Friday, February 3, 2023

The Solomon Problem

 Jordan Peterson and Daniel Higgins

People don't understand the passage, Jesus is giving us, which get overused extencively: "What good is it for Man, if he gained the World, but lost his Soul? For Whoever wants to save his life, will loose it; whoever looses his life for my sake, will inherit it!" Mat 16:26,25; Mark 8:36; "If I spoke in the tongues of men and of Angels, but with no love, I would be like a ringing gong; as a clanging cymban!" 1Cor 13:1 (Though the latter was said by St. Paul, He also had the Holy Spirit and was one with God!) 

Solomon was a wise man, he was called Jedidja, for being born outside of marriage, because King David fornicated with Uriah the Hetites wife, and the firstborn had to die due to that. Because Jedidja was so low and humble, he could pray to Yahveh Sebaot, and be heard, even impress God with his such prayer. Because he prayed for wisdom to lead, not for his enemies soul and wealth to obtain his goals. He had a wise man to teach him the Way, but once he had obtained everything Yahveh Sebaot bestowed upon him, he became disgruntled. For while it is nice to be on the receiving end of a blessing, its not so nice to live in that blessing and learn to let it go. Just read the book of Solomon, also known as Ecclesiastes. In Estonian it was called Koguja (Gatherer; collector) from the word qohelet -- Preacher. It is widely dismissed as dark and gloomy teaching, of how wisdom begets nothing and is just a drag. But that is only on base value. Because we think with our Ego, not with our humility. You don't have wisdom for yourself, like an axe is not for itself. Its exactly this dull and that sharp as the work, its user wishes to do. For carpenters, you need it sharper, for chopping and executions you need it duller. How painful to watch, then somebody brings its sharp blade to butcher and its dull blade to make a chair. Such a pity and a waste of good material! Then Solomon realised, that Wisdom is good for nothing, for a King dost always use it, but also other faculties, he became to lust for his concubines more, until he forsook the ways of Yahveh, to follow sickly sweet and obnoxious gods, who offered more ways. Just as you take in with your mouth, you have to let go with your dick and ass! Nothing stays with you forever. The same is true in the chakra system. Then you stretch your bow, eventually you let go of the arrow, or break the bow! There is no other way around. Solomon didn't understand that, for he only learned, how to receive, but not how to be thankful and let go. You do better and learn! Why do people raise their frequency, then you also need to lower it. God lowered His frequency, do put the Holy Spirit on top of a 14 year old virgin, causing lots of social distress to her family, so Jesus could be born. All the children of same age in that region got killed, then the ruling king sought the life of this Massiah, but could't find it! Then you're on the path of Enlightenment, please be aware, you're not only walking by day, in the Light, you also walking by night, in darkness. Just because you are kind and do no wrong doesn't make your dick go away and your ability to rape! Or your hand grow weak, because you're merciful, what if you want to lift a really heavy bag, but you made yourself harmless! What good would be that? Just because you have sugar in your house, dost not mean, you always put sugar in everything. You have that option. The same is with your rights and wisdoms. Just because you have some privilege, dost not mean you have to always in absolutes utilise it. That is my most firm criticism towards feminism and wokeness. For they are too much Solomon. They can only receive, but not give out! Whenever there is a right, it has to always be consumed! Then there is a walk for pedestrians, they have to absolutely take the living shit out of it -- even if a pickup truck with no breaks would chase towards their green coridor, they would still Karen in front, because they are right! A normal person would wait until the truck would pass through and use their right, but not the woke. They need it Now! Because its Their Right! That is the reason, why times of darkness will come, or times of Femininity, then women are forced to accept their feelings and difference of Masculinity. I believe, people call that time, the Aquarian era, or something really special. The Jews had also something like that. It was called: "Waiting for the Day of Yahveh!" and the prophet told them so: Amos 5:18 "Woe to you, who seek the Day of Yahveh, what is it to you, but darkness not light!" Because you hate the Woman, and her needs and place in this World, God hates you! There will be no good tidings for you, woke people, unless you put a burka on! There will be no snowflakes in Hell, what will be made for Doomguys. Only the strong shall survive and have seven wives each. Isa 4:1 because you hate women, while preaching Feminism. The more you preach, the less I believe and trust you. Would you love somebody, who claims, that you only exist to torment and wrong her, while granting you only servitude and shame? Would you be able to smile to a face and mouth, what only offers you spit? Yet that is exactly, what the terms: "Toxic Masculinity" "Institutonalised Oppression" "Internalised Guilt" and others manifest. Why should men accept such a tab, then they can only loose and never win? Because women only receive, but never give! Do people even know, what it means to be feminine? To listen and understand first, and then take action. To affirm and encourage, like did Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender, because people think, they should only win like Avatar Korra never seeing her failures and costs of such lifestile. They never sit down cripled, then Korra had lost her bending. That is not empowering enough! They never let go... thus you have depression and anxiety, for not letting go of your mental fatigues and shit! You always want to be woke, never taking a Sabbath day. Try staying up for 3 days and see what it does to you. Just as our bodies need rest, our minds and spirituality needs rest as well. For every Masculine practice what affirms the Sun, you also need to do a Feminine Practice, which affirms the Moon. It is funny and sad to see, how people have not yet grasped, why the Nazi Svastika did not work. It did, but not in a way, what was expected. You cannot indefinitely live in the desert, unless you want to leave your bones there! Eventually you have to come back to your every day life and humble yourself. Zarathustra also came down from his high mountain. Why do you study your thing, if its only good for You, but dost make you a servant of a servant, an underworker like a security officer is? All I hear is, "Me, Me, Me!" "My Enlightenment!" "My Title!" "My Knowledge!" "My Conviction" "My God!" Can you pass it around like water, or like the Sun and the Moon and the Stars do with Light? No I alone have grasped it, like Balkan in the Ninth Gate, killing a woman over a book, and buning/poisoning himself to death, because it had a flaw in it!! How can you trust yourself, not being misled? Where does such confidence rise, then people look down from their high horse; tower or Mountain. What a sad lonely man, who brings his proud steed, on top of his Ivory tower, on the highest Mountain!! Who shall see him there and take notice of his wits  splendor? You need to be like shit, so you could be put on the field and be made use of. That is True Wisdom, like the Life of many Holymen and of Jesus!! When was the last time, you there like water, and allowed others to make coffee and tea out of you? How much did you charge and how much did you judge! What does water in your mug say to you, then you use it? See that difference and learn it! That is the reason, your journey always fail, and your prayers go unanswered. You only receive and consume, but you don't give! James 4:3 Halleluyah, Godspeed!

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