Thursday, February 2, 2023

What I Am Thankful

 Christian Prayer by Styx 

Samson and Delilah 

The Runes of Carl Jung 

Happy February 2nd or how we say in Estonia, Annual Tartu Peace Treaty Memorial day! It always does well, then Styx surprises me in a pleasant manner. I never thought, he had it in him. Not gonna lie, then I first approached his title, it felt clickbaity and I was hellbent on writing a zealous responce, but it was nothing too horrible. In fact, it was just, what the doctor ordered. UWU I never thought, a former Christian, turned Satanist, turned favourite political commentator on YouTube -- regardless of the Mark of the Beast in his name -- God bless him! Just read, what this wonderful Man has written under Christian Prayer. Truer words have seldom been uttered. :P To be honest, I even like his occult posts, even if I have to disagree. Its enjoyable to behold his thinking patterns. He's inner shine seeps in everything he does. I'm gonna enjoy the report, I'm gonna have in Heaven!! ^^ Samson and Delilah was also cute, worthy to mention on this Holy Day. Also not to mention Carl Jung and his runes. Please take it easy, Canada, not too many views, that last number was creepy... :o There is nothing to read here anyhow, I mostly write to myself, so try not getting too psyched. Thank you. <3 I hope your life and day was as awesome as mine. 

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