Friday, April 15, 2016

Don't seek Christendom, seek Wisdom

Pure knoledge is void of reason;
devoid of class – it borders treason.
Pure faith – like an eternal season,
puts himself in anguish-prison…

Pure Wisdom seeks no merits;
its followers fervor he inherits!
Pure Kindness – steadfast cherish,
to avoid the guilty villains banish…

Why would the Just need Mercy –
like a champion fully cursing
needs a hand to lift up treasuries?
They got their valor and no mercy!

Justice and Mercy don't go along:
there one reigns the other sharpens his tongue.
Mercy seeks forgiveness, justice corpses by the throng;
their paths go astray – never together they belong!

God is like the colorless color;
before any taste – a scentless odor!
Before the light darkness common,
when he hadn't yet anything summoned…

Pure things have no reflection;
they are itself without distraction.
Unable to add or in subtraction
for peoples choise or inner affection…

Pure man – he shall not desire
Kingdoms come and their beginnings ire.
Like a snuffed out amber on a spire
has no food nor root in the shire.

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