Saturday, January 28, 2023

Self Reflection to block out casual Nihilism

 Self Check 6 Signs for Toxic Behaviour 

Oh my. Youtube has outdone itself and suggested something funny. I didn't even know, there could exist a video, what sums up the normal gaslight tactics of woke people. 

It starts with the term of Toxic behaviour. If a person uses it frequently, avoid him like the plague. Its like an official, who has to forcefully audit your life publicly, while not getting the memo, that it might be cringe. Accusing somebody of argumentativeness, is the same as insisting, that only Melancholic people and introverts are ok, while extraverts and cholerics are not. Cool, then you grew up in the North, but what about the Southerners who have a hotter temperament? If you have a problem with that, then it should be addressed directly, not behind the back. Nobody has died of admitting, that they need more space and not in your face argumentation. 

"You are defencive - listen to my feelings and take responcibility, rather than accuse!" is rather a cute one. Talking about your feelings by itself is a defencive coping mechanism. Why should your defencive coping mechanism defeat my defencive argumentativeness? It all started then one side was talking about their feelings, what the other side cannot much do about or verify it, if its the case. It could just be translated, to: "I have no arguments, thus back off, because I don't like yours!" Reflecting, why you don't like an argument is better, than declaring an argument bad, because it gave you a bad feeling. And how it made the teddybear loose its ear. Though I have to admit, its nice narration. I wouldn't bother commenting on this video, if I didn't like the channel so much. UWU Feelings are vague and have nothing to do in an argument, for they cannot be verified nor falcified. I am no clinical psychologist, please understand. My tolerance levels are dependent on the amount of coffee available and the bullshit I have received prior on this day, before your issue.  Arguments are met by other arguments. Its especially bad, then women feel the arguments of men away. Conflict is the way of life, its whether measure your dicks or have a pissing contest. How else can you show off, how Chad you are? X^D 

"Hold the peace!" -- How do you exactly do that, then the opponent openly assaults your way of life? For instance, if you're accused of toxic masculinity, not because you did something, but to stick it to the patriarchy. How do you hold peace, then you first have to locate a minority, in order to validate your position. Doesn't it make you come forward as dishonest and insincere? I always have to cringe, then people start rummaging around in my soul, suggesting, how I could have an attitude problem, whenever my argument is disliked. Why should I agree to it, and edit my thoughts? They are also based on my feelings, I just choose to share them through arguments!  Peace is a two way street held in mutual respect. It cannot be held on one hand! I never had a nice conversation, after the other pulled the "Hold the peace!" 

Those kind of problems can be avoided, than instead of speaking in third person; through supervisors and in feelings, you open yourself up and tell, what you really expect from the conversation. People may surprise you, then you let your armour down. What if somebody feels, he likes me, but I cannot return it as he deserves. Either because its work related; because of studies etc. or because I'm not ready for a relationship. People should not freak out and be a dick about it, as though I outright hate their guts. Besides, I don't need to be looking for drama or trouble, Conflict is my middle name and happens around me all the time. :P 

"Jeallous and Possessive..." humph... Sometimes I wish people would be jeallous and possessive about me. Sometimes I have an argument, simply because I want it to be returned with intrest. How else do you break the ice and approach somebody. Also I don't like it, then people jump to the next person, mid conversation, as though mine was not important enough. That hurts my feelings. People don't have any tact anymore, and drive into somebody elses train of thought, and then they get critique for that, umpf, there come the feelings. Don't flirt with someone else, while talking to me. I have a fast left hook, what gets triggered easy. I will not try to comprehend what 5d chess was going on there, then in doubt, punch. Also don't flirt with me, then you're married. :o Seriously DONT! :v 

"Don't be competitive, but lift underachieving people up!" oof, time out. That's the reason, why I don't like Commoncore. Then something is shit, it should be called out as shit, not flattered as awesome, then that person gets unfound confidence and channels all effort in this, and finds out, nobody buys it. Its the nastiest thing people can do to each-other, by fake commending stuff, because its not ok to call it out. I also think, if you called stuff out, you also provide insights, how to improve on it, but that is tolerated even less. As though, a person has no self-expression and ability to see past your insight, while still being so stunning and brave, then messing up. How do people want me to be, that I talk to them in carrot voice, as though they are a 6 year old? Or should I treat them to the same standards as myself and as my equal? Because I can't do both! Most of the time I bite and bark on people who I really like, and care about, what they are doing. It would be rather easy, to not say a thing, and let your mistakes eat you up. It affects my self-esteem, then I have to constantly look up, how its ok to converse to this or that person. Its like those people don't wanna be approached at all, but then you don't talk, you are the bad guy. 

I hope there would be more videos like that, so refreshing. Made my day ^^

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