Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Peoples fixation towards intelligence and wisdom

Sad woman coping about his empty life. 

Most Expencive In-game purchases 

Woman needs help in Gym

It always annoys me, then people make this 100 IQ meme, there a woke person has an unintelligent remark. The fault is not in 100 IQ points, which is a pretty normal standpoint, and seen as average. The fault is the society having -- allegedly, because I can't be too sure, how much of it's true -- that we have a large convergence of 120+ to 169+ IQ people. Because if that there the case, why are they so remarkably unintelligent? Why do so many of them need state funds, in order to even function, let alone to get a job? Or the right environment and habitat, with precise care on how you can interact. Is that even a marker of a human being, or is that a fungi inside a terrarium!! Are they using their Lamborghini as a lawnmower, of what is the big deal, that people, who have studied in Univercities, get things so much wrong, that you'd be better of talking to a plumber or custodian. Just because you have allegedly a big white house, with lets say 6 bedrooms; 3 livingrooms and 2 kitchens, but only use one of each column, can you really say, that you have them? 

Whether for religious or political reasons, if you fail to use or abuse your latent and available resourses, can you even claim then, that you possess those, and lecture others, in how to utilize theirs. Its not by chance, that Jesus told us: "Those who have, shall have more, and those who don't shall loose, what they believed to possess!" Luke 19:26 Because if a field is not used, it shall start producing weed, which you don't like and chaos will take heed. The same is with wits and intellect, which is misused or without proper place or amount of use. We condemn gluttons, who pleasure themselves with foods and tastes; drug addicts and drunkards, for being intoxicated; look for wrong-think in the social media, while not minding, that certain people either think too much or not at all!! What does it matter that you can quote a thousand parables of famous Prophets; Wisemen and Leaders, but live in accordance to none, do you even like them; their authors, or being wise? Does anybody commend a parrot or mockingbird of being an able interpreter of heard voices, or are they the emphasis of great spokesmanship? Yet our scholars have become eccactly that, and they can't even copy very well. Its like with the bottom of the barrel, then somebody has diluted the root-beer too much, and out comes brownish goo, what thinks itself the real thing, but dost not taste like root-beer, dost look like root-beer, but is just called that, out of nostalgia or politeness and political loyalty towards good manners. 

Wouldn't it be a better manner to be like a child and tell honestly, that the emperor is nude, and there is no wits nor wisdom in the West? Go back to the wilderness and become primitive, perhaps it teaches you some manners, what are not bound in decadence and class, what don't try to mean something on 3 paragraphs, while not really saying anything in particular. How empty are the words of wisdom, because nobody cares to live according to it, just like became with the word gentleman, becuase nobody is a lord and lady anymore, has become to intelligence and wisdom, because nobody uses it to benefit the other, but just further their political agenda, which is like burning down the cottages one wall to get warm, not thinking, that this will make more cold draw into the room, and you need to get new wood next day. Our fixiation to intelligence and wisdom is the likes of a hoarder or hunter-gatherer, who mistakes amount with worth and as long they can pound the table; or the facts or the law or the morals or the correctness -- all is well in Denmark, while everything rots away on our sight. I don't mind of Biden being POTUS anymore or Greta Thumberg preaching about the environment, because at the end-times it is normal that geezers and children start to rule and fiddle with the elements and the foundations of the earth. Everything is as it should. If you put a monkey wrench into the gears the machine stops working!! 

It is normal to dabble in mysticism while it dusks, just like Rasputin was in Russia the corrupt conductor to the crown. It saddens me, that so many belittled Rasputins run amock in this world exclaiming: "I'm enlightened; I'm enlightened!" in the olden days, if an old man or youngling run about nude with a chicken under his arms, he was disregarded and removed from the society, now he is made a social influencer, and the more extravagant/gregarious his words and lavish lifestile, the more attention he or she gets! How dost that speak of intellect or wisdom, worthy of the democratic spirit or enterprize? 

We don't need freedom of speech anymore, but the Freedom from Screech, then people get the fuck out of my space, and let me meditate in my solitude somehow. Perhaps I should abstain from the internet and focus on the more internal things, than the public drama about who can put his dick or pussy up on which angle and with how many partners. While sexuality is important, it dost not invalidate the need to be able to sniff the roses and have a sabbatical. Why do people need wisdom and intelligence, then judging from their character and acts in life, their better off living on the streets and fucking some bitches and keeping them as a pimp! If most people are to behave like cattle, then why not reintroduce slavery as a morally better operative, than the current situation... 

Because then the things remain the same, either Islam will come back, or China will win, or perhaps India. etc. What is the west conna provide and give for the philosopher, then you can only cater to the "wider audience" which in plain text means: "Give us your money, and shut up, because we have nothing to say, but some witch-hunters gonna grift around until the flood!" Wisdom and Intelligence have always been at odds with the wider audience and common people. Then again, it was also, that "Cosmopolitan" meant, the notions of Kingly Philosophers coming together and enriching the world. Now its just a rallyflag for megalomaniacal tyrants to take over the world... or the beauty standard of a Magazine. A person, who can get along and small talk with too many people, is like a woman, who gets along and can fuck with too many men. It speeks of bad taste, then your wisdom and intelligence dost give your any conequences nor restrictions. If your wisdom there of the Wine, wouldn't those, who preach sober nature be against you; or good taste, those who want stoic notions? Yet today we preach the love for everything at any cost! And that is to be tolerant. How is it tolerant, then you have no taste nor ability to withhold from something? How is it in any way different, than suffering from cancer, which slowly drains the body of its nutrients or a parasite? And to no surprise, the woke see themselves as The ultimate disease, being proud of it. How is it in any shape and form, still humane to support such notions as intelligent and wise? 

Why even talk about wisdom and intellect, then peoples ability to read and digest plain text, deteriorates with the amount the volume of propaganda and bad copywriting writeghosting increases. I can't even call it ghostwriting, because that would be an affront at the expence of able writers, who can't write under their name, but have to serve more entitled players. But what I mean, is writing, which is so bad, it should ghost itself, so nobody would bother to even regard it as speech, much less to sensor or editorialise it. Is it any wonder, that in an infantile culture, which cannot deal with its rampart pedophile problem, insest is even done to the mere thought itself, and logic errors happen as though it is normal, that every Oidipus and Electra need to fuck their parents while killing off the competition!! 

Don't pray for wise men, and well versed leaders, as long you can't tell the difference of a toilet and a social media platform. People just hurl words around, like they mean nothing, while condemning their political opponents for misappropriations. How quaint. Even a good misappropriation is of better use, than seeing a seething scholar sitting on thousands of years of literature and culture, while not holding reverance to any of it. If the wisdom of the West would burn tomorrow, like the Library of Alexandria, it would mean absolutely nothing, because people would only loose their marbels, but live their godless and witless lives the same! Does it matter if you increase the number of churches and ministers or hand out 5k to every bloke who could mutter: "Pax Vobiscum" 

What we need is real Men and Women, who live by their words, and talk each yes as yes and no as no! Who don't treat other people as human resources and delectebles, ready to be consumed. It is funny in a morbid way, that the woke are also vegan, that means, disdained of eating meat, because they cannot harm mammals for suplements, but they are not beneath destroying somebodies morals or livelyhoods, if it seemingly furthers their agenda of a better environment and a more righteous society. How stunning and brave! Just as the philosophers advised against autistic behaviors, then people exclaim attack titles, like saying "Ambush" before you do so. Don't you kind of difuse your own intent? Or if you say, that you're about to do something good for the target of your speech, because its stunning and brave, in what way are you better from a door to door salesman or a nosy street preacher, who wouldn't take no for an answer? You're basically selling a product. Why should people buy it, especially if there is no quality check nor refund options, without running into your hired thugs? Could we have a quiet conversation there I don't feel like somebody is wiring me up and jumping around on the keyboard to jolt my body. Because here's another thing to get psyched about or outraged. Why do I even care! Why can't your deeds speak for itself or the happy customers, who had a taste? Why do I need to be told, like I am blind or addled, what I am eating and digesting. Are you gonna chew for me too? Low effort and no respect, yields in people tuning out, because there is no spoon! Wake me up, then September ends. 

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