Saturday, December 2, 2023

Ascendance of Begrinning


(Read End of Transmission first)


Durga Ma Chandra Tapa, Genisha Prana Vedanta;

when the Kalpa was lost in transition, all was host.

Pain is so close to pleasure, then leisured scandals

had to treasure immeasure upon measure Annals!

The banal conviction of the Righteous shall accost;

drink my blood and eat my flesh, to raise a toast

to the fervour and zeal of a Devi sworn to combat Vandals.


Let the Warrior Spirit exalt and manifest beyond the grinning;

its time to dance on Shiva like Ganga and Karthikeya!

The Rivers there torrentuous in their blessings whimming.

Katyayani was ready, Kali musing amongst aggrieving.

Women hath forgotten, Daksha disavowed to amend the slayer;

the demons could not extinguish the devotees prayers.

Give Grace and Fertile Beauty back to Womanhood shining!


Hulks and Jinxes – broken is the Virtue of Motherhood;

children don't love like Genisha does Parvati headless.

Mothers don't love, like Parvati, Shiva gave Ganas brood;

limbs without bones, kin without gods ordeal common good!

Let them come back to your bosom Kali Ma; Durga dread less.

Treading on the corpses of fallen vice and despair, caress

the bodhi to remember the pyres of Laksmi, take root.

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