“Most assuredly, I say unto you, he who believes in Me, the works, that I do he will do also, and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. If you Love Me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you Another Helper, that He may abide with you forever – The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him, nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also. At that day, you will know, that I am in My Father and you in Me, and I in you. He, who has my commandments, and keeps them, it is he, who loves Me. And he, who loves Me, will be loved by My Father and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” Judas (not Iscariot) said to Him: “Lord, how is it, that You will manifest Yourself to us and not the world?” Jesus answered and said to him: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and make Our home with him. He, who does not love Me, does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not mine, but the Fathers, who sent Me. These things I have spoken to you, while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to you remembrance all things, what I have said to you. Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let your heart not be troubled, nor be afraid. You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away, and coming back to you!' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said: 'I am going to the Father!' for My Father is greater than I.” John 14:12-28
“Do not give, what is Holy, to the dogs nor cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn, and tear you to pieces!” Mat 7:6
I had an altercation with a gnostic, who defended Simon Magus from me, because how dare I state, St. Paul to be better than Him, then Simon Magus did Magical Miracles and Kabbalah, while St. Paul was a former zealous activist, worthy to beheld like the current day woke social workers, who cancel people. How do I redeem that person in my heart and word, but not Simon Magus. And he produced those 2 quotes, thinking that shuts me up. Oh My! X^D I felt like that Osmosian battling Ben 10 in his Brainstorm form and stating “I couldn't agree more!” using his weapon as a lightning rod to ignore his attack. Because Ben Tennyson had stated something about being the superior intellect, who deserves to defeat his inferior opponent in a humiliating defeat. Oh the Irony is always amusing me. It was very hard to contain myself and not go there and give that response. Thus being the same as a gnostic navel-gazing at his awesome rad skills.
But what is here the problem? The question is about, why do we believe and who is in focus of our service. Is it Us or Jesus Christ? Something tells me, then you're a Magician, Lord Jesus Christ dost get much attention span from thee. People see much about you, but not much about, why Lord Jesus Christ is awesome. Just like the band overshadowing the lead-singer, making him look weak. Even if a single guirar Hero, or drummer does that, He is not for the Team for the Band, but for Himself. How dost that sum up following what Jesus has said in the Sermon of the Mount?
What is a Dog or a Swine? Why does Lord Jesus Christ use those examples? A Dog is an instinctual being who has to do something along the way of tradition and ritual, guarding his territory very well; while a swine can eat, what could kill a Man. This is infact, how Antimon was found, due to the monks discovering, how it makes the pigs grow fatter, but produced great painful deaths to all the monks, who tried to digest it in their foods, to become better equipped against the winter cold. Those examples there against those kind of Mystics, who like to make hermetic teachings around Holymen, acclaiming, how they saw a vision or had a relic from their body, what allows to draw lines between brothers and sisters. For Jesus didn't come to cancel the Torah, but fulfil it, the same, we're not here to molest the Jews for being with God previously, but to commit to our worship with Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, so the Father could breathe in Us. That makes us that Rock, Lord Jesus Christ built His Christendom. Or have you forgotten the Vision of Japha, then St. Peter was told to eat unkosher food, later saw the Holy Spirit fall on the Gentiles, who had no faculty in anything, relatable to Kabbalah or circumcision or something else, what tries to snuff out the Gospel in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost! Acts 10,11
Also the judgment of my name and quip, that my feathers could turn from white to black, if I don't watch it. Awww, you shouldn't have >///////< if that there so easy to do, I would have already turned mundane and ordinary. For nobody wants to be Whiteraven, then he possesses such a snowballs chance in Hell. Besides, flattery is never real. I assume, you there talking about my name. I would turn into a Blood Raven, or Red Raven, like Lucifer Morningstar and Lord Jesus Christ, before me have become such. But I haven't detached from this world yet, to be worthy of such things. What would a pompous fool of the Luke Skywalker kind know about that, obsessing in front of old Yoda, pretending to be daft. Magic makes nobody great. Walking on water; feeding the poor; making water into wine and other miracles, what Jesus really performed, even the exorcizing of Evil Spirits and curing the sick. That is not the reason, why Lord Jesus Christ came to this World, but just as St. Paul would say in 1Cor 11:17-34 That Jesus took the bread, thanked and offered, stating it to be his flesh; the same He did with the cup, stating it to be the blood, so they could have Communion with Each-other. That very same communion, what got lost, then the Greek widows there discarded against the Jewish Widows, over which even Deacon Steven the Just had to die a Martyrdom, because some people wanted to be more saved than the lot, because they had something “More”. A Christian should always ask himself – does this awesome power I get, lift up my spirit and exalt my name, or does it build up the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, because then the Word say in John 14:12-28 that Christ's words need to be followed or else His Love and the Holy Spirit and the Father, wont dwell in thee, what kind of person dares to state, that He has something on the side!! That is the very reason, why the gnostics and the Church has warred with each-other, that one wants to turn it into an obscure cult like everything else in the world, while the other wants to proclaim the Gospel. In that sense St. Paul has more been of service than Simon Magus, then the latter gifted us with “Simonia” the practice of buying favours and offices inside the church. Just like Simon Magus wanted to buy the Holy Spirit, so He could bestow it with his hands, to whom He pleased, from St. Peter and St. John – and they rebuked Him! How does one acclaim knowing this Jesus and that Holy Spirit, then He wants to buy it for money, like its something lesser of Him? How does that show the Magnificence of this God, if Simon Magus does the Amber Heard? Because you shall do greater things, than the Lord...
Bitch please, then Francis of Assisi became of Lord Jesus Christ, He forsook His daddy, who was rich – even his clothing no less; all the women who there crushing on Him, being a better bachelor, the business He was destined to inherit and became a monk, to preach to the ravens and wolves! Because at first, none received His peculiar mission to forsake everything for Christ. Did He look out for His reputation, so everybody knew, how many Kame Hame-Ha's He could blast or Hadouken? He made sure, people found a place to crash; have something to eat and drink. There somebody would pray and service them, then the world didn't care. Did He audition on the Local Magisters Battle in wits or intellect? – Alas, even St. Paul held everything against Himself, what he had as a zealous follower of the Torah! – The Franciscan monks often had only an X marking the spot, at the ceiling of the barn, there they sleeping. I know from myself, that would be too much, because I at least need a real bed, to call it a living. But the point is – what has worshipping Lord Jesus Christ accost you! I couldn't even finish my theology studies. Such was the greatness of Love for Lord Jesus Christ, that I couldn't even write a paper on Eduard Lohse and his not finding Jesus in the Bible for being too much scholarly biased and favouring the scientific method. If nothing, can you even call yourself Christian? Why name Him, then He's just another sage among many others? I know, that Jesus is Boss, and He rules, but does Simon Magus also know, or does He say something about Himself being? If He now say and do things, what uplift Him, what's there for God? Why should I care or give a fuck over another Wizard. The Rod of Aaron ate all the rods of the Egyptian Mages!! Isn't friendship with this World, affront with God, for you cannot serve two Masters? That is also a teaching of Lord Jesus Christ! What is Whiteraven in front of El Shaddai and his Messiah Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit? Nothing more than a spirit of Conflict, to bring nightmares to the enemies of God. But all the babes of the Lord are of greater significance in Heaven, I am vowed to protect and serve. Can you say the same about your Simon Magus and yourself being a gnostic? Your obsession with Magic is like that of Money, which is the root of all evil. That is the very reason, why the church is crumbling, because everybody is for themselves, wanting to use their gifts to lift up themselves and not the Gospel. Or the MBTI charts, what do the same. Because its important, what name; title gift or prefix you have, though Jesus asked us to call none Rabbi or father or mother! Greater is He, who dwells in Us, than in Simon Magus! Thus say, Whiteraven, how say thou, little gnostic! Halleluyah!
PS don't be sad that I rebuked thee. Your people will still prevail in this coming age of Darkness, then Religion and Tolerance are trampled under the boot. Then Tyrants favour again the old gnostic ways and Hermetic teachings. Then people like You shall bring the Righteous in front of Courts and Judges as they did to Christ and His Disciples. So don't worry, you shall be paid for your trouble. Mat 6:2 Sound your Horns and raise your Y we shall still prevail, even if we die. Just ast the song Mighty Fortress is Our Lord!” For He shall raise me as Shield and Sword! No Wicked shall escape this Judgment. Take your Booty, like the Pharaoh before, for El Elyon will attribute you to be filled with the Spirit of Simon Magus and Jezebel as you ordealed. And You shall receive this other cheek from Whiteraven, and be damned in front of God. Don't you forget then, little old me, to thank me for this message, as is the proper way. I shall be waiting for you in my den. Little gnostic, hope you bring much magic with thee. Acts 19:15 perhaps your ID checks out in Heaven and Book of Life? Who knows. Amen and Godspeed!
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