Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Impressions corrupt your Self

Musonius Rufus -- Fragments and Lectures

Don't impress anybody, but yourself. People think, because they can imagine things, compared to the people in the past, to whom God sayd in the second commandment to not imagine anything in Heaven; Earth nor Underground! Perhaps they there more fortunate and wiser than us, for not being such glottons of all kinds of vision and mental fatigue. The more you see, the more you strain your eyes and go blind to anything in the perifery of your sight. A person gazing on an object, dost see the forest around the trees. 

Don't try to be neither Good nor Evil, nor hold any kind of title or manner! Just be yourself as you there, that is the coolest and sexiest thing, you can do to yourself and your ancestors... Whenever people impersonate Good or Evil, its like a shadowgame on the wall. What do you know about Good and Evil. Just like the merchant praises his product and talks ill of his competition. Even a lover who has fallen for a fair maiden owns more truth, because he is charmed, thus excused for calling his goddess, the fairest of all time! Don't be enslaved of pride and shame, what are laced inside your reputation. Try to move towards a good reputation, but then it can't be had, don't suck up to those, who would seek your peril at a moments notice. It is better to have a good death, than a bad life! Then you impress others, you say: "I feel inconfident about myself, unless you reaffirm me, that I am good!" What if, this person is the devil or a grifter, or somebody who wants your virginity or your gold tooth? You be better than that. Impress yourself every day, to be ready and worthy of your daily bread and purpose, which ever mundane arts you may toil. There was a time, artists and lawyers also merchants there regarded as the scum of the earth, and look there they are now, through shere will and determination. To spite their cruel fate. There are the former lords and ladies, but dust and smoke, long forgotten, replaced with new lords and ladies... Does that rob you of your fervor and drive? Be well, be at peace, for tomorrow you may die! Now, live your best, for only you know, what you want. Be the Praetor and the Pretorian in one Person. The Servant of all Servants and Servitude itself, The Severus of all Snape! Don't give a damn, what others cuss about your worth, but be on your apogee. Do Stars fall from the skies, then mortals loose faith, even if they do, you be on your guard, Vigilant on your realm, like Nimrod was to God!! 

The Hunter before the Lord, then all the people only dreamt of being a sheppard. How abominable seemed his, to live from the wilderness and not from the flock or the field, staying put. A drifter he was, or a hobo, to those who dwelled in huts, but He made the first towns and nations. Do you possess that fire inside, to steal the holy fire from Heavens, like did Prometheus, to spite the Eagle of Zeus? Can you defy the shackles of cruel fate, or do you just accept, what people give you... Because why would you want more than the last place at the table and but a humble sip of the cup? If you are chosen for the challenge and for the Hunt, what business have you with Peace, Jehu, son of Nimshi? Are you chosen, to remove the enchantments of Jezebel, or shall we await another one? Are you the sword and shield, to take the turmoil on your watch, and dost you possess the suit in thy House! Then speak Aye, raise an Angel of God, the Left Hand of Vengeance be Mine. He, who has ears, make them hear! 

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