Sunday, October 29, 2023

Favourite Biscuit


Pro-moat the goat spout, then stout nihilists hit “Applause”

otherwise, who would know the right taunt and cause.

Unfazed of lost bandviwth, some connections strained;

pause for a second, to opt and choose new venues.

Roles are meant to mature, but human nature –

caricature, to feature too many monkeys in a frown...

Like the Statues “Incredible Hulk”, all Nazi doomsday weapons;

then you can't believe past glory, what's there to clown!

I'm down for business, but somebody ate my last biscuit,

to learn, you could steal a house at Usha, no shit.

Picture this, a G.I goes to mission and some low life

overfucks his wife, squatts there 30 days and now its his.

Possession, where's Mr. Exorcist. Cast those demons out!!

All the Ravens and Crows and Vultures: Cant you see I to I?

A delinquent is smirking at the bro, last boyscout under fire:

would you please pluck it out! Make him rue his desire.

At every river and Michael Jordan cosplay, seethe red;

make their ways go astray. Astor is on her merry way.

Betray. Make their feet run boobytraps, lag behind,

for who smites the cheek of a soldier, shall go blind.

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