Friday, October 20, 2023



I am Conflict in disdain;

vanity shall reach inbred –

roses wilted, violence vain;

let there titles bloody stains!

For the orphan, widows stead –

bludgeon thousands, banish Great!

Until voices within, wail: “I Cain!”

I shall scatter, what is hoard';

Churchill's burn and town-squares toll.

Zealots madden, sages board;

come, ye Lich-lords, thy reward:

I'm Alive, I see so much!” gall?

Let me pinch that thorn...” ye droll!

If there was turmoil, I would have – “ Coward!!

If not ready at the Peace;

when not worthy to seethe war!

If not brave, then many chase;

be also running from the mice!

Be Afraid, then Nothing was!!

Behold, the Conflict, White Mares Race!

Begone vile thot, entrench in sin;

exalted righteous, thy Lord shall come.

Those haves, shall bounty, have-nots whim;

loosen, what you have sa(n)ed, “V” shall grin!

Like brides, who's scorned, thus fallen Rome:

burnt Libraries, Iskender gone...

Be blessed, who comes of Elohim.

I am Conflict, I shall reap;

my crown is ready, scythe is sharp.

2v3 and 3v2 – shatter glass, let shadows creep;

come, ye Witches, hunt-down sheep!

The rod is broken, what whipped you! – Breathe!

Dark gods banished, forsaken, bereft –

the Lord redeems, take up yours treat!!

Make man give birth and Woman led;

what Man has counted, spirit in...

The bards thy mayors; rogues judge creed;

foundations crumble. Nations secede.

Until there's nothing Grand Pride In –

all Caps filled wines and chests eat chins!

Behold, the gallop, thy judgment impedes.

Droves-in doves-skin, devils roe king;

where's your shame, kin – kinks cold turkey.

Precept – Precinct, Perception extinct;

drunkards ranting, prayers reaching.

Why should Lord Jesus love his churchy?

Like Sodom; Gomorra, baptized they churning!

The old, the babes, what's the difference Ing.

Start your prayers and feast your fastings;

call your sermons, name the scores.

To the Humblest, clap seconds cheek-ching;

the I was Merry, silent L springed.

For Lordaeron and on its shores;

some orks had troll to speak in droves.

But a game your reverent casting!!

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