Friday, February 10, 2023

Dig in!

 Digging in the digger, the grin of every nugget; 

not everything is gold, what shines through dark. 

The silver seldom makes good on correct bugle. 

Some wolves are sheepish, some sheeps struggle 

to be ravenous, while eating cabbages in stark 

pathos, as though, it there brains. Don't bark 

on every anvil, what threattens to thunder, Hubble! 

The scope of nosedived Philosophers, has always 

been to be stoned by the virtuous, whos fails, lived 

happily everafter. For yours is to be Grim Stoaway, 

asking for the tickets of the gents and gentiles prey. 

Frail in the figurative, people root pearls on thy gives; 

to engulf in the Sea Shells, degenerating for the hives. 

Commune with the wilderness and spirits for the pray. 

The Diamond of the Nightingale, had to swear on 

the knickers of Merlin, that he is not sugarcoated. 

I couldn't believe, so I burnt it to hot coals. Kolon 

for the next Creol between Wakanda and Erehwon. 

She was stonewalled, to erect the next cathedral, bloated 

in the Corpus Pisti, Storgere Veritas, Justitiam Agite! 

As I went up to the offering mount, Isayah had to glare.

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