Monday, January 9, 2023

Fairy God-Idol

 Who wants to be Songoku? To Monkey-King 

around the bloke! Then donkeys dream Dunkirk 

haven't got the faintest idea, how to Dr. Spock 

nor Kirok. The dirk sculldugger, skirked in Prosecco. 

Narcissos sullied Ecco, Venus cursed Chekov; 

the stars en voyage in the nimbus of a Fairy God-Idol! 

Why so Sirius, why not as black, the painted frame? 

Greener pastures Pasteur the endurance of Les Miserables; 

to storm the Bastille for its tokens and piece de resistance; 

as I eat all the chickens in the world. No better cock, 

than the tail what set sail in War Craft, to juggernaut infamed; 

insane how the membrain makes the tomatoes truck the blame. 

Game is a foot, lets rock and ride, to the hitched up slideshow 

no Professor X could envision, taking us to school. 

I always touch my elves that much, never getting tired, grooming 

old geezers into lolicon state, to isekai like Tanya von Degurechaff. 

Never touch the truth nor grass, unless its really hairy, like Covetous 

Shem, selling ice for the rich, and letting the poor rob blind. Leroy 

Jenkins did not approve my candid concordance. Taunting in the 

enchanting manner, a haunted Manor called the Adams family, 

accusing I owned a Buik. Oncle Fester bailed me out and said; 

we just married, I just had to transition and identify as a Guardian Angel. 

Sociopath is the best socialist path to Communism. Then you don't give 

a fuck, all are but equal in your monochrome sight. Let me peck your 

eyes out, you can keep the log on, as you pry on Splinter in his Turtle-cell. 

Teenage Mutants joined the X-Men and rebranded the school as XS. 

Donkey-Kongs climbed the ladder of Jacob to bite the heels of Viper. 

That car didn't appreciate that taunt, and sued to KITT to make 

#CyberCarsMatter, unfortunately he was voiced by Wesley Snipes 

who wasn't black enough. Thus Viper run for office and became 

first automaton ever to be elected POTUS even Uzza had to touch grass, 

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