Thursday, January 26, 2023

Widows of Opportunity

 Down with Ideology Slavoy Zizek

People think, that this or that man became a thief because of their upbringing; or because of bad parenting; peers. Simply being poor, and there was nothing he could do about it. That would not be further from the truth, than people could comprehend. Then the only reason, people steal, would be poverty, why do rich and established societies still have a problem with it? The real reason, why somebody takes, what does not belong to them, is -- opportunity; the ambition to own, while not putting the effort, to earn it. In order to understand opportunity, you need to understand, how different factions see reality. For a poor man, there is only work and pay. The only way, how to create something, is through manual labour and saving for the future. Because of that, he works his pride up, and will never become a thief, because that would disrupt his ability to work, due to absence of trust and respect. He depends directly, how people perceive him. Thus a truly poor person, who lives in his society, would rather slam the door shut, than take anything from the vault, and even go as further as to jump into the throat of the perceived culprit, who caused this deliberate tease. 

In order, to see to it, that you can hold that money and take it without permission, the following criteria have to be met. People need to trust you with their money; which means, you need to be intelligent enough, how to make money. You need to have experienced, there you can shape reality through your coping mechanism, also known as white lies. You need to have more than moderate amount of luck and finesse of smooth operating through the people and social engineering yourself a positive reputation. Both can be met, by being a pusher; a mobster; kingpin; a bitch; amerchant; a cop; a lawyer; a judge etc. Only then would you take the money, then you know by experience, that you can get away with it. For that reason, thievery or omission are more prone for open societies, while for closed societies, it is more abuse of power, due to mostly currency being obsolete to further as value system. People, who have too much money, also can become immunized to its bad effect, simply like a porn star can become a sage. He just burns himself out and it doesn't matter for him anymore. 

In order, to be the thief, you have to be in the middle of the playing field. There you're not too poor, not too rich, but want to get somewhere, and then think yourself smart enough to cheat the system., and most windows- opportunists, become widows self made in their sad sob story, of taking what doesn't belong. 

For an Intellectual, reality is a matter of definition. Thus in one way, he is like God, but in other way, locked like Rapuntzel in the tower. You seemingly have everything, and nothing. The more you abuse the word, to get your way, the less you get it, both comprehencively and in means of people wanting to listen and follow you. There was a really good way, how a comedian commented a fellow comedians work: "At first I was like: "Wow, they can do this joke as well!" then years later I was: "Oh, They do it again!" then more time later: "Ok cool, they are still doing this joke, nice!" and at a certain point I started to ask: "Are they still doing that joke?"." Things tend to wear out and age, and then you overdo it, people simply tune out, because you constantly doing it. For that reason, a good intellectual needs to know, when to enter the stage, and then to leave the stage. Missing out on it, could cost your head... 

For a Champion, reality is a matter of Will. He just wills his conviction to tackle the on hand problem, and that will solve itself. The problem is, what if a stronger Will confronts yours, or even more simpler, what if the people Will Not! Will Not has always been a stronger force, than Will, because it doesn't take extra effort, why you should keep status quo. It takes always more energy, to get up from your warm cozy bed, to bring out the trash or get the mail and newspaper, than to let somebody else in the family do it. The reason, why we have so many games and entertainment, is to lure in the Champion, lest he does something stupid, and saves the world! The reason, why we don't dream anymore, why nobody shows their vision of a grand future, as though all has been discovered and established, it for that same reason. Because Champions Will Not! 

Every day, you choose to steal from your True Self, the Future You rightfully desire and deserve, then you leave yourself inside the Matrix to be mundane and base, because at least you're not doing anything illegal and naughty... Because you deny yourself the window of opportunity, to even see the possibility to access your life and reality in a new way! Have a nice day, and become the best You, what can Be!

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