Friday, February 10, 2023

Temporal Temperance Torque

 Beholding the Torque of Temporal Temperance; 

I have to conclude, in the Hermetic confounds 

of inner sanctity. Me told to Myself, that I operandi 

a modus, to make the game though, there is profundi 

no big nor little spoon, but Alps on a bloke compound! 

The more you open a sentence, you mean nothing sound; 

the poet needs to relieve the scholar of Transcendence!! 

There is no lame duck, but the inane sense to mean something; 

what does Tao give a fuck but Sun Wu Kong mooning the nude 

Emperor, who was Jaded in the Mercurian anthems ninth ring. 

The Gates of No gates, billed no water under the burnt fridgeling; 

to abstract from the contract an abberation of a philosphers crude. 

Shooting Goliaths forehead for a white ship and Davids slingchute. 

Bit by bit our illusion become reality, making the past present the King! 

Contrast of the sharpness of wordy expression, some politically omitted 

some correct remarks on Honore de Balzac, for the Lillies in the Valley 

of Death, loved the hoarcrux of the moment too much. Viper vomited 

out the smothered virgin, it had previously drank, culled Sophia. Comitted 

to the spirit of Sheol, some conflicts went to war with the system. Scully 

Muldered some Kali-fornicated Superman overtures, transient in the Ralley 

to be the first President ever, who was either/or to Kierkegaard for Indomine. 

Insomnia Mundi, indomina pretendi, omnes gnosti molest aestii resurgii! 

The narrator hung over the rainbow, and whooped his own insanity hard; 

the cuckoo and the swinesong there riding a Black Swan to plot holes glee 

inside the portable realms of an Apogee, what failed to apologia Aknology. 

The Windows there wide open and the windowmaker crept into thy orchard. 

Farewell to alms and border control, people could not tell the tale, stalwart 

of the difference, whether ascending to Heaven or descending to Semper Fi!

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