Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Shut up and dine

 Amon Amarth -- Sulfur Rising 


Come to thee, Jesus looking for thy soul, bludgeon and feed; 

for Lord Allmighty has descended his apron down the Heavens. 

Feast on what you see, no devil can seethe on thou redeemed! 

Remember the Saints, ye sinner, for Yahveh Sebaot is here!! 

Draw strength, has fallen in despair, shield broken, tremours 

still shaking your grounds, your armour shattered in bloody gores. 

Come back, ye dead lost soul, for The Holy Spirit wants you free! 


Behold, ye Heathen, come forward, be my knight as ordealed! 

I shall sacrifice nations from your left and full generations right; 

lay down your crown, and draw strength upon resolve. Be Healed! 

Who shall go from our Court, who witness on Earth, Angelic lead. 

Those, who are blind, stumble on their way, make them see light; 

those, who have forsaken their birthright, find new growth, highth! 

Be the Raven of God, and Feast on what He has laid as your bread. 


Transcending time and space, amending title defaced -- Come: 

Conflict; War; Famine and Death! Make Yahveh Sebaot proud!! 

For hand shall be against hand, and brother against sister shunned; 

none shall prevail and stand tall, but Lord Allmighty in court, run! 

Make the Baptism of Fire reach high and low, the underworlds bellow; 

all shall see and despair, all shall seethe nightmared -- wasted torn. 

Who shall go out, and be the Gospel of the Warriors and hamstrung!! 


Shut up and dine, for God himself shall feed thee, Ravens and Wolves; 

banshees and demons filth. Take up your cross, and be that Superman! 

Make it rain fire and brimstone, to desecrate the Sodomites resolve 

and the Gomorran pride. Lay waste to the city of Angels, and halfs -- 

those who want to hold up, what has been decided in ages. Make a stand; 

let the rivers run red; let the covenants silent misled -- Vengeance on demand!! 

Blessed are Thee, who comes in the name of the Lord! Dine with Beowulf!

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