Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The cultural death grip of consent

 The case against sexuality -- Dr. Jordan Peterson 

Marcus Aurelius -- Meditations

Red and Blue pill

Dr. Jordan Peterson talked in his podcast about consent, and how people get rejected as attractive males, compared to attractive females. That is due to, two cultural things happening simultaneously. The culture with its morals works as a way of identity and it does not! Then a woman rejects an offer, its due to women having to prepare for marriage. She can't even accept the first offer, because then she would be perceived as too easy going and bitchy. If you wanted the woman to accept a good offer, you would have to educate them differently. Then the boy gives an offer, its just doing your due diligence, and thus it gets no gratification from the peers. People have seen those memes about coffee, who dost not bitch then you have another. The same allure is to porn. It dost judge you, for coming to it, as you there and wanting to be loved as such!! In France, a prostitute or Maitraise had to be a social worker and understand the bitching of her man, while still be able to pleasure you. The wife was just an incubator to give offspring. It was rare, then some arranged marriages yielded to actual love and companionship. Today, the only fans is the polar opposite of that, there the cuck need to understand their Heroine. All because men and women can't have access to real relationships, without being shamed for some reason or another. 

We're living in a Post Modernist simulacrum, there Neo has already accepted the Red Pill, but not quite touched the mirror. The society is still working in accordance to the Christian telos, but just as Nietzsche proposed, God is dead, and we killed it. You can't follow morals, which you treat, as though, there is no Santa Clause and Leprechauns on Christmas. What is there to replace the office of  God, while we try to figure out our morals, while trying to be nice to our ancestry and cultural remnants? How does it change marriage and consent? Coming back to my last post, what does it mean to consent, then one side has rules about agegaps, while the others can show furries to children? Eventually we need to have the conversation of is a gay parade freedom of speech, then nudist beaches are restricted no child areas with no peeping? How does it work, there on one hand, the rule works one way; but on other hand, it works differently? Who benefits from it, and what is the end game? Nobody wants to end up in oblivion, there nobody gets anything, inside a chaotic primordeal soup, there all the ground rules need to be re-established. People don't want to reinvent the wheel in sex and consent. People think they can, because they also think they are winning. That they have the high ground or to jump over heads. What if people will not support your worthy claim to something? That's what happens, then a culture crumbles and stops to work. Every single time in your day, then you talk, you cause social interactions like a bank account. Then a moral stops to work, or a culture, its like the bankruptcy of Dow Jones, if you will. Its not whatever or meh, its gonna hurt, because all of the sudden, you're inside Tabula Rasa, and experience yourself as a one dimensional unit! Try to live like that with your Existential drive to be something and have a sense of purpose... 

Let's assume, you successfully changed your morals and culture, and turned your back to Christianity entirely. No more toxic masculinity; Male centered social interaction! But what does it mean? It means, women are no longer valuables, and worthy of pursuit! What does that mean? Coming back to Dr. Petersons example of accessibility to sex -- the woman will no longer be approached for a meaningful ship, because she is no longer on the radar!! In order to get her on the radar, she would need to make herself visible. How doe she do that? You can't use the past as reference anymore! What still exists? The Porn-industry and E-Girls! Then the A. I. comes and cyberwaifus become affordable and reliable, why would you even need the consent of a woman, then you can be all life in the room with Monika? Having too much rights; liberations and restrictions, how men can interact with you, to gain consent, is the same, as breaking your spacesuit, in the void and still expect not to bleed from every crevice due to the vacuum of space!! People think White Knights had it good, that the arhetypical Knight got laid a lot. No! They often there expected to serve a Maiden, who was married to the king or some other Lord, and just bring her gifts, which yielded in sending other knights to be under her patronage, while not ruining that image with casual sex. You can glimpse it in Ivanhoe. I really read it as Ivan the Hoe!! You'll get the pun after reading the novel. The same is required of e-girls. The moment you got married or into a serious relationship the audience dost approve, your celebrity status and clicks are over... 

In order for consent to exist, it needs to be feesibly accessible, without resulting in too much harm. We all have seen the Tom & Jerry episode(s), there Tom bought his car, vowing, that he will loose life and limb, if he dared to cross that contract, to win the heart of a girl, who in the end chooses the Penthouse dude anyway. depending on what was aired, it had different endings. At ones you kept waiting for the train to run you down, in other times, Jerry was an angel and moved the train to a different track, which was an anticlimax and made me punch the pillow. I didn't like that, because it removed the moral of the story just like making the endings of fairy tales cutesy. Cause you cant make the wicked witch dance to her death in hot iron slippers, but have to let her run into the wilderness and never be seen again. 

The issue is with taking up responcibility. We have made girls into this Psychopaths dolls on the pedestal, who can never consent to a ship, unless its a White Knight in Shining Armor, in a world, there you go to horny jail, the moment you enter an armory shop to purchace your chainmail. Where is this White Knight gonna come from, then its not ok, to be that White Knight? Are we raising any White Knights -- if we would even go as far to raise Black Knights to have a beauty and the beast moment. 

Or the question, is it rape, then you invite the door to door salesman to your sofa for sex and fail to say no. I think its misplaced. We should not atomize consent, while having ulterior motives in bashing the toxic masculine to always want sex at the detriment of the poor women in distress. -- Most door to door salesmen in Estonia or plumbers would be offended about such an offer. Even "Ment" cracked a joke I liked about so much! The lower you are on the social hierarhcy, the more moral and pious you are, because you cant afford to fuck up your life. That's also the reason, why the black culture in America started with this Bible thumping stereotype, because that was the only valid thing, available to them. Just as playing the Contrabass and loving jazz music. It was their social construct, what was expected of them. -- just like with the dancing narrative of having to reassure mid dancing about willingness. 

The reason, why rich and influenceous people, such as Bill Clinton, letting Monica Levinsky blow him, while calling it lipservice to God as a positive trait, is they can get away with it. Much like the Sons of Eli the Priest. Due to the past giving so much moral credit, you don't know what to do with it, until it runs dry and you are shaking the suit of your debtor like Homer Simpson, because your loan is due!! We need them for a necessity, what can't be done by maney things, such as commerse or leadership or something else like that, thus we cut them some slack, while bashing every body else on the head, for daring to desire the same. If you have nothing above you, like Superman above Lex Luthor, then whats stopping you in indulging your inner hedonist? 

Consent has a meaning, because its an element inside a construct, there you are hierarchically bound to God, to find your place in the narrative and procreate! Then you indulge in your desires, you basically say, I don't want to live; but I wanna live, I just don't want to take responcibility, just give me all my worth now, like the prodical son, without any reason or effort to ever consider coming back to your fathers house, if that's even there after! Consent should be a continuous effect, there you take your responcibility about that, and don't chicken out. The reason and meaning of that, is to keep consent as a high valuable and scarce, not like a casual fine thanks, you can share with everybody. I liked how a specially flown in tutor from America, taught that in my Sunday School. I was a teenager back then. "I love my mother, but its not the same love, as I love my girl friend! Love does not equate to sex!" (Tehnically he was visiting and agreed to take this errand as well. I like American-Estonians, who haven't forgotten their roots...)  

Children and teenagers havent been taught, what consent is. That its a valuable, needed to be, in order to acquire your future spouce! Every time you consent, you should wager, does this man want a Life together with You? Can I raise Superman out of him? In Estonia women are the first sex, because although the culture is oriented around men, all the money is in the hands of the wife, who does all the taxes and mostly has the most intellect and scholarship. Men go to work or battle; business-trip or die from suicides; alcohol poisioning or pointless fights. The only northern stars in our society are Women! If the woman fucks up, the entire society fucks up. Men can fuck around, because they can be replaced -- good women can not. Even if you experience your sexual freedom, you should do so, regarding the end game, of having children and grand children. If you cannot, then perhaps you should join a temple or commit to a brothel and have less pain in your life. I don't mean to blow your bubble or be nasty, I want people to be able to look into the mirror then they turn 40 and not sob, that they just wasted their golden chance for a better life, just because they wanted to be cool; stunning and brave. Don't tell me about it, but tell Yourself. Go out of your way and waste your consent on somebody and make your success-story out of it! Because maybe Mr. Right does not come but has to be birthed by You! All good Men are raised by their Wives not Mothers!" that's another Estonain saying. How did you consent today, to access your future as Matron? 

You could be saying, that you're an Atheist/Agnostic or adherent to a different God. Fair Enough. Still you have in your life moral guidelines, which are older and better than you as an individual, which are like the immovable Batman to your Unstoppable Joker!! People always misunderstand the Batman and Joker parable, just like they misunderstand the Prodical Son. People think they are the prodical son, and Batman, then in reality they are the Joker and the Good son who remained at home, while loathing his father for not killing his prodical son on return, or at least not shooing him off, for wishing father dead, then he wanted his inheritance before the right time. You only inherit on your fathers death! We never fare well in forgiving ourselves and others, making it harder to consent to anything. That's the reason, we blow our stack, any time, a Father kills a full oxen to celebrate The Return of the Prodica Son. Because you never gave that, to the Good son. The Good son was not socially dead, so he didn't need extra helping, so it seems, the Good son is less loved!! We constantly perpetuate those interactions, then on one hand condemning the White Knight, on the other hand Gloryfying the Mick Jaggers and Marilyn Monroes. When was the last time Tony Stark was a Hero - minus the womanising. Just he entrepreneur and obscenely rich reputation, for inheriting his fathers legacy. When was the last time, you watched a good story on Netflix or Hollywood, there the good narrative won? Why? Because we don't wanna fall asleep. The nature of Cinematography is Tesosterone -- Sturm und Drang. Das Niebelungen Lied etc. We want to experience tragedy and not comedy! Because we didn't suffer that, but still we got access to the powers of emotion instilled in those circumstances depicted on stage. People want to be that Hero or Villain, without paying the price for it. You can't remove Porn from the Equasion, Dr. Peterson, then you don't tackle the full formula, including how culture is viewed and children are raised. Being a worker is not sexy... Porn will go away, then workers are put on Hallmark again. Then its ok to be the Plumber again. Aside from the Grandfather of Ben Tennison, when was the last time a regular minimum wage worker was regarded as a Hero of the story? We need more Max Tennissons -- former special ops agents, now turned regular worker. Though its a bullshit narrative, because if you're ever been an agent or minister of any kind you will kill yourself if falling down from Grace this much. But it was a pretty lie, the society needs to believe in, in order to keep functioning. Just as the Leprechauns and Santa Clause are useful for nurturing at a given age or soap operas for middle aged barbers and hairdressers. How do you concent and access your Heroic or Villainous endevour of Father and Motherhood! How to waste your time as a solitary individual in a meaningful way, what gives the society greatest benefits?That is here the question. Btw. Thank You for the conversation, was rather refreshing... UWU 

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