Friday, April 29, 2016


Mis on magusam kui meest ja kes on tugevam lõvist;
sügavam kui ilmamered; kõrgem kui lumised mäed?
Armastus – Tema on see, kes teeb naiseks mehe,
röövides mõistuse; keelates silmale valgust!

Mis on kangem kui surm ja koledam kui vaenuväed;
reetlik kui laugas soo; kosutav kui hommikutuul?
Armastus – Tema on see, kes paljastab naise,
muutes ta hooraks, kui mees teda naerab!

Mis on keerulisem kui sõlm ja raskem kui kuninga puus;
ära arvamatu kui peidetud Tarkus ja mõistatus?
Armastus – Tema on see, kes abielus loob õnne:
poisist teeb mehe ja tüdrukust naise!

Elu on ilus

Elu on ilus, mu silmapiir, mis uppumas metsa,
see hingeviiv! Elu on kaunis, kui rohune aas;
kui tunneksin hinges end noorena taas...
Elu on kallis, tõesti ta pelk – saab kiirelt otsa
kui hämarik helk. Kui vaatleks kuivetund oksa,
jälle kevade rõõmud taevast on maal!

Elu on rännak ja vigade sarv, mis tuletab meelde
kuis õpetab tarm. Elu on kannatus; lunastuspüüd,
kui kotkas läeb jahile – taevas kaigub ta hüüd...
Elu on tasadus sõprade manus, sulnilt hammus'tes keelde
kui kibelt mõlgubki sajatus, mis võõraks teeb keele:
Otsida elust vaid õnne ja mitte kellegi süüd!

Elu on vihmas ja piiskade pungas, mis lehelt lehele
langevad sünges rahus ja vaikuses, oksade kohinas.
Kui linn on unustanud magalasse end tuhinas;
palju on töid ja rohkelt on kaupa – kes läheb mehele,
kes kolmanda silma saab laupa, et valgustus rehele
koodib tummiseid seemneid, palge koiduses õhinas!

Elu on kiire, kui süstik ta jookseb, põgeneb lõimes
kui oleks tal vastik. Ometi tugev ja piire ta muutev,
kui ükski takistus elu ei peatada suutel.
Ja ometi Elu – kui õrnim voorus, kummardub kõiges
kui allika hoovus! Nii nagu sead võistlevad sõimes,
ikka elu on Ilus nii kehval kui suurel!


Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
ei leia rahu mu nõrkenud hing!
Lõika ta ära, ma palun sind;
kustuta raamatust eluhind!
Miks peab sohilast kandma pind:
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
maa voolab ülekohtust, ei väsi ling;
kelm toetab kelmile; kelmi üle leping,
kuidas kohtlast pügada, hinnaks vaid king...
Aga ei kuule sa, Jumal, oh ving:
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
ligimesel venna vastu pale on süng;
õele põsele varutud kind'...
Ja siiski alpidel uhkusest paisub rind –
et targa mehe sulest on neimamas tint:
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
kes on nõnda kui Jahve, kes parem sind?
Ometi sa ei sekku, kui hobusest tehtud sink
saab müüdud vasikaks ja väsinult röövitud pink.
Ei hooli kristlane sellest, ei tõuse preestri pilk:
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
abitult ammuvad träälid, kui kohtul sünd;
kui kellegi vagu läks viltu, kohe on kelmil künd!
Ei ole aitajat rahval, ta juhtide palgeil on mink;
puuderdatud jahus ninad ja õelamas hind.
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind –
kes veel Mäejutlust mõlgutand – kahind
laualt kõik nupud ja kahvliga tehing
tal meeles mõlgub ja õlgade kehit':
Vahest umbmatis karjapoiss neid – ?”
Nea mind, mu Jumal, nea mind!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Assuredly, I say to you that there are some standing here who will not taste death till they see the kingdom of God present with power.” Mark 9:1
Why dost Jesus say thus? I mean, its really nasty to say unto mortals that they wont die unless something really divine happens and “The Kingdom of God coming in power” is the most sinister of all bible quotes next to the flesh and blood quote what made most of the disciples of Jesus forsake him, for a Jew can never eat human flesh and suffer to live in a religious way. Again Jesus is checking the very foundations of Judaism itself and the way faithful followers perceive their everyday life and religion. I mean this quote got handed to the Jews as destruction of the temple and the exile of Israel from their fatherland for the course of thousand years and then some. Who could have perceived it to be such a vile curse and not a blessing at all? Those who listened to Jesus to say thus, he talked about, what it costs to follow him. Lets see about the cost section.
If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. Luke 14:26
For a religious Jew, it was impossible to disrespect his parents or siblings, for that was in contempt with the Law of God. That wasn't a small favor to ask.
He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” Mat 10:39
That's some nasty things to say as a Jewish rabbi! A Jew could only loose his life for God himself and that's what Jesus called himself – although we know it today through the Gospel and course of history, it wasn't known by the contemporary Jews of Jesus time. They didn't have the King James version of the Bible on their back pocket. The Torah was so holy that the Rabbis argued for real whether the book being in a wasted state is still holy if you could only read the first verse of Exodus as a verse; or the same verse as words dispersed among the entire Torah; or the same verse dispersed as mere vowels on the entire Torah. And each of these philosophical discourses had its followers. Upholding the holiness of the Torah became such a nuisance that it hemmed down normal conversation. How can you aspire philosophical insight then your counterparts argue about a manuscript being holy if you can only decipher one verse of it. I mean for a person who never read the Torah, this is a useless thing to own. It's only meaningful if you sometime in your life have seen the full version in order to know the meaningfulness of that quote.
For instance, if I would yell: “My cabbages!” and hold my head in a frustrated look, than most people would perceive me either as insane or at least goofy. But those who have seen Avatar – the last airbender, will perceive the quote and recognize the cosplay. Because there are no cabbages around me, so why would I yell that! And now Jesus is speaking about the Kingdom of God being presented unto the Jews. The very thing every Jew has been longing for so long. They thought the Kingdom of Solomon is being reinstated and the entirety of the Roman empire handed unto them. But instead Ikabod happened.
Why should a follower of Jesus Christ hate himself and everything he is standing for to forsake it in order to claim something what is not tangible? What's in it for him! I mean, look at all those beautiful churches and cathedrals – have they ever renounced themselves… Well? If you want to be a thriving church, then you have to go the way of Peter; Judas and the brothers of Sebedee. They all dies for Christ in different ways. Peter and Judas betrayed Jesus by renouncing Him and not themselves. One being a poor fishermen and not owning any religious pride or social status at all, could weep heavily and come back to Christ, the other was to proud to see the eyes of the other followers and Christ for deeming the value of Christ to be only 30 sheckels of silver, the price of an average slave. So in our money 1000 dollars. That's how cheap Jesus was for him. And if he understood that he had made a bad bargain it was too late to change it. And he couldn't forgive himself bad judgment. In the end it was pride what condemned him and not suicide or betrayal itself.
The reason, why we should forsake everything is quite simple.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Mat 6:21
You cannot focus on anything then you are thinking on something else. Professor Quirell wanted to hand the philosophers stone to Voldemort so bad that he couldn't perceive it inside his own pocket like Harry Potter did. He always perceived thing outside of himself and not inwardly. And thus he failed being burned by his own arrogance and petty greed, unable to even touch an innocent boy. If holy things touch you, and you are in contempt with holiness, then you shall burn. Even then flames wont incite from your body, like in an anime-show you will still feel the unquenchable lust. People want to survive – they want their egos to survive. The Ghoul Jason was once captured by humans and tortured by one very vicious and sadistic warden, being made to count back from 1000 with sets of seven to keep his sanity so the warden could torture him further – for you cannot feel true pain, if you are insane… That's why some people coming face to face about the ugly truth of malice and despair – that they must do something about it and not God; or the army or the government, or even Superman, lest to be speaking about mommy – become insane or embrace it to get rid of responsibility. Jason became the very copy of that warden torturing ghouls and humans the same way. And in the end Ken Kaneki, who was as tough as an Easter-bunny and as cute as a lost puppy, embracing his madness was able to subdue him and make him a puppet of pain again like he started, counting 1000-7…-7…-7! For only the strong are allowed to have ego-trips, while the weak are not. This kind of philosophy in the end makes you suffer the same medicine you arbiter…
For instance if your opponent is using terror against you, it will be like using black magic as being taught by Severus Snape or Bartemius Crouch Jr. If you are about to break the law, you wont do it fairly. For instance, if you gonna blast a building, it has a better terror value, if women and children and pregnant women are the victims and not able men or even soldiers, for they know how to die, just like Touka Kirishima could not take it that a pacifist ghoul was murdered and not a warrior ghoul, murdering a geek dove instead someone who was able to fight back – and even then she could kill the culprit who murdered her friend, it didn't bring her peace. The Hatred raged on between the doves and the ghouls. That's why terror is directed on the meek, for if they suffer it shall hurt the just more, than the death of the just itself. For they are inside the heart of the just. You can always train about your own life to be meaningless as a soldier or a security officer or inside of police force or in anywhere there it is expected to protect and serve. But nothing can make you ready to see the meek meaninglessly die and wither away seeing their eyes haunting you, for you couldn't save them. That is the message of terror, why it's being used and why it's next to land mines the cheapest weapon available. It says to the soldier: “You efforts are in vain and we will have our way nevertheless!” Not many people will suffer it through. The very reason why only 40% of navy seal trainees suffer the rigors of training while half of these also burn out when they can't take their first defeat. For their heart is inside of victory and not inside of something more important than each individual battle. While it is important to win battles it becomes meaningless if you loose the war. And if you opponent is fighting against your core values he doesn't have to win a resounding victory, he just has to make your win as costly as possible or take the meaning of winning away by simply cheating. One martial artist master was teaching his pupil about that by the egg-parable. The pupil was expected to fetch the egg unspoiled using all what he had learned – but couldn't. Even then he began to suffer it through the master just glared at him and broke the eggs, for he didn't need em to win – his pupil needed it. So the best meaningful way to halt his pupil in winning was taking the win away and the pupil had to admit defeat. The same happens always in war. There is no just war – the only reason why wars are justified is the same reason why war-heroes are forged and medals of valor are handed to them. It doesn't make their friends and comrades or their people who died in war to resurrect, it merely comforts them, that their suffering is noted and respected.
Many war veterans, coming back from the war complain, that they didn't suffer all that because of how this world looks today. For if to use the US army in WW II they thought against nazi germany with the naive faith, that if they don't, they have to be the slaves of the Third Reich while now they are free people; that their ways will be ridiculed and some of them are being persecuted because they are not arian enough. And now coming back from the war they have to see that the banking system itself and the liberal government is very much arian in their action. It always strikes me, the irony of “Occupy Wall-street” - To go a long way while buying gas from the same corporation and buying food from the same corporation and rebelling against those very same corporations who hold the majority of everything in America – to believe that when you poor 20 gallons of water into the basin in a fixed amount of time and make a hole into it what only drain 5 gallons of it on the same time period – that this basin would run dry one day. That's about the meaningfulness of such conducts. They have no way of harming anybody but yourself! For your heart is still in the world and not in your cause… If they really wanted to hurt those corporations, it should have been a fasting pilgrimage with no cars; no food; no tents; no nothing – and 100K people mass suiciding on wall-street sends a more strong message than what happened there. 100K potential clients who wont be buying anything or paying any taxes in the future. That's gonna hurt the capitalist. That's a real cause of action and not a fantasy. And immediately the corporations will address it as madness and try to arrest all its leaders and fight it publicly claiming that there is no need to enforce your political views in that way.
If you expect tangible restitution, you will be rewarded with nothing because that price will corrupt you. Your opponent may just play with you either offering you that price or black-mailing you with aspects of its destruction. That's why nice people will always finish last, for they don't know how to kill – its not about pointing a gun and shooting. Its about the knowledge that you are gonna take someones life and he deserves to live. That this action makes you a killer and not a nice person anymore. What Cain couldn't handle in the curse what God put on him for being the first murderer of man, that someone could do that to him also. That his life was no longer safe in his eyes, for he witnessed first person how easy it was to take one life. Holyness is there only if you choose to yield under it becoming vulnerable, but if you choose life by fistycuffs then it means, that the stronger fistycuff shall defeat; enslave or possibly kill you.
So what does the Power of the Kingdom of God mean to you – is it physical power or is it spiritual power! Only a true enlightened person can answer that. Everybody else are thinking about cities to erect like Cain did, to avoid being killed. For God said unto him that he will avenge his death but Cain didn't suffer to trust that. His contempt with God didn't allow him to own that kind of trust. If your core beliefs are about the Sermon of the Mount then sometimes it may mean that your enemy shall come and point a gun not at you but at something you dearly love and kill it, unless you renounce your faith – who is a Christian then! For your heart is in them, and for that you must hate them and yourself so your enemy could not defeat you in your home. That's why 9-11th happened to defeat Americans in the heart, so they would forsake they freedoms to have more technocratical tyranny. For Muslims have no freedom of speech; no freedom of election; no freedom of anything. Everything is submitted to Allah and no other God exists to them nor way of life. That doesn't give much room for freedom the American way. So if America chooses despotism in order to be safe from terrorism, they may defeat terror from the enemy but will be defeated by they own weapons like the Jedi there killed by the clone troopers made to help the republic because of the hidden prerogative inside their training calling all the Jedi traitors of the republic. For they there fashioned by Sith agenda in the name of a dead Jedi leader, but that didn't change the angle of that agenda. Especially if the sith was the very leader of the republic playing both ends.
If you believe in some kind of Freedom what is in itself Divine and Holy – then you cannot care about your own life nor anybody elses life. For that care will become your bribe. Judas Iscariot couldn't take it that a prostitute would be equally important in the Kingdom of God then he lamented about the pricy oil being squandered away. His heart was not with Jesus but in the purse of Jesus from which he took money for himself – that's why he couldn't believe that someone could give away one years pay on ointment and perfume. Would you be able to give say 300k money on that to wash a holy-mans feet with it. I would have a problem with it. I would only take the cheapest soap from the market and as little as ointment possible to have the nice smell and the though that counts. For you could do so much more with 300.000 dollars!!! Why only waste it on Jesus?!? But this prostitute somehow knew, this is her last chance for that and gave it her all. I am humbled at this woman's conduct – for she is my betters. I would not be able to do that, because my honor and pride would deny me that. But a prostitute is a nobody, she has no honor and pride to begin with. That's why Jesus speaks to the nobodies of the world and not to the exalted of the world, they payment is already with them why would they need more!! Whats in it for you to have Freedom in your life – how much are you able to forsake for that! Amen!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Aspects of Religion

People always ponder on the question which faith or religion to choose. That question is misplaced. Because religion can't be perceived without culture and environment. The freedom of choice as introduced through democracy has made us ignorant, what Freedom and Choice really are. We tend to think about questions of religion, that it's like on the market there you're buying ice-cream and it does not matter what flavor you pick. Choose as you like it. You can eat your own kind of ice-cream! But that is not the truth. It's more like being the merchant himself who decides to start selling ice-cream, but the ice-cream has not yet been made for the recipe has not yet been made and he must think of the recipe – that is religion and that defines your freedom of choice. If you are born in a muslin state there you don't have access to public education without being checked by authority and religion, how does your religion alienate from the environment? How do you find new ways to express something then you can't even own a bible for it's deemed so corrupt and dangerous – it's being punished with death. Like you had a jar full of Anthrax and not a book. The first thing that people being born in democracy especially in America don't understand, is Monopoly. If you enter a religion – you don't own that religion; that religion owns you. Everything you do and are and think and own belongs to your god and you are merely renting it! This is the reason why liberal people don't understand religion – for they are unable to submit under the monopoly of Religion becoming the know-how and know-what of religion. Its just like in the Matrix there Morpheus tries to explain to Neo that he is just a battery for the grit. And Neo can't take it wanting to get out of the truth puking, because the truth hurts and is overwhelmingly great.
The religion was never created to grant people Freedom or Choice – it was created to take that away. Just like a vegan denies himself food what comes from animals for he wants to get the “right” food the “just” way! That is a religious sentiment. Bodybuilders deny themselves leisure and junk-food to get a great body. They train arduously to obtain the perfect body with the perfect six-pack and muscles. For that they have to follow a ritual or monopolized recipe. You can have everything only one way. Just like selling always vanilla ice-cream and putting chocolate cream on it and a cherry – but no peppermint ice-cream or strawberry on top for that is not your brand. That could be the competing brand. You first must find out if your customers actually want to have Vanilla ice-cream with peppermint ice-cream and a strawberry and not with a cherry. Without customers the ice-cream stand goes broke and has to shut down. The same thing happens with religion without followers. It dies out then the prophet gets too old or out of resources to do his divine mission. You don't choose religion to gain freedom and stop working hard – you seek a purpose what makes you to work even harder you did without religion so you would not think of the scary question:. You will one day die and you don't know there you go then! To avoid death, people want to bribe God with religion so they would not fear death and they would have a quiet and stable belief of afterlife or like workers dream of fair pensions and retirement. God is always one, but there are many religions, and they all claim that they are the one and only right kind – just like only Vanish or only Fairy will wipe out all the stains on your white-shirt or wash the dishes clean while other competing products will not. It's a religious statement. All marketing is founded on religion. It works through faith and not through reason. There is nothing reasonable in the sentence: “Put the tiger in your tank!” It cannot perceived with logic. It implies that you believe that a certain vendor can give you a certain product that has certain attributes, that grant you the feeling what you can perceive only through faith and trust that your car moves as fast and strong and proud and cool as a tiger – though it does like a regular car. You have a statement what is a lie on the logical plane and becomes a truth on the religious plane if you choose to enter it. And it remains the truth only that long you are on the religious plane. That's why so many believers loose faith – they thought they faith is tangible then it was not – that the change happens outside without them actively managing it – for they are merely buying ice-cream and not making or selling it. They have to just believe and everything is done unto them. No! You have to be active too… Being passive is as reasonable as to think that a fire will burn from itself. If you don't throw logs into it or branches it will die out, for even a fire must eat. Its warmth does not come three. Energy does not come from nowhere, it must have a certain “some-there” to come to us – so we could believe it came to us and we can have it. If we don't understand whence something comes and why, we would run away in fear and would try to snuff the flames out. That's why religion teaches what it is so you cannot confuse it with something else. A Pepsi is not a Coca-Cola and a Prada shoe is not a Timberland shoe. Its followers know the right taste to make the difference. Religion starts and ends always the same way.
  1. Times of the vision and holy war – People know many Gods and the Scientists call it the Henotheism period. These Gods can be any kind of deity. Fairy; elf; troll; orc; zomby; divine ancestor… etc. There is no limit to the claim of God title because in itself God is a title and not a name. Every time you say to a deity that he is your God – it merely means like some other guy says this is my king or daddy or something. It's your choice not his being. Because you accepted and submitted to that choice. You did the proper ritual to show out that choice. Like Fairy tale fans cosplaying Natsu Dragneel; Erza Scarlett or Gray Fullbuster. How is that in anyway different when somebody believes he has been divinely taken over by the presence of Thor or Ares and is hence a better warrior. In this state you yet have nothing. No conduit of followers no holy ground to meet no nothing. You still have to take it from the market your spot in life. Hence you are one the one hand really friendly for you don't want to spook your possible customers/followers and also aggressive for you want to get them to accept your ice-cream recipe and not the competing vendors stuff. So you give out freebies to buy their attention and trust so they would perceive you as safe and sound.
  2. Times of the building of the Temple – you have reinstated your claim that you know a God and he is awesome. Some people have bought that claim that your God is awesome and have taken residence in one territory and you erect legal barriers and a holy ground to further solidify your place on the market. This is the Monotheistic time, there you can only worship one God – and all the other Gods what your ancestors saw as possible gods – are only elfs. Lesser beings who are not as awesome as your God. This can be shown out by writing the first letter bigger than the latters; or adding descriptive cuddle names to your God what describe how awesome your God actually is. Like Yahweh is not just Yahweh, but Yahweh Sebaot - “The lord of Hosts” that he has great hosts at his disposal while a different god may be just a lone freelancer and not a big scary corporation. This is the time of the client cards and client offers what you only get then you are a client and consume stuff a certain amount. Believers have their faith calendars with their dates what say to them when to fast and when to eat and when to worship what way to get the happy ending into their life. This God can only be worshiped one way in one place – like a copyrighted disc can only be played one way; one region and so forth. If you do it the “wrong” way. You are the pirate or the infidel and considering the gravity of your way how it wreeked with the right way – there is also a matter of intrest in your punishing. For the followers must be made to believe that your way is dangerous and wrong and thus we do it the right way. Like Vanilla ice-cream with mustard is regarded as disgusting for it could be to the liking of someone. You think this is the end? No the fun is just beginning, brace yourself.
  3. Absolutism – While in Henotheism and Monotheism the King and the Priest there mostly different people. For one leads the divine ritual and the other arbiters tax collection and regular life, on the Absolutist period either the Hierophant or the King has usurped all power and called himself somewhat god himself or at least the emissary of god. This Emissary cannot be judged for he represents the honor of God – and God cannot lie nor do evil for religious doctrine does not teach that. God is Good! Everything what this Emissary says and does becomes God's word even if he basically rapes somebodies daughter or molests somebodies wife or does other things what are denied to normal people under the divine or regular law. But the law wasn't stated for God – but for his followers. That needs a conlusion
  4. Restitution – If the Absolutist king or Pope has exalted himself long enough and the peasantry is finally disgruntled and had it with this kind of life there they have to keep up a spoiled regent who's “finger is thicker than the previous ones loin” On times of Restitution people think of the good old days then everything was bigger and better. You 200 g of Chips there that and not 175g for the same price or mostly full of compressed air. They want change and now not in the afterlife. So there come the prophets and revolutionaries who say that you don't need this and that in the holy ritual coas you can do better. Like Martin Luther waring with the Catholic church against selling Indulgences for the Holymen have lived so happy lives that it counts for more than them or one roll on the prayers windmill is worth 1000 prayers. It works as long there are actually spiritual people in the community who keep paying for it with real prayers and not with the indulgent way. Somebody still has to do the “dirty work”. Or the system wont work. For what use to be obedient to the law and not kill – then you can simply indulge yourself on a holy-mans holy life while living like a parasite in your community. Can this kind of God who accepts that be in any relation Good no matter what his followers say? Really?! If there is no necessity for living the straight and narrow. That is the time there people start to talk about the difference between believing something and doing something – like they don't go together at all! That there are two kinds of people: Spiritualists and Practitioners The Spiritualists theoretically believe that God is something and this is that. The Practitioners do it with real meditation real prayer and real life work what starts to derive itself from the theory what starts to live a life of its own. Basically Liberalism is the Theorist kind of Christianity what does not hold sway in real life. For it does not really say how to relate to God in Real life and who this God is, for that would need a practical choice – a choice what a true liberal will never do – for then he is this and not that and cannot any longer speak to all. Then he has a color and a name and a face – while as speaking as on a theorist plane he could be omnicolor – just like Saruman didn't want to be White but Saruman Omnicolor. For each color has its strengths and limitations and weaknesses. Saruman the White couldn't fight in the same way as Sauron the Black – so he envied the “freedom” of black what his color lacked. Basically the thing that pesters any liberals brain. They want more prominence. To sit on all the chairs and not just one. To be knowledgeable in everything; to merge the scientific method with the Theological truth even though one can't stand the other. Trying to find the real tiger in the tank and finding out – there is no tiger. Tough shit, man, sucks to be you!
  5. After Restitution comes Resignation. Some people have learned that they actually don't need that God to live on and move on without that religion; find a new and better religion while the faithful are in turmoil and seeking their place in this world. For some reason God is silent and does not care enough… The big architecture and central body erected to sustain multitudes starts to eat itself. For you cannot sustain a cathedral without a congregation – and that is people, not the building. A normal Cathedral type of church needs at least 200 people to work. Why? Because only 2% of them will be able to become priests of the real kind and not be posers. So if your church has 200 members the figure is 4. How many ministers needs a church of that kind. One minister can sustain his attention at best to 15 people so 200/15=13,34 there do the 9,34 missing ministers come from? That is the time there all the rot of the community starts to fester inside religion – pedophiles; demagogues; warmongers or freelancers looking for thrills and perks – and the religion has nothing to do against it for there is nobody else to take – not even from the village on the other side of the hill or from behind the sea or in the forest etc. You just have to make bread out of shit. Some don't even know anymore if gods exist, for the other gods are no longer preached and their knowledge is censored; omitted or expunged. And you have only fairy tales of it.
  6. Fundamentalism – Yeah, now comes the part then some religious people who still cling to the old ways piss off. Just as the peasantry couldn't take it that the ruler is corrupt – the pious can't take it that everyday life has become corrupt. So a Restitution or Reformation of faith is in order. It no longer craves for a prophet or revolutionary to be implemented. Any guy with glowing eyes and fanatic frenzy will do. He just has to fanatically believe in it what is right, no questions asked. It could kick-start the religion and bring it back to tier 1 or loosing everything in the latter tier.
  7. Disenchantment – The Fellowship has crumbled the Faith has failed. The fundamentalist period has brought many wounds to those who follow it and to those who witness it outside. There are too many jokes of your way around how it has been implemented the “wrong way” til it becomes a slander-word to even mention your way. “Jack the Ripper”; “Freddy Kruger”; Ted Bundy. If people perceive you like this negative characters it's game over. Nobody will even listen to you or await your arrival. People will just scatter like a dragon is mounting on them. You can just stop what ever you there about to do, coas it's over!

The reason why Christianity is crumbling today is quite fair and simple. The majority has entered tier 5 while some of the more active are already on tier 6. Muslims on the other hand who suffered great losses after their empires crumbled with the loss of Spain and it's muslim culture are right now on tier 4 while all their outcasts are even on tier 1, ready to immediately jump to 2 if they get enough foothold in the community. The only way Christianity can get back to tier one is Holy War! What does that mean – no more liberal teaching of the bible and bullshit talk how a theologian can't find Jesus in the bible for he is too preabsorbed into flattering scientists and the scientific method. All the politically incorrect measures going back to KKK and so forth to segregate and reinstate the right way like it was in the bible – though Jesus was not white at all but a Jew! Knowing how liberal the Christian leadership really is – this will never happen, coas they don't wanna loose their votes like Pilate flinched then the Jews accused him of being the enemy of the emperor if he dost not suffer Jesus to death. And Pilate washed his hands and did like the majority asked for. The liberal leadership of Christianity will never go against the majority for they like their power and not the possible hardship of renegade life. Muslims on the other hand don't care at all what it will cost to them. They love to worship with their very lives. Just the way Christians did on the Roman period. See the difference. There is one bunch of people who want to suffer for their beliefs and the other who want their quiet resignation and pension. Who would win the fight? Make an educated guess… You can't have something then nobody is willing to do the dirty work and believe for himself. If somebody else is gonna do it than soon you'll be evicted from your church for not paying the upkeep of the house and other legal fees. You cannot lead then there is nobody to lead who wants to be led the right way. This is the reason why most of the peoples Christianity is just a keepsake name and not reality for they go to the church the same way like to the theater or cinema. But you wouldn't die for a ticket to there – that would be insane. People would actually die for a Harry Potter book, because it represents something non-tangible what can only be obtained through purchase of the book. Christianity to the majority does not represent that anymore. Then did you last see Christians to storm the doors of a church the same way Harry Potter fans storm a shop to first buy their copy of the book – and that is the very reason their faith don't work! Their eyes don't glow; they look like frustrated shift workers on the line who only do one motion and they hate it but can't admit it in fear of loosing that job or whatever it is to them. Without passion comes no vision; no vision – no respite; no respite – no growth; no growth – people burn out and leave! The end…
More Faith Christians and more Commitment or there will be no tomorrow for you! Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Mercy not sacrifice

But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Mat 9:13

Why is Jesus saying thus? Mercy and not sacrifice! I mean Abraham was ready to offer his very child to God while being halted by God in doing so and Jephthah even sacrificed his daughter, because he vowed so. Jdg 11:30-40. So why does Jesus say that Jahweh don't need sacrifice? All the Torah was about sacrifice! That's what the Sodokite and Pharisee life was all about. There was a saying among the Pharisees, what enlightens it:
When a servant of the Word learns the word and sees a field full of grain and says: „Oh What magnificence – what great riches!” Then this say is rendered unto him, that he has no prominence nor hold in the Word of God and his Discipleship has concluded!”
He can't even call an obvious beautiful thing as beautiful – as though he is married to the Word of God and that bride would get so very jealous of him. Because he made a commitment to uphold and learn the spiritual side of life and not the common side of life. And sometimes it gave many hardships to those who there left back.
It is very easy to be a Christian then you are alone in this world and nobody depends on you – but if you are the only son of your family and God calls on you and that means that the lifestyle of your father and his forefathers will end with that. For instance, if Elisha was called by Eliyah, he sacrificed all his fathers oxen to god and followed the prophet. Immediately his father lost both his cattle and his son. From a Jewish point of view he was as dead as Job after receiving the perils of God because the devil slandered his ways and somewhat God listened to that. How can the father be happy about the son following God like that. He lost everything he stood and worked for that instance. It is so easy to be Christian if God is not calling you to do anything out of the ordinary, because your normal life can resolve as usual – but if you become a prophet or even a follower of the word a priest – normal life is ended. It was that bad in Israel at times of Jesus, that if a son had an argument with his father and tempers flared and the son called all his possessions Korban – when he was bound by law and honor not to give anything to his mother or father of his stuff while still being able to use it for himself until he has presented it to the Temple and thus God. That presented great calamity and social scrutiny what was unjust and unfair and not according to the meaning of that law. And because the law became so very abusive like a sack full of gold on a donkeys back what is too big to be hauled and makes the poor animal faint. People there literally smothered by the aspects of law unable to get close to God. It was like a painting of Ilja Repin there the orthodox had a procession with the relics while not letting the crippled close. The poor could carry the relics while true religion was status-ship of the rich; clerics; lordship and not of the poor and simple. I mean those relics what there said to heal the sick – and the sick are not let close enough to be healed! For that came Jesus to this world that those who couldn't by themselves acquire the law, because either they there born the wrong way or living the wrong way or eating the wrong way or being the wrong nativity – not all nations had equal prominence in God – some there ritually accursed for actions in history. For instance the Gibeons tricked Israel and Joshua into having a covenant with them then they there put to death by Jahweh to escape genocide and for thus they there cursed with eternal servitude in the temple entrance. They could serve the temple but never enter it! Jos 9: 1 – 27 What can you do in the face of the Lord Jahweh when you are born a Gibeonite to eternal servitude with having never the right to get the benefits of true faith. They still had to be circumcised for working in the service of God, but no mercy for them! So when Jesus said that this Jahweh wants only Mercy and not Sacrifice – it didn't go unheard. It spelled trouble for the Pharisees and Sodokite for their regency and dominance was in check. Whats the need of a church if you can just read the holy words and be redeemed by that? This was the very reason why Jesus was accused by the clerics of Israel of wanting to destroy the faith. He was about to let the people go from the unjust leadership of the clerics. They would have lost everything! And nobody likes to loose they place in this world – then it is such a prominent one. It presented its danger that simple Israelites could have started dishing the offerings of the Temple. I mean, the building of the temple depleted the land and peasantry of resources. So they had more than enough reasons to ditch church-tax. That's why the leaders of Israel feared and despised Jesus. They status quo was in danger. Mercy not Sacrifice!
It is so easy to be Christian – if you are rich and you can offer from your riches, but it becomes so very personal if you offer yourself – just as the difference of Cain and Abel and their offerings. One was offering his excess the other was offering blood and despair. Every time you offer something so personal you are in contempt with God – because killing is against Him! So you need Mercy already there then you want to be nice to God with your offerings! Not a calming thought. How can you serve this God according to the Law then breaking the law is not allowed! The second commandment already states that you cannot read nor write nor have anything in the civilisation what so ever, for this is against the law. For Israel of that time couldn't read nor write and was a peasant tribe in the desert. Only the priests could do that! So what to do today in the cilisation. Reading this very essay is against the second commandment! For seeing things up in the heavens or down on the earth or underground. For imagination was illegal. You couldn't imagine things because this could be used for cons the most dreadful power of the east. The one thing that Israel and all the eastern region fear the most is being lied and betrayed, for your word was like money today and not being able to trust your words was like dealing with false money. So you couldn't have anything what could have given you the ability to falsify the words of God. But doing so denied also the people of Israel proper understanding of the Word of God! For they didn't know how to understand it – by having no imagination of God! And Jesus was there to end that calamity by giving imaginations of words to the people of Israel and who ever was able to listen. All of a sudden the people did not need the pharisees to explain the Law – they had the simple teachings of Jesus what there like fairy tales. You don't need a PhD to understand a fairy tale! You don't have to go fasting and praying and renouncing this world to understand a fairy tale. All you need to do is shut up and listen!! That wasn't to the liking of the temple for they did all that – fasted; prayed and secluded from this world while accepting the offerings of the people offering cryptic teachings back what there purposely made cryptic so there was a necessity of clerics in Israel. The clerics became like bricks in a wall what shadowed the entrance to God – before you could see God you would have to find a way through; around; over or under that brick wall. Most of the people gave up on that or became Pharisees or Sodokite themselves if possible. The fight in the pagans side of the temple what was turned into a market place was the very point in that. Jews didn't suffer the infidels that right to pray in silence for the path to the temple mount was so looong and sooo arduous. Why would the poor follower of Jahweh had to suffer that, then he could have come without offerings and buy them from the temple in the kosher way? It only cost the infidels they place of prayer – surely they would understand that the needs of majority trump the needs of minority. If they want to pray to Jahweh, they still can pray in the cackling of the chickens and the sound of the turtle-doves or the oxen or shouts of silver and marketists and clients shouting and barthening. Whats the big deal? Why would the faithful have to suffer with they offerings this long way uphill, when it can be so much easier! And Jesus didn't like that and whipped them out of the temple! Mercy not Sacrifice! The reason of sacrifice was never like God was hungry and needed a beef steik from Israel – it was to make understandable that life is a responsibility. Faithful life became by the cost of the offerings death. The very story of the beginning of the world and the outcasting of Man from Eden introduces the idea of scapegoating. The world is not sinful and under death because it committed sin, but because the world and every living creature inside of it is scapegoating for man for his sin that he didn't suffer the words of God the rightful way. So in a spiritual sense – if a rabbit dies, he dies of human sin! That's why a Christian needs to be humble and merciful – for he literally lives on borrowed time and space. Everything in this world is scapegoating so the man could get enlightened enough to end death and deceit itself. So when you offer this kind of scapegoat its not hurray – its despair that he had to be the sucker to die for your assholeness. Not many Christians understand that why they need to rejoice and why this rejoice must also include the perception of the nobody. Because we didn't deserve our place in this world under Gods mercy – God could have chosen a Chimpanzee or Elephant or Mantis to have a better servant than man is. But he chose thus, out of mercy. And how do normally faithful people respond to it? Oh wow! I have my divine right to raise taxes and alter the law to my liking so I could have more money and fame and power! Because when in power without humility you soon forget, that this right is not yours. It was handed to you and one day you will resign it again for its not yours. But Christians act like they own the church of God! Just like Israel before, Christian do the very same mistake: “This is Christendom; this is Christendom; this is Christendom!” thinking that bearing the name and clothing and cross of Christian makes em so very Christian. If that's the truth than if I shit in the jar and take some candy paper and press my shit into the right shape while giving it the right incentive to smell like chocolate – than it becomes that brand what is inscribed on the candy paper what I am selling. It's all about the name and not the inside! Shit can be chocolate like that too! But for God Christians ARE like shit and NOT chocolate!! For what good for God to have servants who bear his name and brand but don't do what he asks. God says to worship Him and be kind; the followers start arguing about who is better and who is the leader and who at all can have mercy from them as means of pension, for who knows maybe you are of wrong inheritance and don't apply to that mercy! The disciples solve that issue and ministers are introduced but those get too lazy and government has to take over the care taking of pension. It used to be a Christian thing now its not anymore. Because why can't somebody else do it. I don't want that mercy at my side, for it's too EXPENCIVE!! And then come all the offerings what are meant to keep some people out of Church for they are unable to follow these:
I had a dream in the night. I was walking on the beach and it was snowing for it was February. The ice had just melted and it was rather nice. I saw a man strolling along my way in a drunken manner and he fell into shallow water. I rushed to his aid to not let him drown in that shallow water to find out that he was gay, for he wore a rainbow belt. Nevertheless I dragged him out of the water into my hut and relieved him from the wet clothes and lighted a fire but that was not enough to warm him up and I feared that he might die on hypothermia. So I didn't know what to do. This is what I did. I stripped myself nude and lied down next to him while shouting and talking to that gay-boy, for if he fell asleep it could be that he never wake up again. So I lied next to him onto him to warm him up giving him a hand-job to make his blood boil so he would not die. And he survived and was later thankful for that and left. But I am Christian who cannot lie nude next to a man! What should this Christian think of that dream now? I saved his life but compromised my integrity – for this is what mercy means – you forsake justice! You become as vulnerable as Jesus becoming a mere mortal and getting crucified for the rightful claim of being the son of God! But if it were to happen in the real world and not in a dream. Could I still call myself a Christian the regular way? That is here the question. Mercy or Justice!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Don't seek Christendom, seek Wisdom

Pure knoledge is void of reason;
devoid of class – it borders treason.
Pure faith – like an eternal season,
puts himself in anguish-prison…

Pure Wisdom seeks no merits;
its followers fervor he inherits!
Pure Kindness – steadfast cherish,
to avoid the guilty villains banish…

Why would the Just need Mercy –
like a champion fully cursing
needs a hand to lift up treasuries?
They got their valor and no mercy!

Justice and Mercy don't go along:
there one reigns the other sharpens his tongue.
Mercy seeks forgiveness, justice corpses by the throng;
their paths go astray – never together they belong!

God is like the colorless color;
before any taste – a scentless odor!
Before the light darkness common,
when he hadn't yet anything summoned…

Pure things have no reflection;
they are itself without distraction.
Unable to add or in subtraction
for peoples choise or inner affection…

Pure man – he shall not desire
Kingdoms come and their beginnings ire.
Like a snuffed out amber on a spire
has no food nor root in the shire.

Friday, April 8, 2016


Chasing for Pride and Hybris in my mind;
Lend me your strength, oh Jesus, give me Godspeed!”
My sword is craving for blood, my axe is on the grind;
my sight and vision blurry; my anger reeking blind.
A signpost stares me grumpy: “GET LOST – CAN'T U READ!”
I grin in battle-frenzy for my rage must feed;
when my sight grows weary of dreams to go hind1.

On a canvas of rotten dirt so full of ivy-mold
two men are fighting each other like champions.
They are like paladins2; shining knights of old;
ones armor made of silver the others of gold.
I get lunged by a thousand minions;
I sigh with resent and cast a prayer to hinder those –
to wait for my opponents invite to be told…

Pride won the fight and gloated his silver tongue;
Hybris licked his wounds and glared at me with distrust.
His golden armor was in tatters; his weapons all wrong;
H:“Kind sir, are those not to your liking – what house do you belong?”
Pride dowsed the minions who couldn't plunge through the prayers thrust;
they there bickering for mercy from the furthest to the last.
Yet they there gone and an eerie silence befell the plane – but not for long.

I stated my name and house, and they both smiled with rejoice.
P: “You came to the right place, Whiteraven, we'll get along fine – !”
I took my axe and raised it on my shoulder to incite a choice.
Sir, that is most unwise – you're outmatched and outnumbered!” he poised
Hybris readied himself to amend his previous defeat and drew the line:
Haven't you beheld a more worthy opponent for its shine?”
Charging ahead: “I know what you both are under that disguise!”

We battled through ages and nobody stood dormant – no victor emerged;
I remembered what Jesus taught me and holstered my weapons.
Pride got angry: “That conduct is most unbecoming for knighthood on verge”;
Hybris concluded: “Dost you not wish for your glorious anthem to surge?”
They didn't understand my stand of Peace and what happens;
on a fight they so much craved as blood the mind cripples.
En garde!” they both shouted and trampled like maddened bulls charged.

They struck me down with they choicest weapons, yelling: “Coward!!”
H: “Fight back like a man you are and strike us down head on!”
I didn't care what they there ranting and moved my mind forward;
my wounds convalesced without ado, my vision plunged toward
the hope of redemption to my lost heirs who were gone.
And they gave up on me stating that I was long lost to the true cause – done;
I replied: “Why would fire need in water a ward?”

They didn't understand that question and asked for a reply;
I looked at them with pity and started my last stand nigh:
If fire is stronger than water; it burns and begets of more3;
If fire is weaker than water, death shall even the score!”
They didn't like that approach and saw it as plight;
they ridiculed my stance and thought of it as lives fright.
Oh, how prominent was the perfectly clear blue sky…

Having mustered Pride and Hybris without falling to rant;
I prided myself of such noble conduct and quests delightful end.
I hoped for Jesus to soon come back and my souls urge finally grant;
when He stood at my sight Jesus was not so pleased and gallant:
Why are you gloating and would not to your chores attend?
This must be a common core mistake with you Christians – a trend!”
I looked with puzzled consent:“I thought you would admit that I am a Saint!!”

Jesus smirked with a cryptic notion in His eyes and cast forth a cross:
Behold my cross – nobody can lift it – Know this, if you can raise it thrice;
I shall bow down in front of you and admit you a Saint by the coins toss!”
Agitated by that challenge I wanted to prove my Lord that I am no loss;
I stood in front of the Cross and lifted it up with ease and thrice -
Indeed, that should have been hard? Nobody, you say! Jesus, you are so nice!!”
But you ARE a nobody from your birth!” He stated, and the truth swallowed me like a moss.

Behold – that's your quest in my sight, oh faithful knight of Christ!”
He shouted and kneeled down in front of me making me blush:
Don't do that my Lord!” I tried to assume a more correct position to Him, but was pressed;
away siting on His throne and Jesus on my feet in beggars garment dressed.
Despaired in agony of regrets, that I didn't understand – My mind forsaked me in a rush;
Strike me down, Whiteraven, and be a God what you are – Come now, crush!!”
I couldn't think of a request more sinister, that was in my eye the vilest…

Strike me down, for you shall not make an image of God!” Jesus repeated His choice;
You are Jesus Christ! My Lord and Savior!!” I tried to stand up but couldn't.
Strike me down, now for I have once suffered it for you already!” Jesus commanded with a voice
of utmost dominance and without any demur and I felt so bitter and misplaced.
I cannot!” I cried out with tears mingling on my cheeks with sweat. “Nobody wouldn't!!”
You will strike me down if you are with me!” He uttered fully voicing, but prudent.
I lost myself and slew my God not fathoming the necessity of that sacrifice...

Weeping on His corps and not knowing what to do next with my life;
what should I be now having arouse against my Lord and Master with folly.
The Holy Spirit lift me up and explained what is my strife:
If you wanna have butter on your bread you need a knife!”
But not to stab the bread!” I disagreed with murderous cruelty;
You still have to cut the butter!” he replied and offered fealty.
I muttered: “This is end of the line – the final score to be loafed...”

You lifted the Cross thrice, that means, you have three quests at hand!”
I looked at the Holy Spirit not knowing what to say about that.
The Holy Spirit brought me to a remote location out of demand;
there nobody would go if possible a sorrowful no-mans land.
Three Kinds of men and women came my way and I crouched like a cat;
ready to trounce at my enemies so full of life like a prosperous rat.
I was halted in my advance and I listened to the Holy Spirits stand.

Behold – the Gays; the Harlots and the Witches!” “What of them?” I shouted back
You shall steward them like your own – like Jesus has stewarded you!”
The Hell I will!” I smirked back with resent and disgust in my eyes to stack
my mace on their sculls and feel the lovely crunch when the gore spits me black.
You are a Nobody from the beginning – being deprived of your child-rights – Go!
As a bastard you should know their pain of having no place within the Law of God…
Go now and be their Sheppard and sooth their minds; mend their wounds hack!”

The Hell, I will!” I shouted again, but without any spirit, like under a carpet.
They are like you, and Jesus loves them, you shall grant them their rights!”
I felt like I was loosing my mind, the victim of an evil joke – a target
of cons and deceit – like a silly traveler gets ripped off on the market.
I wanted to object but was so in contrast and out of fights:
How to suffer this then I shall not leave a witch alive – as knights
of Jesus Christ we are bound by honor to uphold the Law of God – Dies Carpem!”

Are you under the Law now or under the Cross?” replied the Holy Spirit
You there presented to Jesus Christ one step before Hell and full of witchcraft;
you're disobedient and insubordinate like a rampaging Bounteous Kirin!
And still you wanna say they have no sway in Mercy for being different within?”
How should I forsake my own by going under Gods wrath?”
How can you hold onto your life and God at the same time on your path?”
I knew he was right and that was my cause I could literally feel it…

Resigning myself and casting off all trembles and wants for yonder;
I was relieved of all hopes taking my quest to heart like wormwood.
It tasted bitter and darkened my feelings to go for a pounder;
I rejected all anger and lost myself to God for a rounder.
Like Jesus once told to his followers: “This is your Heavens food!”
Understanding finally what it meant to be in God, my flesh and blood,
that was the chosen sacrifice to be cast away and squander…

Malice and Daring came back in their true form, I did not despair.
I'm sorry!” they both uttered looking down for being so sad;
We liked ourselves better this way, not sugarcoated for a fare!”
I hope you don't mind, this is the truth not a dare...”
I smiled at them with calm eyes: “I am not mad...”
And looking at myself: “My ignorance is just amusing me – I'm glad
that you both found your way, though I wasn't ready to see you without a stare.”

We sat together, while Vengeance and Hatred joined the party;
we all there together and the sun was finally brightly shining.
Nobody felt off, nobody was accused of being naughty;
nobody was scolding rules and nobody was conducting haughty.
The rivers flowed with everlasting grace to the timing
of righteousness while the meadows cherished in flowers chiming:
Some bees and humming birds there joyously starting…

Forsaken was the Anger; forsaken was the Pain; forsaken was the hangman
who doesn't know his name. Forsaken was tomorrow; forsaken was today;
all gathered around the courtyard nothing ill to say. Forsaken was the stand;
forsaken was the waiting; forsaken was the time-line pressing, the hour at hand
to be called upon and stressing – just a quiet sunny day in the course or May.
All there cheering up as they there and nobody was rebuked and hissed: “Nay!”
Just like the knights or the round table a friendly prosperous band…

1Hind – hindsight; going behind of your thoughts. Being in the gloom.
2Paladin – A knight in the service of the pope a so called honorary knight. Has come to mean holy knight in lore. A Champion of arcane might and divine powers. The name was given by Saladin as to mock Crusaders, for Saladin „was fighting for the truth” while Christians there „fighting for the pope” and not for Christ.
3Fire begets more H2+t+2O2=H2O...