Thursday, February 2, 2023

Runes and Self

 People have always been drawn to the Esoteric and Arcane. To gather with the cool kids, while abstaining from average mundane ordinance. How do you trust a Man with your tea, who tossed his coffee on the dirt, to receive? If you can't fare well in your local surroundings, why become special! You don't get more wisdom, to make life easier, but to serve more. Because you have something to give, not necessarily to receive. Runes are an excellent denominator for that. Too bad Carl Jungs runes are so complex, it would take an entire faculty, to teach them. How crippling the experience, then your vision is that exclusionary. What good of a language, only you can fully grasp and utilize. You speek, to be understood, to share, not to hold up. There is no Good nor Evil for that person, who seeks for Wisdom and the hidden, there is merely useful and useless. You cannot think: "I am seeking only Light! Beholden only, what is Good!" How would you do that? You understand, what you have already fathomed and experienced in your life. If your life is sensuality and subliming of your body through carnal lust, then even if you chant every spell of Wisdom and Awareness, its like trying to muscle in nude into a posh restaurant, what requires to wear a tuxedo. You always have to learn discipline first, before you can learn awareness and enlightenment, but people start from the last chapters and then complain, why dost this teaching work! Kenaz stands for the Light of Reason in your mind, being a highly masculine rune, but it can also be used to ulterior motives, just as a thief can use a torch to break in, or an enemy burn down your field. It can also be used for feminine traits, to give you diplomacy and the awareness, when to use your wits and speak up. It can also be used neutrally. The same is true with every rune -- You give it meaning, not the cosmos, for you are that cosmos. Its not out-there, its inwards. That is the reason, why so many teachings fast so much and concentrate on plant food. Its to humble your soul, not to make it proud. I have never seen more proud people, then vegans and vegetarians, along with other legalistst, who have adapted to a language and rule, now abuse it, bullying all those, who haven't conformed to it. It is not, to live always in the desert, and deny you sweets and regular food, but in order to understand. Once there is understanding, there is no need to fast that much nor take in plant food. Jesus did not just fast, he also ate with the enemy. Can you do the same? The same is with the tithe. Its not that God needs your money. You need to give up that money, to experience that loss, to experience the cause and the effect. How your sinful life costs you resources. That you can run out of resources, while still not amending for your wrongs in full. A Man can sin in one day more, what an entire lifetime of work could account. That's why you should be humble! If dabbling in the arcane arts and becoming vegan, makes you meanspirited and judgmental towards others, who can not -- then perhaps you should not pursue this path. I also wanted to become very pious in my teenage period. I started to fast to such an extent, it almost killed me. I constantly was in fights with my family, who tried to give me plenty of food, but my craze with purity objected. Then I realized that, I stopped fasting and concentrating on plant food. It didn't bring me closer to God, but farther away. Sometimes you cannot raise your energies and awareness, but you need to lower it instead, and that is the Way. Nobody judges a parent, who chose to raise his infant children, in talking in topics and ways, what such an infant can grasp. Why talk rocket Science or Transcendental Meditation with those, who can not yet fully grasp it, but only injure themselves. We don't let starting bodybuilders also not lift 1K pounds, unless they have exceptional bodies and look like their 24 years old!! 

Just because you use Runes, not the Runes will help you, but You will help, you, then your Ego got out of the way. You only get that help, you are ready to receive, not the help, what is possible in absolute. Just because John Woo can use his guns in a particular way, dost mean, if you see a gun on the desk and yell at it: "Shoot!" it will give you the same result, nor is it the guns fault, if you manage to mishandle it. For the gun doesn't shoot, but you do! The same is with the Runes, which are like the Spoon in the Matrix, not it moves, but You do! Everything else is but an illusion... Once the shot has taken place in your heart and in your minds eye, then it will manifest itself in reality. But better is he, who can lay down his arms and live as though, he had studied nothing. That is the essence of True Enlightenment. 

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