Sunday, December 3, 2023




What will you offer to your Abrams Tank –

Think, before you steer into the Abyss blazing.

Would you sack your inner child, to thank

Lord Yahveh Sebaot, for accepting your blank

slate, He shall write full letter – grazing

over your gnothi seauthon, like a brazen

operator, who Neo'd too many dreams of crank!


What will you vow to the Victory;

Your Father, Your Son or what values the most?

Can you abandon thy name and story –

not call upon your virtuous significance, glory!

Just to be the amber in the wind, ghost

of the divine flame, unfathomed to host

the damned in your heart and liver – The True Tory.


Triple Tyr's hand on your such Pussy;

shall I wrap it up for the Christmas Carol

or can you CC your OD in concussive

immolated collage blamage du Debussy!

I shall rend your minds eye form Camel,

which seeketh to get through the trouble;

permeate Babylon to Stargate classy.


Tat Twam Tapa – I Am Discipline to the meek;

confusion to the scholars and scandalous

to the graceful. The Apple of Conflict wreak

in my havoc, I shall display on your streak

mirrors of succession and discipleship #%&”

No Padedeaux shall escape the triune curfew.

Ye, who seek to be enlightened, light up the stake!


Runa me thus Blade-Gunnar Dos your Mac Cheeze or gif

a stiffy, than Monika abductio at nihilo your shota

inner child? Tir na nOg was hosting the chaff

of the grass Hag, who wanted to bathaton ship!

Gifu-Odal-Sowulo-Isa-Wunyo-Ansuz stotter

the Lagus-Lagus braidspotter at Potters grove, loiter;

Y UWU was afraid of L – that Lawyer was Laboradora – F!


Ylf on your scarf, to funeral all Hallmarks –

stark contrast had to blaarg rhubarb; chew

Baka, as I Tsun your dares to convo a spark.

The Planeswalker was a trash-whisperer Snark;

always went ted-talk on bear hugs but brew

for the dudes and Mewtrix the NewS-Punk


Ta-Ta-Ta the New Tysm to offer a sheathe

for your rough edgy lord of CommonMain;

let's find Amanda Hugnkiss and Everybody Diaz-Louis.

But Marie Antoinette was castigated into Bruiser;

Mario had mixed feelings fighting her again –

transitioned into Maria Supra and blamed

it on burning Bush of Universal-Steve.

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