Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Hold the Naught

Sadhguru -- What is Love a Poem


Thinking about, dont, hurl yourself; 

many disgust, to avoid discussion... 

Angered by the sudden meaning, health. 

Then Good Wealth smiles on the shelf; 

there you are not sitting. Monkeys concussion; 

using the others as riffs in thy holy obfusion. 

Kenobi or not Kenobi, the japanese Elf!! 


Reverence to Demons, drives the naughty away; 

remove your pity on Good and Evil; black and white! 

Loose yourself to your meaning, menacing on sway; 

I want to think like Descartes and Will like betrayed 

Zarathustra, then he called for Gods death, being Light. 

How do you adhere to a light, what preaches Might; 

that there will be Darkness, then most of us delayed... 


Orders for the reasoned, then the most seasoned folds, 

to bucket his brandy for the day on Liszt farewelled off. 

How to deny your pleasure, for the sake of virtues gold. 

Who would be that Fool, to God Allmighty, to be sold 

as a servant of servants, like was Joseph, under scoff; 

thinking they would spurn the Matron, and Haslehoff -- 

while seeing your traitorous kin, who sold you in bounds!! 


People understand, gravity and the calendar or seasons; 

still they wont stop adhering to the Sun, for the Moon -- 

how wicked is to be said to fall on her grace! Hear, sons 

and daughters of perdition, hear ye and take heed Top Guns! 

All has started from a pebble to become a Mountain, soon 

it will be dust to become pebble once more. Will it doom 

your desire, or dawn your despair into Paradise Wholesomes! 


There are funboys, who erect dicks, others erect their Richard; 

becoming their presence and resolve, in whole responcibility! 

Then was the last time, your reputation preceded thou, bard? 

So many have to explain, how they are wolves in orchards, 

wearing sheeps coatings with vipers as belts, beyond tranquility, 

trying to be able in places, you should remain silent. Iniquity 

in the place of resigned resistance, to look cool, hot taken Ward. 


There are fungirls, who hoe themselves, getting into the dream; 

then regret, out of shame or madness, wanting the virgin days 

back, as though, her gentle sacrifice meant nothing, but a theme. 

Athens was born from the head of Zeus, Aphrodite from creme 

of the seawaves and the motions of the oceans. In disarray, 

many still try to make it so, theirs are born in a haystack!! Say 

what, nobody understands... shame is no longer of means to Realm! 


What is the worth of a Fuck, what everybody can have? A Kiss, 

easily given to the next pauper on the road. Or the Dominatrix 

who never gives love next to an eunuch who can't! Tormented bliss, 

is the Mans want to destroy himself, the moment all is well in Swiss. 

Better move to Danemark or in Holland mull your drive of idea fix. 

Why is it of importance, then you don't become dirt, before you switch? 

Never seen more empowering the solemn resignation of Maidens caress! 


To be the one, who binds the man on a steady course, to loose success 

for the sake of Family! It takes a Wife to make a Man, not mothers, know; 

no other effort more honored and Heroine -- the Feminine touch in duress; 

to make the Beast into a Knight in Shining Armour, an Angel to confess! 

Precede carefully, on this slippery Kings Road, Ronald Weasly, don't blow 

your frankinsense on a full mouthload, as you pleasure your lack to bow!! 

Good Natures, as good humours seldom found in man and woman to bless... 


Dread in the Naught, that there's no greater enemy, but Fear itself! Mared 

in the nightly Schwartzwald forrest, one spruce shagging another, Gloomed 

even under the hollow presence of the Moon, who could spare a sullen care, 

to be better than the blind leading another to the hole in One. Who dares 

to be Gentleman, then Phyrexians seek to complete the formula? Groomed 

in the ceaseless hunger to go to Arkadia Major and Ultima Thule, broomed 

into shards of clay, what didn't become gold nor diamonds, Bewitched-wellfared. 


Why dost the people seek a prophet or a sign -- they shalt not get another, 

but the virgin birth and death on sculldugger mountain!! Those, who adhere 

the titles, but not the Lord who gave those. How do you love and gather 

the product, while hating the creator? Sic Semper Tyrannis, thus dies father; 

after the Anakim once more turned to Tartaros, while his sons made Severus; 

have to gut their own throat and milk the monster, for virtues sake, Beauvais 

culture the haut in the Owls chant, while Athens is burnt on the stake farther.

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