Monday, February 6, 2023

How to sell your soul?

Jordan Peterson "Women; Pornography and Sadism"

Selling your soul, is a controversial topic for a Christian Baptist. The point is, to give people awareness and understanding, what it means, to commit to a motion. To accept some forms of beliefs or workmanship. Whenever you do something, you sell yourelf to do it, because you execute your time and effort in having that. Do something long enough, and you get rooted in those traits and habits. However, some deeds have been viewed as so corruptive, that touching with it, makes you unable to walk away. Using drugs; or doing crime/ joining a gang; being abusive in your relationships and social life. For that reason, has this kind of interaction been viewed as selling yourself on the open market, and not to anybody in particular, but to darkness or to the devil in person. Why is it important? Let us assume, you never went to crossroads to meet Old Nick etc. You never done Magic. You're the poster boy/girl of legalist action, and everybody looks up for you. You hold a title and position in the society, and everything is going for you. But you can still go to Hell, or be emotionally unsatisfied, because its not really worth awhile, when you haven't broken a sweat, to hold on to your fame and fortune. There is a reason, why people cheat, which is not to commend it, but it springs from not feeling alive and connected with your accomplishments. Gamers experience this kind of burn out, there you have completed the game, and there is nothing to achieve. You can try mods, but that dost really help. Then people tend to burn down the house and try some other game at the best times, but at worst, start ruining the experience for the other gamers as well. 

That's the place, where trolling comes, why it is said: "Money is the source of Evil!" If you have more value, than is needy to keep your alive and your perceived future, you will loose the awe and respect towards the future, and start trambling on your honey. Its also the reason, why many well meaning Christians, lament at churches, how they would deliver their spiritual life under hardship, while its not entirely correct and selfish/cowardly to say. Because, what you don't do under your current effect, you wont do, then your life turns better or worse. In the end, You have to decide, do you want to step up and open yourself to failure, in order to gain the probable boon; or do you keep status quo. Most people let someone else do it, otherwise we wouldn't have the concept of Tricksters and Heroes. Also of Villains and Tyrants. You can sell your soul by doing nothing, although it is not seen that way. You are selling it to cowardice and inaction. The Bible is full of passages, which talk about lions on the market, who might devour you, if you go out of your house into the hostile realm! Tough shit. Either you sell your soul for God -- because becoming a Christian means, being possessed by the Holy Spirit, in order to live in accordance to the Sermon of the Mount; just as Jesus was tossed by the Holy Spirit into the desert, not went there on his own volution. -- Or if you leave yourself out of it, you get possessed by Chaos and Oblivion. 

If you have a different religion, you don't have to listen to me, but what you have learned. Everybody needs a system of values, what comes into action, when your individual life doesn't give, be it the Narrative of Superman, taught by Nietzsche. You still have to believe it, to be valid and available for pursuit. Whenever you do something, or leave undone; say or remain silent about something, you sell yourself to a notion and meaning. Never forget that. You always do, even if you don't! Sometimes our don't speaks more volumes than our do's. It's not said in vain: "A picture tells more than a thousand words!" If you think yourself enlightened and cosmpolitan; worthy to float over the people, like the Spirit of God, but then a meme destroys your reputation and peace of mind, then you're not Wise! You are as good as a drunkard, who starts ranting, falling under the table. The more you censor and usher for the old ways; northern lights and morals, the more becomes self-evident, you don't care at all, what morals people have or you. Otherwise you would correct your mistake, not go after the boys/girls, who call the emperor nude!! Since people want to lead, but not correct their lives, we can see censorship and tyranny along with fighting fascism, while administering fascism in an Umbridge/Skeeter/Lockheart manner. Scisofrenia and Dementia are a symptom, just like overly allergic people, who cannot tolerate gluten or lactose or germs etc. of not wanting to take responcibility of your life and go out in the world. It is easy to hide away, if you can excuse yourself of your ailment. I love how the now infamous act of Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dincklage) about being a dwarf forced him to study, because in a poor family he would have been cast to the rocks. There is no argument, then you need to take action. Argument springs from idle hands, because you're in abundance. But don't worry, God has heard your prayers, and Winter is already here. You shall have hardship and plenty of it!! Those, who do good, do more; those who do evil, become more corrupted and callous... To everybody, in accordance, to what they have sown in their hearts. What's that? It's not fair and Christian, to make people pay for their inaction or poor decisions? Cry me a river! Its just your luck! Those, who saw the branch, they are sitting on, shall fall and those, who drill the boat for oil on the vast sea, shall sink! If you don't like it, then stop your way of life and learn to love thy neighbour like you do You -- how about them potatoes! Have a nice day! <3

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