Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 Fratricide in the concise matter, to abide 

by some form of Moral and Concordance! 

Why those, who rebel by nature, choose sides 

with the bleach, what robs all colour from lice? 

Wouldn't it be betters to rot with the sweet entrance 

of becoming one with the soil; the cicle of chance. 

Footmoats are our bloated concurs, scurred to lie. 

To the Whine and the Dance with thou, Wine enobles 

the Wise to give out their best behaviour! Who cares 

who under the tables, hold on to their hungovers -- 

hearken to Astor, you gonna be in good company, Rover! 

Hoe, Hoe, Hoe yer boat, gently down the stream; Mare 

ily, dare vily, care ngl until Azazel lost its counts share!! 

I'm dreaming of Kali fornicating in City of Angels full res. 

He, who loves Fame, don't complain, then people fuck 

around and ask consent later, for you are Gomer, daughter 

of Diblaim, not Zahir. Those, who are the inner circle of Bucks; 

wish to play Eliyah in the Ravens den, stabbing own chestducks. 

Being astonished, then the Day of Yahveh comes Meneh Tekhel 

and not like the Ark to the house of Obed-Edom. Those naughters, 

who think themselves holier than Uzza and betters of Good Luck!!

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