Friday, January 27, 2023

Friendly Fire-Fountain

Seraph -- Horror Soundscape

Burn, burn, my desire, spire with the shoots of Moon; 

as Terminator apogees on the spoon. Friendly Fire- 

Fountain had something ado with a mothling -- soon 

I baptize your wings on, the Pain another way to swoon 

in success. For death a new beginning; anger hires -- 

manages the paralyzed into rough shapes, to admire, 

by those, who there too lazy to revolve on pillow-kun! 

Let me spite your shite, can you shire yours wires up; 

some good bias had bad briars, to flower the garden; 

dancing on the minds terminal velocity entering fuck 

zone for Event Horizon and black holes in the Buck! 

The lips stuck up on the hip, as the sixshooter ardent 

in the tipsy powerhose, a Friendly Fire-Fountain warranted 

indomitable in paso doble; the minds eye fleeted with Luck!

There's no off-switch nor safespace, press the bars to encore; 

its time to throw down the thrown shown by the clowns-town. 

Down with the sheckels as Bashan Cows Meneh-Tekel bored; 

misbred their misled and red Ted-Talks, moonwalked in torn 

flaks of plasma, a Friendly Fire-Fountain had to Fielty crowns!! 

Let it knows, theres a New Chez Riff to Piper-Prude-Phoebe owns; 

the rosedive had some thorny ways to Canossa, a bloody nose adorn.

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