Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ergaz Shur

 On the way, I dismay, longing for you, my love; 

Ergaz Shur but a mile away, still it seems so huge! 

Don't forget me, while I'm on journey, my dove; 

on merchants  fares and battlegrounds. As I rove 

at the bazaars, no angel nor elf has your shine, refuge 

of mine soul. Your Tranquil gardens soften my detours, 

as I long for our times together. Yours faithful, Dreadmaw. 

Alas, there's no dwarven craft, what could contest your bosom; 

thy neck, like the ivory towers, your hair like its standards. 

Ergaz Shur knows no Maiden, who could rival your beauty, reason 

tell tales worthy of your splendour! What can an ork give, season 

with skins of our enemies and their heads; bathe in bloodwards... 

Still it would not account for your worth. Even Heavens shards 

would dampen their shine, next to thy skin and not bring ransom!! 

Remember, then I startled you on thy descent from Ergaz Shur; 

then you came to cleanse in the Pool of Serenity. Your guards 

thought valiantly and chased me until it was dawning at the Moor. 

The arguments we had, while trading young mares, the allure 

of thy fragrance. Could I ever call Amber sweet after my heart 

has known yours. I still hold the token of our Love, non shall part 

me from my vows. As I shall return to Ergaz Shur, please be True!

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