Sunday, February 26, 2023

Why Criminals are better at understanding Enlightenment

 This essay is about Mat 8:11,12. Why is that, the bible draws so much attention to people, who are mostly delinquents and outlaws, not respected privileged people? Because criminals, being predators by nature, know, their on the hunt. Being aware of that, they do something, what regular good mannered people dont. They think. It might sound insultive, because everybody thinks, like everybody reads books. But that can't be further from the truth, otherwise we wouldn't need lawyers to represent us in court. Peoples awareness on merely reading sentences together and understanding, what they mean, stems from experience in our own lives. You cannot expect to understand a thought process, then you never considered nor experienced it. For a regular person, if you offered him to exchange 2 10 dollar bills for a 5! He immediately would warp it back, how it should be, namely 2 5 dollar bills for a 10 and make that trade, thus enabling the grifter. Or if you offered to buy a more expencive product for the money on the table, you used to buy a lesser product along with it!! We don't think, we assume thought patterns, just as our eyes don't really see -- they believe and try to interpret, what they look at... 

A Criminal knows, he has to get along and discipline himself in everything, to not accidentally offend somebody in his trade and break some unspoken rules, because he's already outside of the law. He dost need to get outside of his own world. Because of that, Criminals are mindful on words and use of force, to make every single word and action count. Regular people, because the laws are protecting the meek and vulnerable, can afford being stupid. Many things, what the woke, for instance do, if it happened in jail or on the streets, they would be at best beaten up or made a slut, at worst killed outright. You don't get to freeride on the streets, there you claim to be one way, but then do the other. You also don't get to snitch nor attack somebody, and then run for cover. 

What does it have to do with Englightenment? When you become Englightened, contrary to the belief, you don't become Good. You become the best version of you. For example, if your essence it to be shit, you become a better meme and expression of shit, not a flower garden! If you're a katana, you become sharper and more deadly, also more deliberate, ready to serve indiscriminately everybody who would wield you. Morals happen due to civilisation, what are mostly hindsight, not inside contemplation. Did you get there, through spending an entire inheritence to wine and women or meditating on a koan in the monastery is irrelevant, if the result is the same! But our worldly knowledge propels us to think, then we chose it through the Good path, there we abstained from violance and basic human life, it is better, then if we did it through dark means. 

The point is, then you pursue enlightenment, not becoming aware, what it will cost you. Not being able to excert any form of discipline, there you deny yourself the indulgences you crave, then perhaps you should not seek wisdom at all. There are better poisons, what don't ruin and corrupt the mind and life so thoroughly, than the pursuit of Enlightenment. There is a reason, why so many pedophiles are to be found in holy places. It is a form of mental damage, like certain atheletes, who over-estimated their prowess, and saw the weights break their joints, then it fell back at being lifted from the chest. Then you have no humility whatsoever and feel confident, everything should be bestowed upon thee... Perhaps you should be better off, cleaning a latrine. A Criminal knows, how not to over-reach and insult your superiors. How to await your turn, and not argue about things over your head. Regulars don't, because they have heard of something called ambition, and something else called success being just an attitude. 

No Attitude is stopping a 1K truck driving your way without breaks full frottle! 

Everything starts from discipline, there you become like water. But what does that mean? It means, you become formless; tasteless and colourless -- just as the saying empty your cup or free your mind. You become like a student, who has no say about what he's going to learn, for you don't know! A student listens and writes down -- people these days only talk and read, sometimes watch. But they never listen. I can tell it, how many times you can see one politician or person arguing interrupting the other or disregarding in full, what was just said. You couldn't have this on the streets, because guns and fists would start talking! It took the world so much time and effort, to get out of tribalism and vendetta period -- its fascinating, how many want back... preaching about anarchy or something else being more natural form of living. A lot of our current life excists due to indulgence, not necessity. Do those people actually believe, there will be an internet or social life, as we know it, if it was all corporate or all anarchy? Why would exactly those factions support it, without taking their cut, what they actually can? It doesn't take a rocket scientist, because it has already been envisioned through the Ferengi in Star Trek and the Trade Union in Star Wars. People, given opportunity will flock together and assume power, making it take their own face and meanings. For that reason you need to discipline and humble yourself, to become aware, what your desires are, lest they start ruling over you. 

People like that meme, there a man is a slave of his I-Phone, not the other way around. In much the same way, many scholars are slaves to their witty knowledge, being unable to live a single day in the real world, should their schools; universities or monasteries perish. Just because you have mastered a school of thought, matters much nothing, like the notion about experts in "Revolver" because schools of thought are controlled environments, they have nothing to say about places, they didn't have in mind. Your thought process can genuinely claim to be something worthy of being called wisdom, then it has doubted itself and went out of its shell to study the others, finding its own way through. Most people wont, because why would you rock the boat. People expect too much, without putting in the effort, then are being entitled through belonging. 

If you truly want to achieve Enlightenment, then shut the fuck up about Enlightenment and start understanding, what You want, and what You are willing to do, to achieve it! Don't talk and preach about Enlightenment, be Enlightenment. Just as Lao Zi once told: "Those, who know, don't speak, those who speak, don't know!" for why would you spoil it for the infants or give the cheats for the exams for the pupils? In the long run, it wont do any good, but only harm. Enlightenment is like a fucked up whore, who closes in on her 30s realysing its all given and done, and there is nothing coming for her! Its like running from the bear, but a lion meets with you on your path. You get exactly, what you carry around! But most Christians and Scolars in pursuit of Knowledge and Wisdom do not understand, because born again this or degree that. You do better and gnothi seauthon -- there is no spoon!! 

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