Friday, February 10, 2023

Fox around and Whatabout

 Nietzsche -- The Meaning of Life

People trott on trespassed territory to trebushet; 

is it Tory or spelling inventory, through Melrose. 

Beverley was on Hills of Mogonda, trez bien cherie; 

Highlanders had claymore to say, on the jars of Prarie! 

Bonanza blew up some balloons and broke the Rose. 

Leondardo Da Vinci was edged in Mercury; sulfur prose; 

the salt must go on, as the sugar-monkeys daddy-ochu. 

Who is more old Fox than hard knox on Knockturn alley-

lie-lee? The Leylines had to give some mischief and grief. 

I missed the chef's kiss, due to my french, amiss the lackey; 

shot sheriff, vodka on the rocks and one handed bars, hacking 

the inner meaning of surreal beaming the elements of belief -- 

the strongest meta in the Multiverse. The L was lost in the W! 

I had to carry it over my entrance, to Transe Le Manse volley. 

The Umbridged version of an Umbrella corporation zombied 

some prohibitted positions for a hostile take on the partition 

unit. NPC or Highway. Btw, the toll for the trollbridge aplied: 

on the three-quarter of the noon, then the moon is full, campy 

on the next cancered Spiderman, who batted an eye on Pokemon. 

It was ruled too Pedophonic to understand young oldsters Mom, 

who had too many white russians go dark matter jobbing hazmath. 

What about the ulterior motives of Deus ex Machina in Deus Mors; 

then Nature strikes again, Urtear put it on ice, and died on a top. 

Gray Fullbuster still mourned her descent into Heroine sanctity. Remorse 

the worsed drug in known history, breaking skulldugger and bonescythe!

The immersion was also heartbroken about the outcome, Dare Deviled, hop 

the shop was opened, under the low hanging fruit, what could have grossed 

Sayori out of it, made her the new Metoo Saint of SAO meh Cringe Absinthe!

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