Monday, February 13, 2023

Why we need Faith and Conviction

 Gnostic Parasites -- Dr. James Lindsay 

Breaking the Spell -- Michael Young

What does it mean, to have faith and convictions? It means to be humble and not know it all. That there is something, you need to come back to, which nihilism cannot destroy! That you're dependent on your responcibilities, without being able to dodge it through language; dialectics nor other word shenanigans and spells. Whenever you have Gnosis or a Greater Wisdom, what does it do to you? I give you an example. Some people think, its cringe to read comic books, because they are graphic novels. Because, you should always read books, with no pictures. And then the comic book lover tries to defend himself, you look down on him: "I guess, you're still a child, because I used to be in that phaze as well." Then the problem is really, does the story use simple or complex narratives. Many comic books, especially manga are so complex, some non-picture books need to keep up. But then you Know, its hard to have a conversation with you, because it gets countered with your right answers. Faith and Conviction keeps the conversation clean, and the borders clear, to make sure, that no party gets more momentum. The problem is, that where there is power, where are people, who corrupt themselves and start trading favours. Its eqaully horrendous, if somebody is in disregard of any morals, than if a person, regards morals too much, so that the terms cannot be met. I don't know, which is worse, puritans lecturing about prostitutes being sad women, because men use them; while not providing job opportunities to women; or Gay rallies catering to children, because everything is love and healthy curiosity. Your faith and convictions need to cost you something, and deny you things. The way how to detect a cult is, then it allows you anything, while expecting the cost to be paid by someone else, who is also shamed, for being alive and not being in the know. Faith needs to be transparent, that everybody understands your yes as yes and no as no. Mat 5:37The moment it becomes "actually" it becomes Evil! When was Jesus most mad about the Pharisees? Then they gave vows? Why so? Because Mat 23:16-22 How do you believe any word or oath, then you have to mind these meticulous charts, on then your word is actually binding. The temple is not good enough, but the offering is, because the priests cannot afford to loose the value of their own lot, but if people don't believe in God; in the system, who cares!! How do you claim to love God, then you don't respect the way of life, that God has bestowed upon us. How many of us live according to the Sermon of the Mount Mat 5-7? Free thought is never free, if it curails, that you need to move out of your culture, in order to believe the experts. How do you know, this expert is not a wizard; witch or demon! Why do we check for forged money or mind about grifting and don't loan to every Ugandan prince, who askes our money on PM at twitter or on phone, because he misplaced his wallet or has to immediately pay something, to get his inheritance? Because we don't want to loose our worth and value!! The same is true about accepting Wisdom from suspicious teachers. If it can't be checked without being called a buzzword, then don't trust them. If it talks down on your ways of knowledge as obsolete, then why should you accept it. Many people lost their belongings, then they believed in Prohver Maltsvet in Estonia, that the White Ship will come, and bring them to America. There is a novel written about it. Just because something is systematized and rings true, dost not mean, it is true. You might even have people, who demand some kind of change, what starts well, making people mind alcoholism or better eating habits; but if it changes life fundamentally, don't take such action without scrutiny. How do you know, its not a rouse, to get your money and work? Don't loose your reason; wits and dreams, because you follow people, who claim to have those better than you do. Where did it come from? Who vetted it? Would you trust somebody, who has an alternate meaning for street signs? No? Why So! Because nobody argues with a truck driving you out because you there on the wrong path!! Even if you're right to use the zebra, you still mind, if cars actually stop, before you utilize it. Because there are people, who don't mind the signs. If we would always trust the rules, and expect everybody to do so, whats there to stop the grifter, to drive in front of you, stop and claim damages, because you drove in, and caused damages? Its funny, that awareness, has been made such a cursed word. We do need it, but not in that way, as the woke chant that. We need it in humility, not like lords judging their cattle. 

The problem with the triangle of rule, and owning private property is not necessarily, that they are upside down, like Marx depicts. That's not the main problem of the lie, which started from the way German thought was, that you needed to abuse your Senpai, and go to a sertain point, and then move on to somewhere else, on your own. The other problem is, when you turn the triangle, what makes people become philosophers. In an authoritarian system, they are rewarded by a better life expectancy, so you don't have to enforse it much. If you have a high enough intellect, you will move towards it. To take more responcibility. But if you are the scum, why would you suffer it, while being mocked by the Servant of the Servants" quote from the Bible in a new context. Turning the triangle around makes it into a spinner, because you cannot keep everybody of the working class on top. Most of them will fall down into the middle and be shamed by the top and the bottom, because now they are "Beurgeois". And now the philosophers have a point to funnel their anger. Why would you agree to such Evil? That is the main reason, why Communism is bound to fail, because it disrespects tradition and hierarchy, while trying to impose a new one, which is even worse, than any tyrant could possibly have been, in the course of history. The true count, how much a country can suffer communism, is at very best 40% though 12% would be better. Just as you would account, how many people of an alien religion you would suffer. Why would you let more people in, who want to live a different life, than your beliefs and convictions? 

Watching Cross-Marketing such as Tupperware or Amway, which correspond very well to the Parable of the Sower Mat 13:3-9 People have different abilities in accepting knowledge and make use of it. If you say, everybody, you are lying. Great people can come from any part of society, but not everybody can be equally good in doing so. Not everybody can be Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne, for it gives certain benefits and other counterpoints with enemies. You would have to take responcibilities. You can't always defeat the Joker, because sometimes your sidekick dies! Having private property, is the first step to independent ownership of farming. Why is that important? If you have access to agriculture, the corporations cannot bullshit you with the prices and what they choose to sell on what quality, cause otherwise people vote with their boots and buy it directly. You should always have private property, whether in a Communist or Capitalist system, because otherwise there would be no mechanism to fight fascism, then it manages to scapegoat to power. Many people don't know, that the first Fascists there Communists kicked out of the party... You still want Communism, you just want Corporations; Elites and Experts first!! And the workers always have to pay... 

If you truly want a working community as a worker, you want to move towards Republicanism. You want the rules to be fair, not that One million illegal immigrants voting, what is right or wrong tomorrow. You need to respect your parents, not accuse and condemn them, for being the source of all evil, while you there the first one to see the Truth! Always mistrust somebody, who commend you, in being the chosen one. Maybe he needs somebody to take the blame? There was a time, the crook, who got to break into the cashe registry, got the hardest time, because that was the leaders job, then the criminals got smart and started writing it off, to the next fool. Why do you need to be The One? How do you need to act, in order to remain that? 

Many people have forgotten, that the bible was written to unimaginative masses, who didn't read but listened to it. Why is that important? Because those who listen, while not being able to read, don't talk back! You might argue, that nowadays the world has changed, because most of people can read... Isn't it. But can they truly though. Just because a person can read a sentence together, doesn't mean, he undestands the heart of it. He can be misled by others or by himself; by fears, by desires; by ambitions. 

Then you can freely imagine things, only sky is the limit. You're like the Spirit of God, howering over the primordeal soup and creating all meaning. Its like owning an eye, what makes the body transparent, and can see, like the Sun! The magnificence of an eye is in its focus, that we can close in on things and make other things seem irrelevant. Sometimes you're eyes a tired, and you close them or go to sleep. You can't do that, if you're responcible of transforming the entire world into a better Utopia! You have to always be vigilant, in order to critically judge, that everybody moves the same way, the same road. But what if your vision is corrupted, how big is that darkness? Mat 6:23 You understand it the best, trying to drink Strawberrie slurpies, and think of organic fruit. The same is true about body building and social narratives or constructs. Can you really follow them, and how much? Its funny then woke try to reinterpret meaning and things. The bucket and chair, as told by Dr. Lindsay is a great example. For you can only do this distinction one way. You can use a bucket as a chair, then its sturdy enough, and if you mindfully sit on it, but it will restrict its previous use, not to mention, you can never use the chair, for storing stuff inside. Even better would be the sofa and the bucket. I used to have a sofa in my childhood, there you could turn the individual parts upside down, and they there just hollow boxes. In the argument you could use them as a bucket. The reasons, why I dislike wokeness in using language skills in order to blurr the meaning of different words. For instance, who benefits, then you don't know, what rape; consent or child means? Definitely not that guy, who has issues with pedophilia. Would you really care about a topic, then everything would be rape? The man deceived you. Instead of becoming smarter and more aware, no lets blame it on the society and let them take action. The man is a rapist! The man looked you the wrong way, instead of to learn to give a snarky or sassy comment, to make him back off. Let someone else do it, and shame the man as rapist! Look how it takes all responcibility away, and makes you infantile. No more worries. Just black and white. This or that. The right to have your Faith and Convictions, is also your right to be wrong and make up for it. You can't have that, then some secretive cabal is in charge, who know better, while there are no moral absolutes. I wonder why those people don't buy from a factory store, with no alternatives, there the prices vary dependent on the owners whims and how much probable money you have in your pocket. Having moral absolutes, prevents the strong from abusing the week. It is true, that Nietzsche talks in "Thus spoke Zarathustra" about the abolishion of those, but in order to genuinely go there, you have to become your own moral absolute. You cannot oscilate around, like the woke, changing narrative, whenever it fits your goals, to keep winning. The reason and meaning of rules and absolutes, is how to fairly loose the game, so that the weaker would keep on playing, because then the game stops, then the strong ones loose, for their investment becomes obsolete! Its very telling, that this Son of a God, who could summon 7 Legions of Angels, to do His bidding, chose to be born as a humble carpenters son, who submitted to their rule and council, rose up; lived his ministry and died on the Cross! 

The problem is not being empty handed, but being without meaning in this existentialist nihilist world. You can be rich or poor, but if you don't have a reason to live, you'll get bored and anxious real soon. All because people don't have moral absolutes, which stay put, then your life is shaking...  As a footnote, I wasn't prepared then I saw the postmodernist house mentioned. It was so ghastly I wanted to barth. Why can't there be rules, what architecture adheres, what don't get violated?? Each side of that house, looked different, there was no symmertry in anything! That's the place then the house built on sand and on rock comes in: Luke 6:48 Why is it, that the leaders of the BLM or other woke grifters, choose to live in white houses with picket fences at gated communities, and not in there they preach? Could it be, that they don't want to be smoked with their own pretards! If everything goes, why not live in a gipsy circus one day at a time? The best irony is, then moral zealoths have secret bank accounts in Swiss. Or environmentalists traveling by private jet/jacht. Why haven't they learned to travel by Angel, Acts 8:26-40? You can't live without moral absolutes, while being strict about language. Why should people care about your correctness zeal, compared to odna baba govarila? Take charge of your Faith and Convictions, and know yourself. Halleluyah, Godspeed!

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