Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The use of Intolerance

 It is usefull to be intolerant, for those glutton; 

who can eat wholesale the entire menu, seldom 

fare well in their lives. Better to love few futons, 

than burn out many cathedrals! Absolutists screw tons; 

in atheism ends their way, who absolve nihil, whom 

in the darkness, nothing seems great again. O Come 

Ye Superman, Jean D'Arc, make Mills Steward buttons! 

Be a wolf, and whore well with the few, edging shotguns; 

the call for the quickening, then seeing the farmers eyes. 

Is it your shot and your time, or just the picture for fun; 

then you looked at grandfathers chimney and dreamt stunned. 

Reluctant in going down, the new suns of our time, biased 

in their ivory towers, while not impregnated impregnable, hazed; 

those lazy Rapuntzel, who married the wicked witch, not the Don! 

To the gods, then you feel spirited and something to say; 

let the plebs spit on your holy of holies and touch thy elf! 

To the ground, then you're mental, why dost those pray; 

who at every chance, cast rocks on David, holding the tray 

of the altars horns, whenever a tyrant takes seat. Not wealth 

nor fortune propells those to do a single adventure, stealth 

of any peril or doom -- still they'd collect the parables mayday!

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