Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Voracious Praetor



New retro spectro Intro my newto;

N – electro – lactating the thaw!

Mind I – I – I processing osc. touto;

lating to be soon Highnoon houto.

The Honden of Nights Reach straw –

Man and He was on edge en claw!

The beats, the bars, the vibes undo.


Procrastinating at the feet of Kali Ma;

then the shadow there dancing at the treetops.

Honden of Life's Web told Kodama

of the Center Tree a tall story; Muhabbah

and Ishq had a dispute over envelops

of worship and tolerance, a cyclopse

had to Xman the grandstand wusul-Fena!


Sulfurous voracious I want You –

I need You – I feed You – Redeem Fool.

Honden of Infinite Rage yanderu-desu;

consumed me with eating cashew

out of my mind and pussy – Cool

Dicks slapping my first cheek True!

Was traveling out of bounds for the Go.


Honden of Cleansing Fire rekindled

my thirst of Knowledge, ascending

me to Honden of Seeing Winds, mingled

in the seething reskin of a grim Pringles;

who seythed upon a tombstone – Bring

it on! – The Honden of Deep-Purple sting

my eyes and soles to desire more pain sing Les.


The Cid art A Hero quid retort

an outsmart fell a la cart rampart;

how to part wisdom on thy resort.

Sortir avec moi ce soir du Soleil auvoir cort!

Coeur deusieme de neuf cent Toussaint farte;

the Farce of a Searce scraping of Fanta.

Phantomas tearing Canis out of Heads tail Lord...


Open your mind, go blind to yourself;

no Mother, no Father, no Master, no God –

titles and language there to scandal wealth.

Building the Temple of Solomon, then thief

Jacob ran from his brother to Heavens Gate, abode;

angels going to and through, feeling interloped.

Offered double the regular, to be good in health.


Its time to dine in darkness, like Vision of Japha;

feast from my flesh and blood, Jahveh Sebaoth!

May it be worthy offering, the best kopher;

for you hath said: “Make friends with wicked Mammon košer;

that you may be received in eternal dwellings", once Sephiroth

is gone with all its Maya – satyagraha to scoth.

Who is like you, my Lord, was this a Life, Taisho!

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