Sunday, October 29, 2023

Behold the Monster


Behold, the Monster, lets drink some blood;

to the hollowed lets blow the horn – Y

to the Victors, L to the crowd. In the mood

for some damage as wasn't home Good.

Make some noise, I cast a selfy;

keyboard warriors semper sellfist!

Crack the smile and break the hood!

Behold, the Monster, take a chill;

lets look deep inside the radness.

Either your out or closing in.

Drive throughs, shoot-byes, whim

licked tears to chin the badness...

Balded groans still shabby-saddened;

who will let the doggy out the mill!

Behold, the Monster, fighting White Knight;

windmills steadfast, Newsfeed outsourced.

More to know, than fits a stick log, still in blight;

no wisdom to hold – bearings like a Tesseract: “Right -

Left – East – North – South, who's more hoarse

than cooked goose pout! Raddish Brandish cause

will matter, means just moments – Goals or Hike!”

Cheering leaders, pathos drenching; sheep

are well fed, Wolves in safety. I call shotgun

then fuck out the train, you can keep your sleep

intourist. The dragon fell but was reborn steep.

The former Saviour became savant savage bum!

Hollywood, goats fuck good – who jumped the gun?

Was it Brandon Lee or Bruce Allmighty. Lets Rite!

Behold, the Monster, give yours moire grin;

make way on crossroads, chase Wild Hunts.

If you see outcasts bounce them in; if you grip

worthy, give them pink slips. None shall grit

their tooth on Heavens Supper, but transplants!

Lets attribute change you from disciple to sycophant;

what you haven't done to lesser, you didn't do to Grim!

Reject – Eject not on my Watch. Ben Ten can shower

E. Leven your in. God has no Sons, but under-workers;

if you're not like water, I'll piss you out, bRowzer...

Behold, the Anthems, of forgotten times; why dost wows

them, if none compliant? Better enmity than fake brother;

who would run after any Shepherd, but scatter

then a single finger hits your sour thumbs ensnared.

Behold, the Monster, lets eat some Flesh.

Hocus Pocus, your bloat did hoard pus(S).

Is that your rank, or crossed your heart fresh;

cause nothing ventured, nihil gains meh's!

Those, who don't follow in their Masters footprints, rush

to their own abandon; glimpsing deeper blush –

the Darkened Chaos from within a Piper for freshmen!

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