Thursday, January 26, 2023

Awakeness vs Shrewdness

 The problem, what I am having with Awakeness, is that its not a spiritual but a physical thing. People treat it as spiritual, because it is supposed to transcend us from the profanity of life, there we are attached to the mundane life. The problem with that is, how do you commune with this world, then you're so spaced out? Why should the world give a fuck about you getting into extasy and having a pipe-dream? You say, your dream is good, even divine, now prove it. How does an awakened being make an non-awakened being understand? Does he even need to approach, or should he let the regular figure things out his own. 

The World is over-saturated with gurus; wizards and enchantresses, who all claim some kind of wisdom and form of enlightenment. Mostly it involves in this smug attitude, of: "When you can't understand it, perhaps your vibration is not high enough!" which sounds like the invisible clothes of the nude emperor. I really dislike anything, what dost support at least some kind of frame of discourse, what allows to fact check its validity. Yet here we are, the more woke a person claims to be, the less attuned he is to understand or take part in the every day life; while trying to disolve any kind of border between any kind of topic or meaning. There is a reason, why you don't keep sugar salt and strychnine in the same jar. Yes, they are all white, but one is sweet, the other is salty and the latter kills you! Sometimes we need unification, other times we need alienation; division and alteration. You can't have that, then everything is logos and enlightenment. The more you know, the less you understand. Because people don't know anymore, how to get something done, but simply to flex, how it is possible to flurry his verbal sword around. It is true, that none have perfected the martial arts more, than the Chinese, but if your only intent is aggression, you there better pressed using an Oni-club and being an ogre. Nobody argues with the bonk. 

Why is this relevant towards being woke? The more spiritually enlightened you are, the more shrewd people really become, though they should detach themselves from this world, which would mean, they should hit nirvana and cease in this world, yet they persist. Its not that you really came out of the Matrix. You just got out of the first layer, and built from the remnants of that snakeskin a castle to live happily everafter, to reward yourself for your journey so far. Your ego, who got spooked, by your attempt in murdering it, much like with the Occupy Wallstreet, refocused your ambitions by changing the language patterns, so you would seek power and avoid pain with anxiety in a new way. 

Why not write a book and make a movement? For you are Enlightened and Humble now! The more you struggle on your journey, the farther from light you become... You should not become more good, because only a person at leisure can truly profess in being good. How does a worker do that, then he needs to do his bidding? You should become more evil, in order to distinguish, which is which. If you don't even know direction, where is up and down; left or right, how do you even move? What dimensions are you using in order to get there? What is your intent? Lets assume, you rule the world as the divine Jade Emperor. Nobody is smarter; stronger; more beautiful; graceful or better equipped in leadership than You -- and the Sun Wu Kong comes into your empire of Grace and refuses to respect nor listen to you! What will you do? How does your virtue and perfection suffer such imperfection? How does your unstoppable force, move the immovable object, who can't even bother to give a fuck about you wanting to rule the world perfectly!! How do you keep your own respect towards yourself and this world, along with the respect of the others towards you and this vision or nightmare, what just happened in front of everybodies eyes? What will you do? Do you even need to do anything? What will Sun Wu Kong do? 

The problem about enlighthenment culture has never been seeking it, but how much darkness or unrefined space it can suffer! The more spesific our language and education gets in proliferating the teachings of old in any shape and form, the more cunning and shrewd the teachers become, seeing the students as mere pawns on an imaginary chess or go-board. That is the criticism I have about woke people. Why do they insist, that the entire world needs to be their way? Why can't they change the world, while not changing the world, and leaving everything the same, but still getting stuff done? Why this lordly attitude, there the ones preach and the others need to build according to their blueprint! Maybe its shit, how about them potatoes!! 

Nobody understands poetry and humour anymore. Everything has to have an integral source of meaning and agenda. Why though? The more we disect things to get to the bottom of it, the less real things we have to live by and with! What happened to trust in Life itself, there we just wing it and go with the flow. No, You can't do that, you need to get enlightened, in accordance to the latest gossiped rolemodel and heard there. We should own less wisdom and knowledge for the sake of tolerance, then we want to survive as a specis. Its obvious some people should not have any faculty of teaching, what so ever and just do manual labour. The monks in any culture definitely didn't sip soy-latte to judge others, while doing nothing. And they didn't demand themselves divine rule to be little emperors and jailors to torture and punish anybody, who dare to oppose or discern against it. In fact, they wanted the least amount of this world possible. Yet we have this wokeness, who claims to know it all, while not being able to fend for themselves, unless an Authoritarian World Summit takes over and forces it down every rabbit hole and molehunt. So very Awakened indeed... if this kind of shrewd monetisation of spiritual things does not stop, then our children become our judges, by leading the world through their only-fans accounts, while either China or India takes over, if not Korea or Japan don't want in on the show. I can't see, that the West has anything to say in this matter, as long dopamine rush and playing the Rat of Pavlov game, is the only answer to everything. It does not matter, what you can have, but what you can relieve, but still remain yourself and move on your journey of Self! The East has long understood and is winning, can the West get the fuck up and catch on!! Or do you still need Enlightenment to Have It, not to Loose It?

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