Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Meditations of a troubled mind

 The day you die, is the time, you truly start living. The time you stop, is the time your reputation begins. Nobody eats his bread in the oven, but then its taken out and handed over. People learn in the West to be successful and to have a purpose in Life. What is the purpose of sunlight grazing over the motionless pool of water at noon. People hurry, because they cannot see, how to be proud and noticed by their Senpai and people. Throw that away, and you move farther than the shadows of the mobsters, who try to look cool and different. Sometimes the most special thing to do, is not to act special but average and natural. We are stringed together through our hopes and despair, what we love and loathe. A Wise man controls both his Anger and Ambition, guiding his dreams into the right states of mind and vessels of opportunity. Sometimes your path is to be the first generation of building a Cathedral, your own eyes cannot see finished. Never stop believing in your destiny and worth, because nobody else is there to give account on its whereabouts. People are like shrewd merchants, who only tell you, what you want to buy, not what they got to offer. Whether its the truth or not, is irrelevant to that question. If you want something, make it want you more. Luck is for those, who look interesting, not for those, who need it the most. Sometimes you have to be the heartless pillager, to get the fruits you never desired, from the sacred garden, you never ransacked. Be happy then people get in your way, that means, your feet have a path to go; be happy then people slander your words, that means they hold true measure and weight. Only a Harlot is loved mutually, for everybody wants to stick their dicks in it, even the eunuch in his wet dreams. Learn to die every day, so you would live on in your deeds. Die every time, you open your mouth to speak; write every thought you utter with your blood and soul. Only then you'll be worthy of mention and no sooner. People forget to live, because they take meticulous care, in evading responcibility and blame. "It's not my fault, not my fault!" is the anthem of the coward, being afraid to be wrong, he never tries anything new, nor casting a shadow to anybodies way or doorstep. Why should the traveled path leave you to the best places, to pick wild strawberries? Find your own way in the forest to your mushroom grove! Don't tell others, how to live their lives, if you cannot walk a single step, without being upset over something; nor accept advice from people, who always need to explain themselves, how their right but misunderstood. A Wolf never needs to show his ID to the farmer then its his time to take. Nor does the snake ask, then is pernitted time to hiss and bite. Humans create these out of boredom and idle hybris, but nature flows on its own, never giving a damn, what this or that scholar has to say. Your wisdom should be as invisible as nature, everybody stumbles inside, never noticing its true marvel and beauty!! Still it gets everything done, without reckognition or need to be affirmed. That is called inevitable, then people cannot know, what you're striving for, to the point, your as dull as Songoku and formless as a gust of wind. True wisdom has the appearance, as though someone else has already spoken so... If it looks too much like your words, perhaps its not entirely eternal and everlasting, to be called Wise. Why would a Wise man even mean something, then he has accomplished all and moved on under his lemontree?

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