Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Precision and Priority

 Intense conversation, what transcends 

People have this urge to become Enlightened and fill their heads with knowledge and their lives with value. For this reason, let us behold the French. They used to be Absolutist Monarchist on a Catholic setting. They despised anything progressive, killing any hugenott in the vicinity, just as Dumas wrote in his "D'Artagnan and the three musketeers" Somewhere along the line, the peasantry got fed up with it, because they could not support the clergy and aristocracy running the donkey to the ground while beating the dead carcass, resulting in the Revolution, what yielded an Absolutist Atheistic setting and Democratic Republic. In actuality, France has had seven Democracies. In that sense you need to commend them, there credit is due, after all, they donated and devised the Statue of Liberty. A Frenchman never just fucks around, He has to fuck the entire Louvre and Champs Elysees on the scenery, and you have to behold the masterpiece and sheer Force of Will, what wanted it there... 

We always want to focus on Wisdom and Knowledge, on Science, forgetting the first principle of Optics. Then you draw your focus too strong, your focal point, has to be drawn inside your eye, or very close to your nose. That's why precise people, are very narrowsighted, while wisemen so farsighted and abstained from regular life. 

Coming back to France, the migration problem and burning of Notre Dame along with the lack of faith, is not due to intolerance towards lord Jesus Christ, but because of fatigue. Once enough time has passed, I'm sure France shall see its second Renaissance, and rekindle his first love. That will also make the French more tolerant towards the others, after the drifters have moved to greener pastures. Just like the migration at the time of Columbus, then America was discovered, people will rediscover the East and storm Mother Russia. 

People always need more space, to further and imagine their spiritual needs and motivations. You cannot do that, then everybody is in your private space, knowing everything you say and do, as the social media currently is, causing people mental fatigue; anxiety along with other autistic behaviours. Due to this, there will probably be a world government, what will audit the WWW and have it restrained. People will have less freedom and expression, but will talk through the burka and the hidden meaning, what the sensor cannot contemplate nor fathom. Most of the conversation will be so beyond, that the woke wont be able to keep up and take part, for missing out on the spirituality and language. For if you never learned, how to cuss and slur, how can you possibly talk with your sterilised manners with people, who have been used to use sign language like in Naruto. All because of Tolerance and Political correctness. The more those you get, the less the sensitive ones get to take part of the conversation, being like the Young Emperor in the Forbidden Kingdom, while Life happens at the outskirts... 

The Germans are allright as well, with their proclivity towards order and motive. Always working Priorities and Presicion. You should remember, how life was, before Germany was unified, then you had no Emperor. The true German spirit cannot flourish amongst centralisation, but then people live sporadically each and everyone in their solitary environment, minding their own business. You cannot understand Nietzsche nor any other Philosopher, then you want to flock together. Go back to the Alps and find the cold harshness of your Nature!! Don't bother to make those sentenses, what take an entire page to say, in order to put the meaning on the next one! Learn to short it and snort it out. You're not English, that you have to mull over your speech, as though it is Bailey's. Be the new Switzerland and bring people together not apart. For that you need to learn to live apart not hive together. Europe needs Nuclear Power, for that is the future of Environmentalism, then you have options, while on windfall or at the solar eclipse. Build Nuclear power plants at the border of Mother Russia, along the defencive line of Finland; Baltics; Poland; Ukraine. Then something goes wrong, the winds will always blow East... 

There is no peace for those, who seek to fight Fascism in Ukraine, bringing the Arc of the Covenant in, while being a Fascist state, having defeated it in Nazi Germany. God doesn't like to be mocked like that, for He is Blatnoy, and will make Mother Russia the suka. It is better for them, if their borders resemble, Novgorod-Dver-Moskva. Everything else, is not russia. What does God care about the corruption in Ukraine, then you cannot even live in accordance to the Sermon of the Mount and get together Catholic; Protestant and Orthodox? You have had 2000 years and no fruit! For that reason, China will be strong and become Middle-Earth and Japan will be New-Brittain. India shall be the New Spain. Get your own house together, then come to pick the splinter in Ukraines eye, the dwellers of Schwartswald Forrest, having all those Christmas Trees with Slanesh as the angel on top in thy eyes!! Why should God give a fuck on your prayers and churches and sermons, if you only invest 2 hours per Sunday, and then go fuck your neighbours wife or collect the dept, even if it sends your friend to the street. You never had time for Jesus, why should the Holy Spirit have time for you? 

Why dost wants the West to be this scolarly smart and wise, what does it give to them? God is Weary of the Sons of Solomon, who's little thinger is thicker than Solomons loin, who each wants to be greater than the prior, to deplete the future of all value and sense! People still don't get it, that for each tiger and dragon there must be enough cattle and fodder to feed on. Thus God himself makes the people dull, as Lao Zi has ordained, to keep the predators their food source. And You shall worship the Sun and the Moon and the Twelve Stars once more!! But Heaven shall be shut and there shall be no admittance through the Gate, for its not for you, but to Him, who comes in the name of the Lord, being the Servant of Servants. 

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