Friday, April 8, 2016


Chasing for Pride and Hybris in my mind;
Lend me your strength, oh Jesus, give me Godspeed!”
My sword is craving for blood, my axe is on the grind;
my sight and vision blurry; my anger reeking blind.
A signpost stares me grumpy: “GET LOST – CAN'T U READ!”
I grin in battle-frenzy for my rage must feed;
when my sight grows weary of dreams to go hind1.

On a canvas of rotten dirt so full of ivy-mold
two men are fighting each other like champions.
They are like paladins2; shining knights of old;
ones armor made of silver the others of gold.
I get lunged by a thousand minions;
I sigh with resent and cast a prayer to hinder those –
to wait for my opponents invite to be told…

Pride won the fight and gloated his silver tongue;
Hybris licked his wounds and glared at me with distrust.
His golden armor was in tatters; his weapons all wrong;
H:“Kind sir, are those not to your liking – what house do you belong?”
Pride dowsed the minions who couldn't plunge through the prayers thrust;
they there bickering for mercy from the furthest to the last.
Yet they there gone and an eerie silence befell the plane – but not for long.

I stated my name and house, and they both smiled with rejoice.
P: “You came to the right place, Whiteraven, we'll get along fine – !”
I took my axe and raised it on my shoulder to incite a choice.
Sir, that is most unwise – you're outmatched and outnumbered!” he poised
Hybris readied himself to amend his previous defeat and drew the line:
Haven't you beheld a more worthy opponent for its shine?”
Charging ahead: “I know what you both are under that disguise!”

We battled through ages and nobody stood dormant – no victor emerged;
I remembered what Jesus taught me and holstered my weapons.
Pride got angry: “That conduct is most unbecoming for knighthood on verge”;
Hybris concluded: “Dost you not wish for your glorious anthem to surge?”
They didn't understand my stand of Peace and what happens;
on a fight they so much craved as blood the mind cripples.
En garde!” they both shouted and trampled like maddened bulls charged.

They struck me down with they choicest weapons, yelling: “Coward!!”
H: “Fight back like a man you are and strike us down head on!”
I didn't care what they there ranting and moved my mind forward;
my wounds convalesced without ado, my vision plunged toward
the hope of redemption to my lost heirs who were gone.
And they gave up on me stating that I was long lost to the true cause – done;
I replied: “Why would fire need in water a ward?”

They didn't understand that question and asked for a reply;
I looked at them with pity and started my last stand nigh:
If fire is stronger than water; it burns and begets of more3;
If fire is weaker than water, death shall even the score!”
They didn't like that approach and saw it as plight;
they ridiculed my stance and thought of it as lives fright.
Oh, how prominent was the perfectly clear blue sky…

Having mustered Pride and Hybris without falling to rant;
I prided myself of such noble conduct and quests delightful end.
I hoped for Jesus to soon come back and my souls urge finally grant;
when He stood at my sight Jesus was not so pleased and gallant:
Why are you gloating and would not to your chores attend?
This must be a common core mistake with you Christians – a trend!”
I looked with puzzled consent:“I thought you would admit that I am a Saint!!”

Jesus smirked with a cryptic notion in His eyes and cast forth a cross:
Behold my cross – nobody can lift it – Know this, if you can raise it thrice;
I shall bow down in front of you and admit you a Saint by the coins toss!”
Agitated by that challenge I wanted to prove my Lord that I am no loss;
I stood in front of the Cross and lifted it up with ease and thrice -
Indeed, that should have been hard? Nobody, you say! Jesus, you are so nice!!”
But you ARE a nobody from your birth!” He stated, and the truth swallowed me like a moss.

Behold – that's your quest in my sight, oh faithful knight of Christ!”
He shouted and kneeled down in front of me making me blush:
Don't do that my Lord!” I tried to assume a more correct position to Him, but was pressed;
away siting on His throne and Jesus on my feet in beggars garment dressed.
Despaired in agony of regrets, that I didn't understand – My mind forsaked me in a rush;
Strike me down, Whiteraven, and be a God what you are – Come now, crush!!”
I couldn't think of a request more sinister, that was in my eye the vilest…

Strike me down, for you shall not make an image of God!” Jesus repeated His choice;
You are Jesus Christ! My Lord and Savior!!” I tried to stand up but couldn't.
Strike me down, now for I have once suffered it for you already!” Jesus commanded with a voice
of utmost dominance and without any demur and I felt so bitter and misplaced.
I cannot!” I cried out with tears mingling on my cheeks with sweat. “Nobody wouldn't!!”
You will strike me down if you are with me!” He uttered fully voicing, but prudent.
I lost myself and slew my God not fathoming the necessity of that sacrifice...

Weeping on His corps and not knowing what to do next with my life;
what should I be now having arouse against my Lord and Master with folly.
The Holy Spirit lift me up and explained what is my strife:
If you wanna have butter on your bread you need a knife!”
But not to stab the bread!” I disagreed with murderous cruelty;
You still have to cut the butter!” he replied and offered fealty.
I muttered: “This is end of the line – the final score to be loafed...”

You lifted the Cross thrice, that means, you have three quests at hand!”
I looked at the Holy Spirit not knowing what to say about that.
The Holy Spirit brought me to a remote location out of demand;
there nobody would go if possible a sorrowful no-mans land.
Three Kinds of men and women came my way and I crouched like a cat;
ready to trounce at my enemies so full of life like a prosperous rat.
I was halted in my advance and I listened to the Holy Spirits stand.

Behold – the Gays; the Harlots and the Witches!” “What of them?” I shouted back
You shall steward them like your own – like Jesus has stewarded you!”
The Hell I will!” I smirked back with resent and disgust in my eyes to stack
my mace on their sculls and feel the lovely crunch when the gore spits me black.
You are a Nobody from the beginning – being deprived of your child-rights – Go!
As a bastard you should know their pain of having no place within the Law of God…
Go now and be their Sheppard and sooth their minds; mend their wounds hack!”

The Hell, I will!” I shouted again, but without any spirit, like under a carpet.
They are like you, and Jesus loves them, you shall grant them their rights!”
I felt like I was loosing my mind, the victim of an evil joke – a target
of cons and deceit – like a silly traveler gets ripped off on the market.
I wanted to object but was so in contrast and out of fights:
How to suffer this then I shall not leave a witch alive – as knights
of Jesus Christ we are bound by honor to uphold the Law of God – Dies Carpem!”

Are you under the Law now or under the Cross?” replied the Holy Spirit
You there presented to Jesus Christ one step before Hell and full of witchcraft;
you're disobedient and insubordinate like a rampaging Bounteous Kirin!
And still you wanna say they have no sway in Mercy for being different within?”
How should I forsake my own by going under Gods wrath?”
How can you hold onto your life and God at the same time on your path?”
I knew he was right and that was my cause I could literally feel it…

Resigning myself and casting off all trembles and wants for yonder;
I was relieved of all hopes taking my quest to heart like wormwood.
It tasted bitter and darkened my feelings to go for a pounder;
I rejected all anger and lost myself to God for a rounder.
Like Jesus once told to his followers: “This is your Heavens food!”
Understanding finally what it meant to be in God, my flesh and blood,
that was the chosen sacrifice to be cast away and squander…

Malice and Daring came back in their true form, I did not despair.
I'm sorry!” they both uttered looking down for being so sad;
We liked ourselves better this way, not sugarcoated for a fare!”
I hope you don't mind, this is the truth not a dare...”
I smiled at them with calm eyes: “I am not mad...”
And looking at myself: “My ignorance is just amusing me – I'm glad
that you both found your way, though I wasn't ready to see you without a stare.”

We sat together, while Vengeance and Hatred joined the party;
we all there together and the sun was finally brightly shining.
Nobody felt off, nobody was accused of being naughty;
nobody was scolding rules and nobody was conducting haughty.
The rivers flowed with everlasting grace to the timing
of righteousness while the meadows cherished in flowers chiming:
Some bees and humming birds there joyously starting…

Forsaken was the Anger; forsaken was the Pain; forsaken was the hangman
who doesn't know his name. Forsaken was tomorrow; forsaken was today;
all gathered around the courtyard nothing ill to say. Forsaken was the stand;
forsaken was the waiting; forsaken was the time-line pressing, the hour at hand
to be called upon and stressing – just a quiet sunny day in the course or May.
All there cheering up as they there and nobody was rebuked and hissed: “Nay!”
Just like the knights or the round table a friendly prosperous band…

1Hind – hindsight; going behind of your thoughts. Being in the gloom.
2Paladin – A knight in the service of the pope a so called honorary knight. Has come to mean holy knight in lore. A Champion of arcane might and divine powers. The name was given by Saladin as to mock Crusaders, for Saladin „was fighting for the truth” while Christians there „fighting for the pope” and not for Christ.
3Fire begets more H2+t+2O2=H2O...

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