Monday, December 4, 2023

Process singe


Mat 19:11,12; Luke 18:9-14; Mat 23:1-5; Daniel 4:30; Eph 6:12; Luke 2:8-14; Mat 18:6; Gal 2:11-21; Luke 10:29-37; 16:1-13; Mat 15:26; Jdg 1:7 Mat 25:45,46; 5:39; Pro 30:17


Another One brings the bling of Faith at my space;

how some are more worthy than others – saved in Christ.

Who got a noose around their neck, who lewd chase

the fairy dragon or have rings and markings embrace.

Some cuts and bruises are for God's sake not a waste,

still those friends of Job want to IMF for Gideon's taste;

making impossible intermissions, what they didn't pace!


Those, who like Nebuchadnezzar, think to themselves;

that this Temple, bestowed unto their stewardship –

cant fare like Dagon in his House, for He only kills elves?

I am Saved, I am Saved, I am Saved!” they else –

though thus didn't save the Temple of Solomon, RIP!

All your Virtues and Sanity could be stripped, pout lip;

never forget, who brought you to faith and why, Lawless.


Remember how Lucifer fell from Grace; Israel stumbled

in the desert; how Templars had to give up their thrones;

put their laurels on foreign heads, miĊĦbat crumbled.

Rome Lost its honour, the exiled returned, mingled

with those, who's blood would not have pure enough,

to enter the Temple of Herod, alas – ew nuff –

not walking like us with God, thus I snub them Humble!!


Let there be no Principality nor Power indeed;

who shall stand aghast, to spoil the Gospel spree!

Who bring scandals, just to gloat their instant Creed;

just like those, who dost eat Gods, thus pagans had to flee!

Remember thee, those your kinsmen ancient who had to kneel; 

its easy to forsake the narrow path for the Chosen Realm,

when Pharisees and Sodokite walked passed with Phylacteries!


Who wants to be Processed Food, not sing a new song to the Lord?

Who left Samaritans on the road blooded, for the Sermon called!

Who thinks themselves worthy to Eat Supper, while doggies afford –

you could be the same, as was the Great King Adoni-Bezek, old;

who mocked his enemies and cut their thumbs and toes, that Star!

Process thy singe, before the same is yours, dear Holy molester –

For El Shaddai can take gobbled stones, make Angels for His Goal!


Do not mock nor trample on the face of Jesus Christ;

what you do unto the wicked, slaps the other cheek!

We are called to be the Icons of Heaven, whilst

Uzza Idols are spawning left and right even amidst

ourselves, so think yourself unworthy, who does the beak;

like a Raven down the stream, rapping the eyes creep –

for how are you with Christ, if you kill His serfs, Prized?

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