Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Wise men are idiots

 Jordan Peterson Atheism and God 

People seek God and Enlightenment for the wrong reasons, because they think too much. Its the ancient dispute between Lao Zi and Kong Fu Zi, but also the dispute between Jesus and his disciples Peter; James and John on who gets to cast out demons and sit on the right or left side of God! You don't seek Enlightenment for freedom sake or to be free for yourself -- you seek it, to be outside of life, and live in accordance to Transcendence or Tao. For that reason you get possessed by discipline, to hone your skills of thinking, or rather, how not to think, in order to be empty and available to God. The Prostitute is full of lust; the preacher is full of conviction. However, while fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, renouncing yourself and your personality is the end of the journey, then you cease and desist. 

The reason, you need to think like a child or like the underworker, is that you don't feel the power of being in charge. How does the child do? He listens first and then moves according to, what's being told. How does an underworker do? He works for the client in the name of the boss, representing the boss to the client, to get paid!! People still say: "My work!" "My honour!" "My name!" I am happy, I became a security worker, because in here its always teamwork, and everything I do right is because my Boss and Company is so awesome. Everything, I do wrong, is my own folly and mistake! You don't own anything, but merely using it to do your work. Just like your badge or uniform. Not your Intellect; not your Personality; not your skillsets; not even your parents and your social environment. This is not You! 

For that reason, its humourous, then yet another atheist tries to dispute the existance of God, by stating, that all people are by default Good. Its the same thing as saying, gravity dost exist, and you can float however you want on nothing, as God howering, while he was creating everything. For some reason, people cant stand that image of God floating over nothing. It transcends our understanding, for something needs to exist for our feeble minds, in order to float over it. No, Malice and Lust are the core ingredients of Humanity. People, like any creature, wants to eat; shit; fuck and sleep. The reason, why people eventually choose good is quite simple. They don't want to be killed; raped nor captured, while they sleep or are injured; sick. Self-preservation forces people to be good, not that they want to be good. Give people opportunity, and their true self will surface itself. If the True Nature of Man was to do good, then why did the Prison Experiment fail? Why do people given absolute power, always end up abusing it? Why do we have moral values, what tell us, how we should not go to the ladies room or not look a certain way. There would exist no need for laws -- especially morals, if people by default choose Good.

 People want to possess everything in their life, because they are dying. One day you shall perish, and wont be able to hold on to your wits nor belongings; the people you met. We all shall become one with nothing. Some people willingly, others spiteful, but eventually it will happen to us all. Paradise or Hell, starts from your Life on Earth, how you redeem or condemn your actions. You don't get no rewards nor punishment in the afterlife, but what you bring with you. A True Enlightened person lets go of life and stops persisting to achieve anything. It doesn't mean, you agree to evil, it means, you don't take part on the wheel, what makes this or that family be on top. 

The reason, why this is too dreadful, and why mostly nations hate this idea, is quite simple. You can't force people to follow and serve you, then there is nothing to achieve nor to fear! Christianity didn't become a world religion, because the Romans thought, it was right, but because it was more useful and cheeper, than its predecessor. The same reason is Wokeness chosen today -- because it gives people, what they want. More shameless lust, without consequences! People have chased after virtue for so long, they have lost themselves. Because the merchant speaks of his wants too much, the priest too little. How do people intend on living a spiritual life, then they either fast themselves to death, while being made brutally aware of peoples opinions; or don't care at all, and fuck themselves to oblivion, like the rat of Pavlov? You cannot follow two kings. People know that passage, but do they know, what it means! Then you're a spiritual being, who do you serve with that? It might sound absurd, why wouldn't God want a holyman on earth. But if you're the coder of a video game or writer of a story, you might not like a holyman in a story, what should be talking about pimps and bitches or something else like that. 

Do the people, who offer God their worthy lives, understand, that they are bringing Him the offering of Cain? Did you actually ask God, what He wants from your Life? Then why do you call yourself the Holyman of this God or that Teaching, then you do the fuck you want, and not that bidding! How offended are holymen and preachers, then they don't get what they want; or should I say, a successul career following their God... What if God wants you to be Obed-Edom? Can you be the one, who holds the Arc of the Covenant, after it already killed a man, thus disgruntling your King? Can you live your average life, knowing, that Uzza wasn't holy enough to touch the Arc, though his intentions there good. He wanted to stop it falling to the ground. It should have been carried on priests consecrated shoulders, which would have taken a lot of time, and King David, couldn't mind to do that wait, but thats neither here nor there. How do you do your service; fuck; shit; eat and sleep, then death is in your house? 

I can tell you, why Obed-Edom didn't die, though he was a foreigner amongst Israel, and couldn't think himself worthy to this God of his King. He loved his King so much, that he gave his life up! He accepted his fate, which was good in Yahveh Sebaoths, and His Christs and the Holy Spirits eyes, thus his house was rather blessed, not cursed, though he was still a profane creature. But because his service to the King was worthy, he was treated, like the consecrated shoulders of the priests!! 

You can always do everything, in the face of the lord -- as long Your Lord wants you to do it!! 

Wanna eat your food on bullshit? Eze 4:12-15! Wanna sleep on a dead child? 2Ki 4:32-35! Wanna kill children over an insult or a man for not listening an order of the Lord, they didn't know of, so you can curse the King? 2Ki 2:23,24; 1Ki 20:35-43. Let it be known, a faitful Jew wasn't allowed to do any of the affirmentioned things, but then you are the Prophet of God, you are outside of the law and beyond good and evil. You're basically on no-clipping mode, inside a video game, being able to move through walls, like a ghost. 

Do people actually want their life and works to cease and desist, to be awailable for this God, who can ask them anything? Really! People are like the main character of the Soviet Movie classic The adventures of Shurik and Operation Õ. Recommended watch. Then they are in power, they say, how they are gentile, who is misunderstood by society, and wanna force a tribal marriage through, but the moment, some tribal men lust for your blood, because you wanted to force a woman marry you -- puff, that gentleman becomes a Communist! Now he dost not want anymore, to live according to tribal law. 

People, who claim, there is no god, and they can still act morally. Go ahead, fuck around and find out! See, how far you get, until depression; anxiety or your childrens and pupils misdeeds get a hold of you! Maybe you can live like that, but can your next generation, influenced by your teachings, and not your upbringing say the same? For that reason, in the end of times, your children shall become your judges, determining, who really loved and hated their kin and neigbour. The one who spoke sweet words or the one who told the harsh truth. 

While it is possible for a person to be Trans and go to Heaven, Mat 5:29;30; Ga 5:12, the law for Transpeople and circumsicion or ritual cutting is the same, provided you will become an affront to the law insodoing. Inside the culture, you're now dead, and belong solely to God! The same law goes to tattoss and piercings, if done in reverence, they are good, if not, then better not be a Christian... It is not possible for the one, who lures a child, who didn't transition there. Children haven't yet fully developed, thus they cannot concent to sex. It always fascinates me, how they can concent to surgery and hormonal therapy, what is the equivalent of overclocking your drive. You haven't yet even discovered, what your computers parameters are, but juicing it, should help it get better! In reference to what? You better be damn sure, then you help a child transition, that God really wants him to do that, because if He doesn't, then you slandered the creation of God, stating, that God made a mistake, and gave the child the wrong gender for no reason. You will force this child needlessly into depression and basically mindfuck him, denying him the life, he could have had, was he allowed to develope naturally. Should he comit suicide, that's on you as well, because that could have been avoided. Mark 9:42 Trans-children go definitely under the millstone passage, because it is better for you to claim atheism, than to claim, you're doing it, while being religious!! If your child becomes Trans, because you wanted it; or his peers; friends wanted it, while not being it. you better run like Hell, the next time, you see Jesus walking your way! You will definitely not be his Friend... 

Even if you have a trans child, don't get your hopes up, because God has your trans child! He will go exactly, there God Wills, not there you want. So who wants to become a Christian? Halleluyah! 

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