Saturday, January 28, 2023

One way, how to save the environment

 We should start using money as authorized checks, there every person has its own currency denominations, based on their frequent use. That would allow to also use the bigger notes, such as 500; 1000 and 2000 without running the risk organised crime abusing them, because they would be directly linked back to the users back-ground and a so called audit paper trail. (alhtough it would be made of armoured wool, so it couldn't be stolen from the bank) We should also recicle fake nike ware into paper, though it would make a more premium quality product, it would be nice, then you could own a book, made of cloth, while saving the planet and fighting forgery at the same time. It would be so Ninth Gate. 

Also, I think that, all of the correspondence of the WEF and other organisations, who blabber a lot, should rather read it digitally, not have their 5k memos printed. There should be a law, what deducts from senators and politicians pay, any time, something is said on 1k paper. Nobody is impressed by this kind of tactic of: "Don't read this, its boring, we just gonna muscle it through!" The same is about lawyers. There should be a law, what forces the contracts into plain and short language. Less is more! If the Environmentalists would push for that, I would believe them, but for some reason they are colorblind and tonedeath in noticing that. I wonder why... 

All the gyms should be connected to the grit, including the parks, there people play, to absorb the kinetic energy there. No, I am not kidding. Why should people work out free, then they can make use of its raw energy? Imagine having a nice workout, and getting paid for it! 

I dream of tree cities, there the entire town is built into a forest, by making the housing, as though they there alive and growing plants. Too bad, you can't do factories like this... perhaps we should start making housing under water, while building the upper level as an arteficial holiday resort and Penthouse. That would free the dry land for farms and forrestation. Wouldn't it be nice, then the United Nations, instead of its members warring, would plant trees into the Sahara Desert, with terraforming it to inhabitable land. It would give the expression: "Pound sand" a new meaning. That country, who manages to plant more trees, on a given arbitrary timeperiod, wins the dispute over which ever resources there in a military conflict. The military companies, should rather help Elon send a Mars mission out!! -Not that I expect them to listen, but it would be a nobel effort. 

Hollywood should be replaced with Youtubers and other independent content creators, because they just waste valuable resources for no reasons. If I wanted somebody to get off a Sermon, I go to church, and I can preach better than them. The same is true about World Media and News Papers, because at this point, they are just aparteid, and talk the same points, what the governments do. Any blogger can give a more neutral take of things happening in the world, doing actual journalism, compared to those claqeurs and corporate shills, who love their paychecks and ruining peoples lives. Why should you watch TV, then you can't still build up your own channel? The technology is there, but not the good will. Whats stopping the corporations in making a price list of channels and movies with premade commercial packages what deduce from its total cost, than to force standardized themes down our throat with non-negotiable commercials, there people just raid their fridge or fuck their waifu, rather than watch it, if their don't skip it in total, forcing the cable in messing with your controls, so you don't know, there you jump, 2 times 5 minutes or 5 times... etc. A normal working commercial should never be longer than 12 seconds. If you can't sell your product in that time, you have lost a customer. But I think, the corporations like to flaunt with their bling, how much money they can waste on their marketing, so they don't really care. Give more control to the user, get more money earned!! Figure it out already, 

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