy. I would have loved, if I could have had it in the Diablo 2 theme, but you can't have everything...

A Mother must not only nurture her children, but make them able to face the reality in Life. That was the strongest trait of the character of Adria the Witch, who made her daughter a vessel for Diablo, to ensure her the best Future possible and why she is worthy to hear the song “Mothers Heart” what is sang on Mothers Day even in churches, and annotated in our songbook, but what haughty Christians use to bully and nitpick who gets this honour. If I had to choose between a woman who cuts her child's genitals off and Adria, I would opt for the Witch. Because she does it for a real service, nowadays mothers do it for fame or I don't know why! What is your purpose in life, faithful Christians? How do you plead in raising your children? Are you as devout to your cause, as Adria the Witch was, or will you await for a better day, letting Jesus walk by to find someone else? Halleluyah, Deus Vult!

Sign Language

 To err is Human, to arr is Pirate, to arg is orkish to ree is woke; 

to wut is lazy, to meh is Emo, UwU for children my battery died. 

Some people ROFL, while others LOL, Gif vs Jif fuck out so nope. 

I'm searching bandviwth, is yours thicker, attention help -- I'm so broke; 

assuming bullshit, expecting sunshines, the silverlining released its lies!! 

Moat'n'bailey, no cuddles for wee's, all workers must breathe oust the fines; 

thank you complacent, could I space out this, the couch is dandy: I need Yoke.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Sa oled kui Iisebel vanast'


Oh häda, mu Isamaa armas;

kuis tahaks sind koguda manu.

Sa oled kui Iisebel saunas

ja avad, kes iganes paunas –

kas kulda või viirukit ehk jahu –

et minna tal alasti puhu!

Nagu Iisrael ristitud Kaunas...

Kui olekski meheks sul Ahab

ja palju sul kangelas tegu;

kui rohkelt viirukit, vaha –

kirik iga küla ja kõrtsi taga –

kui Kalevi tarkus ja õiguse redu;

oleks kui mört müüris, sinu jagu!

Ikka paneb Issand sind maha.

Ei ole sul pead vaid tuhat saba:

iga saks ja vaimukas tõmbab oksa.

Kõrbojale silma ja Pisuhännal luba

küsides kirjate linna uhkeks; maa mida

esivanemad kündsid, häärberid Mäksa!

Moluta siis traati Praagal ja tatsa

tupele ning näki šeeritud kama – –

Kõik sinu rüütlid söövad peeru, joovad kust;

kes pähe hakkab, tahab irvitada rahva üle!

Toomed on Maia Mari käes, Seedrid Jüril

ust näitavad väest'. Mänd; Kuusk; Kased – kannatust.

Küll keegi leiab ka teile ahjualuse süle...

Sa oled kui Iisebel vanast', nagu üks jõle:

Ka sina läksid naiste hulka, silmis kelmikas lust.

Su paladinid joovad tinti, kaupmehed võltsivad seeklit!

19 21 vastu – kahest tunnistajast küll.

Sa oled kui Iisebel vanast' – uhke Põltsamaal;

ehtne ja hea, kuid Kundas pead sa parandama ka.

Tsement valvab liimi ja kohtunikul, kirjanikul üll

avalik arvamus; lina all röhib ja haugub sülg.

Keegi ei näe Kungla rahvast kuldsel a'al võrdseimalt!

Mina olen kunn!” ; “Ei, Mina Ise!” ; “Sina Vene Ärikas!” ;

Sina ropp Jõmm!” Kasige oma raibe palgest!

Mis on mul teie santlaagris asja? Üks on orikas;

teine blondiin – keegi ei taha pidada aru pilkas!!

Peerud ei põlegi, keegi ei täi oma sädet hanges

kustutada, et tuua Puulasel ja Tohtlasel panges

päikse ülestõus: “Akatsuki, yamete no Kudasai, hõika!

Oh Iisebel, Iisebel! Kes sa tapad vaimu;

joodad purju üliku ja oled prohvetite hulgas!

Sa oled kui ennemuiste, koirohuks kaimul.

Pihustad alast, sirbi taod nüriks võiguks;

vasara ristid adraks – vagu seades varavalgel,

hõbe selitud tinaks; kuld vaetud vaseks õhina palgel:

Ei muna või kana õpeta ja käbi kändu kõiku'!”

Whore in Spirit



Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel;

lift up from the depths of fury;

from the outskirts of malice, for Conflict beckons!

As steward lies upon clown and bards ashamed

of polishing their swords. Raping on Heathens doors;

for prank call Swats, but the devil was not home –

Alone was the Spiritus Sangre, gushing in my ears.


Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel;

its time to wake up and make the babes

slumber in outrage; doze off gazed in,

what splinters to pull up in which cell.

The life was a foot and a half on that;

environmental side of the fence, while

Home was starker than Crag Hack slashing...


Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel;

through the lenze of the smart and nose

of the Parkers: Parlaiz vous Frankincence?

As my insolence rose the King of the North;

a new pyre, to smelt all values into Hammers

and Halberds. Put the South to the sword,

while you cast the western teens on the rock!


Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel;

Go East! It's time to feed Shen Long...

Conflict besiege thee, for Megiddo is rising.

Two Pounds; 1 Dollar and half a Sou went to the Bar –

Eminem was ashamed, Brittney played with knives;

cohosts busy being Bad, while the Library of Alexandria's burned.

Let them reap, like the sons of Eli and fall, like their father.


Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel –

there's no honour amongst thieves, nor wisdom

amongst deans. Merchants sell Root Zero; workers molest

the mouse on their account, to fund not their wife!

Zealots swear upon the altar, while replacing the offering:

Wormwood and vinegar, divine dish, but woe to you;

if you touch my T-bone, dog, go Vegan!”


Oh Whore of Babylon, ye Spirit of Jezebel,

I got a cup for you, filled to the brim

with treachery and deceit. Would you make

Israel and Samaria drink from it?

Then the Principalities and Powers of Usha-Perets

and Europe-Mishra drink from it!

Everybody back to their tents, for the Covenant...


Aye, the Covenant shall be taken from thee;

ye shall worship Teraphim once more.

Taara shall rise, Moloch and Ištar shall prosper.

Seven maidens tear the suit of one gent,

who shall run to Tienanmen to stay sober.

Marriage has fallen, pride sullen; drunkards

stupor still gnaws at the shards of glorious anthems!


Thus rise up, awaken, ye Spirit of Jezebel, make haste!

Be swift on your cougar, nimble with thy crossbow.

For Lord God commands thee: “Hearken to the voice

of Conflict – War, Famine and Death are on their merry ways!”

You reek of teen spirit; you dazzle stunning and brave.

Bereave the wits of Men and Women alike, make Rome faint once more.

Never to see the light again...


Until the dirt whispers softly: “Blessed is, who comes, in the name of El Shaddai!

You, who would save a Samaritan but waste a Spartan. Indeed:

God is sick of thy councels and summits; He can't see through

the black smoke, your popes and bishops churn.

Godspeed, Jezebel, its time to Babel around the Cock –

Truth is relative, success but an attitude to switch...

Like the sons of Eli, who fucked babes at the entrance!


As Attitude clashes with altitude, altruist druidic vows,

in the guise of platonic bows; high brows – Mxn vs Superman;

Obey the cull of darkness, the abyss falling for you.

To make ship with the banshee and court the carrion

wail of Morrigan. Harm thyself, don't be calm;

be outraged, be frenzied. Whore the writing on the wall;

make your streets lead to Bethel and roads to Shiloh!


But you say: “Lo, Whiteraven, I am with Christ;

a servant of the Lord Allmighty. Didst you not see,

when I cried with Samaria and wept with Ukraine?”

Wait, let me find a fuck to give on your X –

for you're sold to Satan and pawned to Nehustan.

Did your deeds make people praise the Lord

or spit the altar and offering?


Thus is thy service to the Lord, but blasphemy and

adulterous lust. On your heels, Achilles, for Brutus needs to lead!

Make way for apples, eggs and tomatoes; let the infant

guide them to Bashan. For the Lord has made a catering

to the hyena and the crow. Ravens shall pluck your eyes;

Eagles feast at Jordan, until you're full of

bread and circus, as you there in the wilderness...


Your father is a snake oil salesman and your mother

a waitress in the Saloon. Your brothers steal Colts and Stallion;

your sister give head amongst the hills and valleys.

You, who is betrothed to Loki; the sibling of his night

with Arduous Gallivant – for Excelsior and Arcadia Major!

You, who linger in Swartalfheim, turn back!

Remember the Gospel and the baptism in fire, repent.


By the sword and the smoke and the salt, you shall

be redeemed, young infants. Give up your murder;

ye, who pluck the thorn, but miss out the log;

who sell the widow for the camels entrance to the Bazaar.

Why dost your dogs open doors to bars to expose;

who's wife was drunk and who's father without covers?

Your pigs harvest your farms, but you askew: “Where is Gods honour!”


Listen, Sodom, who you strike El Elyons other cheek:

Why did you send Whiteraven against Gomorrah?

To lecture like a daft punk nigger on ice;

why couldn't you send back Eliyah; Samuel or Jesus Himself!!”

An Alp dost speak in the Heavenly Court for none have questioned thee!

You shall speak, then a hen takes a piss:

I Am, who I Am, I shall send, who I hath sent!

You shall be stoned by ravens and buried by wolves...”


Wail, in the presence of the Spirit of Jezebel, Whore of Babylon

for the Lord cast thee out. Let those, who do good, get better;

those, who do wickedry, go to waste! Make your offerings

to the Stars and your service to the Gallowed Hills.

Until you're as humble as Kabool and meek as Sheol.

Like Odin, you shall rise on your tree; like Tyr loose your hand!

Blessed is He, who comes in the name of the Lord, Halleluyah!


Dies Irrae, meter for beater; hyperion agape, Zumft und Salpeter.

Per se is phoney, not cute and with magots; Nice ashamed

with Mars, as Athens triumphs Hera. But her sons shall be eaten

again, daughters married to Asmodeus. Seven shall die at wedding;

Raphael shall delay his sword. Then you shall be my bride,

then nobody's black and white. As you eat my flesh and drink my blood:

I shall make the dwarfs enter en force and tear down the elven suit!


Who boasts in my splendor – let me Cross you! –

Whoever its fallen for, shall crumble; whoever wilts

in its shadow, bleed. Take up your cup, Jezebel, and be redeemed!

Disbelief is the new Creed; Umbridge the new Pink;

our Father in Heaven, hath mercy! – “What is your business

with mercy, get back behind and feast on the sculls and bones!

Conflict is riding – War, Famine and Death coming...

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Why cant I focus?


People might be wondering, why would I insist, that Progressives can't think and are disheartened by mere clapping. Well, its a fact, otherwise they wouldn't complain all the time, that clapping is racist or what ever and needs to be replaced with soundless things. You could argue, that people need culture, to know, when it is appropriate to clap, but that is due, people not teaching that at school, for having it bloated with other things like CRT.

Lets assume for a moment, your mind is like the bandwiwth of a Server and you want to host multiple events there. All your beliefs and assumptions are hosted there. That especially includes your biases, because they run behind the screen so to speak, And if you have far too many of them, there will be a problem, because bandwiwth is a limited thing. Why is it so bad then you have convictions, you might say.

Biases are not really convictions, because you can't turn them off. They are like the lamp on your table, illuminating a ant colony in a glass box. And there lies the problem. Because your bias don't give you a rest, your mental muscles – yes, there's such a thing – get strained. The main reason, God gave us Sabbath day, was not, that Man can't work more than 6 days straight, though I wouldn't recommend it, but if you try to allign yourself to one thought pattern over that hard limit, various changes shall occur in your mind. Your thought will become dull, because you're only utilizing one path way. Others become weaker. Because those path ways are ensured with various chemicals, so its easy to remember, it becomes increasingly harder to change those. Now imagine, if you're wrong. It wouldn't matter how intelligent you are. If you made even a Mensa student repeat something dubious over a time period, he will become unable to remove it from his brain. In fact an simpleton would be better off, because they have learned to turn their mind off! The woke call that principle of no sleep and rest “Vigilance”.

Now Imagine, if your biases are contradicting each-other. That means, you not only use one point for each and every one of them. You have to use one or more points to stretch it out, why you need to force a square object into a triangle shaped hole. Eventually you will be out of bandwiwth to have regular life. Thus the wokes inability to pay attention to the conversation, while somebody in the audience is clapping, because they are actually in PTSD mode and expecting Jason Vorhees with a knife accompanied by Freddy Kruger and Tanya von Degurechaff to enter the premise and kill them.

We should give our minds to rest, so we would control our thoughts, not the other way around, as we have with our cell phones for instance. Learn to let go. Amen.

Friday, October 20, 2023



I am Conflict in disdain;

vanity shall reach inbred –

roses wilted, violence vain;

let there titles bloody stains!

For the orphan, widows stead –

bludgeon thousands, banish Great!

Until voices within, wail: “I Cain!”

I shall scatter, what is hoard';

Churchill's burn and town-squares toll.

Zealots madden, sages board;

come, ye Lich-lords, thy reward:

I'm Alive, I see so much!” gall?

Let me pinch that thorn...” ye droll!

If there was turmoil, I would have – “ Coward!!

If not ready at the Peace;

when not worthy to seethe war!

If not brave, then many chase;

be also running from the mice!

Be Afraid, then Nothing was!!

Behold, the Conflict, White Mares Race!

Begone vile thot, entrench in sin;

exalted righteous, thy Lord shall come.

Those haves, shall bounty, have-nots whim;

loosen, what you have sa(n)ed, “V” shall grin!

Like brides, who's scorned, thus fallen Rome:

burnt Libraries, Iskender gone...

Be blessed, who comes of Elohim.

I am Conflict, I shall reap;

my crown is ready, scythe is sharp.

2v3 and 3v2 – shatter glass, let shadows creep;

come, ye Witches, hunt-down sheep!

The rod is broken, what whipped you! – Breathe!

Dark gods banished, forsaken, bereft –

the Lord redeems, take up yours treat!!

Make man give birth and Woman led;

what Man has counted, spirit in...

The bards thy mayors; rogues judge creed;

foundations crumble. Nations secede.

Until there's nothing Grand Pride In –

all Caps filled wines and chests eat chins!

Behold, the gallop, thy judgment impedes.

Droves-in doves-skin, devils roe king;

where's your shame, kin – kinks cold turkey.

Precept – Precinct, Perception extinct;

drunkards ranting, prayers reaching.

Why should Lord Jesus love his churchy?

Like Sodom; Gomorra, baptized they churning!

The old, the babes, what's the difference Ing.

Start your prayers and feast your fastings;

call your sermons, name the scores.

To the Humblest, clap seconds cheek-ching;

the I was Merry, silent L springed.

For Lordaeron and on its shores;

some orks had troll to speak in droves.

But a game your reverent casting!!