As you bring your offering, like Cain and Abel;
blood is more worthy than veggies! Toil on the field
is not important, personal. The offspring of cattle;
like your firstborn -- to see it give its life and death.
You can give nothing to God, save your Soul!!
Heaven is for the broken-hearted, who doubt themselves.
Not for the faint of heart, who escape in wisdom and
knowledge, putting breadcrumbs on the road, to go back.
Precempt upon Precempt; ruler upon ruler - here, there;
like a raving murderhobo, thinking himself holy, drowning
in his own vomit and piss... such are the scholars disputing
the Nature of God, while not being able to love their neighbour.
What dost you know about Yahveh, you Pharisee; or Jesus,
Ye Christian? Are you Obed-Edom to receive the Arc on Sabbath day
against thy own will, then Uzza was smitten by God! How willful
are your worthy deeds, like the offering of Cain. Heaven closed,
no Supper for you, ye who bless it in the morrow, while leaving
the pagan out, because he was not walking the first 11 hours;
was fornicating with the harlots and funboys, as you there toiling.
On the field serving your lord and Saviour, as was written.
God is for the fornicator and bastard, born from incest!
The son and daughter of a Moabite; fucking an Ammonite pregnant;
to bring that to the Temple!! What do you know about that? God
hath created both holyman and demon -- what do you hold in that!
Who gave you councel, to measure the worlds ends with the friends
of Job and judge with the sons of Eli and Skeua? Even if you would
have Samuel as your father or see Eliyah; Noah and Daniel as your friend.
Still would God disavow you, for your circumsicion knives are bloody;
and your cups for the Lords Supper, are filled of stolen wine!!
Only those, who put ash on their mouths and tear their soul apart;
shall see God! Not on the streetcorner, there the pusher can see and measure;
but inside your own heart, there the left hand dost know, what the right hand gives.
For the Righteous and Haughty, who judge in the Established titles and manors;
God is dead and there shall be no Gates to keep. A seer dost need God;
but those, who are blind and are lost -- since you're Woke, your wickedness
shall remain with thyself!! The good do more Righteousness, the wicked covet more Evil.
To each his own measure, until her cup falls down and breaks. Gnaw even on
the shards and vomit, what your gut has held dear... There shall be no light, but Darkness!
No Enlightenment and New Age, but the blind leading the blind into the gorge of the Beast!!
But those, who seek no umbrella nor rainbow, nor pot of gold, they shall have a silver lining.
The stones, none gathered to build a kiln and the powder, none made for incense;
the people, designated to be a waste of time -- those has God ordained to be his servants!
But you say; "Nay, I shall bring my best behaviour and good nature, along with Personality!
That will win God over!!" Ye who dost know, what the future brings, if you have plenty or war?
Better pray: "God, spare our high Cedars and our holy oaks, that the lightning wont strike;
and the waters wont undermine; that the cold winter wont smother the bare ground and roots.
That we could keep our heads and not loose our tails!!" But you hope for your own wits and
actions success. For that reason, God is talking to the invalid and the demons, who you cast out!
There shall be no Gospel for you, except, what Jesus told in Nazareth, and they tried to kill Him!!"
Liberate yourself, from Your MiĊĦbat; excuse your brothers dept and other cheek. Or God will
come to thee, and rid Himself of your Stewardship, choosing Islam and Hindus instead of you!
Do the Sermon of the Mount, or there shall be no dawning for you! Who shall go out for thee?
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