Friday, January 20, 2023

The Bileam Principle

 Bileam was a warlock. I know the literature states him as a prophet, but due to the cultural use of this title, warlock is more accurate. He was  somebody, who could commune with more than one gods, otherwise the Jews would have incorporated him amongst their prophetic literatures, but he had this pagan tendency of mix and match common beliefs. A person, who offered freeware in an environment of Monopolistic hegemony by the Israelites. Wouldn't you wanna provide Bileam with a cease and decist order, for only a faithful could commune with Yahveh, lord of Hosts! To build up a reputation of reliable profecy and divination, is no small favour to ask. He couldn't be a prophet of the sence of that word, due to agreeing to the enemy Kings first proposal to curse Israel, what is said to have been thwarted by Yahveh himself. For a Prophet would have personal awareness of his God, so why would Bileam not know, how his God feels about cursing his people. Which concludes, that most of the times, he might have been in the office of communing for the other deities and not for Yahveh. Why else would it need to be stressed out, that he was taken over? Not to mention the event with the angel, who tried to kill him, and the talking donkey, who prevented that. Why go to such length, then Bileam and Yahveh had a continuous relationship? 

Why is this so important? Basically was Bileam the bootlegger of major software, but the crops came to his aid, to solve their problem, not to some of their own, or a genuine Israelite Prophet. This should have not worked by default, yet it did. For sometimes Yahveh seems to hold this hands off approach, where he lets certain rules to be broken, to see, how his faithful respond to it, and can they detect the heart of a given passage, to make Mercy triumph over the law, so to speak. Mostly the Israelites failed such tests, which is evident by the execution of Bileam, though he urged in prophetic spirit be counted amongst the faithful. So much for gratitude, for not cursing Israel. 

Naturally Bileam has been made a mark of corruption, that people are alienated from God and do what they will, just as in the times of the Tribal elders and Judges, but that is not always the truth. Sometimes such a corrupt even criminal king pin type is more closer to God, which is already suggested by the character of Jacob, who literally stole his elder brothers inheritance and had to flee, to avoid being killed by him. So at certain cross-sections, this Yahveh condones tricksters. Then it furthers the plot of his agenda, what ever it may be... 

Can you serve God, then you come in contact with such a Joker, who by looks should not even be valid in your worship, but there you go, he can directly talk ro your God, and not just talk, but successfully grant favours from said God!! What does it make of your loyalty? You toiled legally on the field, and now came up some heathen and did it on the side. We know about the parable about the Prodical Son, there the Elder son, who stade and didn't wish for the death of their father, and didn't waste his inheritance -- which are really grave capital sins, in Israelite law and that region -- its not weird, that it hurt his fealings, that the idiot was taken back with all honours, as though the transgression took not place. This is the allegory for our spiritual life, but going into the story, who would suffer it, then God would forgive somebody, who really deserved condemnation? Prophetic voice should not be granted to an infidel. I mean look at all the demands a Nasir or Prophetic disciple needed to adhere, before he could call himself one. And then there was Bileam! How is that fair? 

God can do what ever the fuck he Wills, just like a coder, who creates his own game, and doesn't have to answer to the NPC units he makes. Even if his storyline went a particular way, he can at any time revision it, and add; subtract from it at his own leisure. Does he ask for permission or advice, or call upon a meeting with all the creation? It sound even weird and nuts to suggest that? Which creator of content would ever do that?? Yet Yahveh, Lord of Hosts, did exactly that, then he gave his only begotten son, brought forth from a virgin no less, to die on a cross, an instrument of torment and legal curse -- for a crucified person was out of law and bounds and could not go to Heaven. So how do you deal with such an event, where God has been caught debugging his code? For a Warlock communes in His name, and denies a Heathen King his will, refusing a most generous offering!! An unprecedented event. Try to imagine yourself, if you're a content creator, how your refuse the POTUS, then he asks you nicely to undermine some other country. Its not hard with Biden, but then there was a strong serious President. 

You have to always be aware, with dealing with a God, who claims to have made everything, that everything can happen. At any point a Bileam or angel of God, or divine demon can come forth and do his bidding, just to dishonor the faithful, who have become complacent in their everyday life and ordeal of servicing God. What to do, then the unthinkable happens? How to deal with the message from the side? If there was a legitimate possibility, that legally and spiritually binding lore could come from a official, who is not from the clergy, it will open a really nasty can of wurms. How do you distinguish ortodoxy? Who has the final say in disputes of scripture, then somebody might have a feeling against your meticulous exegesis and epistemology? 

It also gives a lot of hope, because it means, that the True faith can never get stuck in time, for an angel will always come, to reestablish the true meaning, then the hour presents itself. Now to the morals. What happens, then one day we wake up from the Matrix, and discover, we there partaking in an exam? Or even worse, that you there under the spell of a devil! Being married to Satan, as the parable between gamers goes, then a dealer wins too much. Does that make us fatigue and devaluate our moral decisions, or give them more flavour, because now we can take it more generously, to feel the inner coherence of this build or that. For inside the lore, there is only one true way, outside the game, there are multiple ways, how to play a narrative to have the final goal. 

The question stands: Where do you fare, and what is your ambition, to serve or not serve the intrests of God? Are moral deeds and decisions only done by moral people, or can wicked people outside the law, also fare morally? Will you accept your chance to find yourself, or will you give up, because there is no wellfare system, to guide you through? What is stopping you, in becoming the Bileam in your story? Is it status quo, or reluctance to loose the game, because strict hammering the rules, may prove to fall in your favour. Why do you serve! Know who you really are, and what you want from this Life! Halleluyah, Godspeed! <3 ^^ UWU

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