Friday, April 22, 2016

Aspects of Religion

People always ponder on the question which faith or religion to choose. That question is misplaced. Because religion can't be perceived without culture and environment. The freedom of choice as introduced through democracy has made us ignorant, what Freedom and Choice really are. We tend to think about questions of religion, that it's like on the market there you're buying ice-cream and it does not matter what flavor you pick. Choose as you like it. You can eat your own kind of ice-cream! But that is not the truth. It's more like being the merchant himself who decides to start selling ice-cream, but the ice-cream has not yet been made for the recipe has not yet been made and he must think of the recipe – that is religion and that defines your freedom of choice. If you are born in a muslin state there you don't have access to public education without being checked by authority and religion, how does your religion alienate from the environment? How do you find new ways to express something then you can't even own a bible for it's deemed so corrupt and dangerous – it's being punished with death. Like you had a jar full of Anthrax and not a book. The first thing that people being born in democracy especially in America don't understand, is Monopoly. If you enter a religion – you don't own that religion; that religion owns you. Everything you do and are and think and own belongs to your god and you are merely renting it! This is the reason why liberal people don't understand religion – for they are unable to submit under the monopoly of Religion becoming the know-how and know-what of religion. Its just like in the Matrix there Morpheus tries to explain to Neo that he is just a battery for the grit. And Neo can't take it wanting to get out of the truth puking, because the truth hurts and is overwhelmingly great.
The religion was never created to grant people Freedom or Choice – it was created to take that away. Just like a vegan denies himself food what comes from animals for he wants to get the “right” food the “just” way! That is a religious sentiment. Bodybuilders deny themselves leisure and junk-food to get a great body. They train arduously to obtain the perfect body with the perfect six-pack and muscles. For that they have to follow a ritual or monopolized recipe. You can have everything only one way. Just like selling always vanilla ice-cream and putting chocolate cream on it and a cherry – but no peppermint ice-cream or strawberry on top for that is not your brand. That could be the competing brand. You first must find out if your customers actually want to have Vanilla ice-cream with peppermint ice-cream and a strawberry and not with a cherry. Without customers the ice-cream stand goes broke and has to shut down. The same thing happens with religion without followers. It dies out then the prophet gets too old or out of resources to do his divine mission. You don't choose religion to gain freedom and stop working hard – you seek a purpose what makes you to work even harder you did without religion so you would not think of the scary question:. You will one day die and you don't know there you go then! To avoid death, people want to bribe God with religion so they would not fear death and they would have a quiet and stable belief of afterlife or like workers dream of fair pensions and retirement. God is always one, but there are many religions, and they all claim that they are the one and only right kind – just like only Vanish or only Fairy will wipe out all the stains on your white-shirt or wash the dishes clean while other competing products will not. It's a religious statement. All marketing is founded on religion. It works through faith and not through reason. There is nothing reasonable in the sentence: “Put the tiger in your tank!” It cannot perceived with logic. It implies that you believe that a certain vendor can give you a certain product that has certain attributes, that grant you the feeling what you can perceive only through faith and trust that your car moves as fast and strong and proud and cool as a tiger – though it does like a regular car. You have a statement what is a lie on the logical plane and becomes a truth on the religious plane if you choose to enter it. And it remains the truth only that long you are on the religious plane. That's why so many believers loose faith – they thought they faith is tangible then it was not – that the change happens outside without them actively managing it – for they are merely buying ice-cream and not making or selling it. They have to just believe and everything is done unto them. No! You have to be active too… Being passive is as reasonable as to think that a fire will burn from itself. If you don't throw logs into it or branches it will die out, for even a fire must eat. Its warmth does not come three. Energy does not come from nowhere, it must have a certain “some-there” to come to us – so we could believe it came to us and we can have it. If we don't understand whence something comes and why, we would run away in fear and would try to snuff the flames out. That's why religion teaches what it is so you cannot confuse it with something else. A Pepsi is not a Coca-Cola and a Prada shoe is not a Timberland shoe. Its followers know the right taste to make the difference. Religion starts and ends always the same way.
  1. Times of the vision and holy war – People know many Gods and the Scientists call it the Henotheism period. These Gods can be any kind of deity. Fairy; elf; troll; orc; zomby; divine ancestor… etc. There is no limit to the claim of God title because in itself God is a title and not a name. Every time you say to a deity that he is your God – it merely means like some other guy says this is my king or daddy or something. It's your choice not his being. Because you accepted and submitted to that choice. You did the proper ritual to show out that choice. Like Fairy tale fans cosplaying Natsu Dragneel; Erza Scarlett or Gray Fullbuster. How is that in anyway different when somebody believes he has been divinely taken over by the presence of Thor or Ares and is hence a better warrior. In this state you yet have nothing. No conduit of followers no holy ground to meet no nothing. You still have to take it from the market your spot in life. Hence you are one the one hand really friendly for you don't want to spook your possible customers/followers and also aggressive for you want to get them to accept your ice-cream recipe and not the competing vendors stuff. So you give out freebies to buy their attention and trust so they would perceive you as safe and sound.
  2. Times of the building of the Temple – you have reinstated your claim that you know a God and he is awesome. Some people have bought that claim that your God is awesome and have taken residence in one territory and you erect legal barriers and a holy ground to further solidify your place on the market. This is the Monotheistic time, there you can only worship one God – and all the other Gods what your ancestors saw as possible gods – are only elfs. Lesser beings who are not as awesome as your God. This can be shown out by writing the first letter bigger than the latters; or adding descriptive cuddle names to your God what describe how awesome your God actually is. Like Yahweh is not just Yahweh, but Yahweh Sebaot - “The lord of Hosts” that he has great hosts at his disposal while a different god may be just a lone freelancer and not a big scary corporation. This is the time of the client cards and client offers what you only get then you are a client and consume stuff a certain amount. Believers have their faith calendars with their dates what say to them when to fast and when to eat and when to worship what way to get the happy ending into their life. This God can only be worshiped one way in one place – like a copyrighted disc can only be played one way; one region and so forth. If you do it the “wrong” way. You are the pirate or the infidel and considering the gravity of your way how it wreeked with the right way – there is also a matter of intrest in your punishing. For the followers must be made to believe that your way is dangerous and wrong and thus we do it the right way. Like Vanilla ice-cream with mustard is regarded as disgusting for it could be to the liking of someone. You think this is the end? No the fun is just beginning, brace yourself.
  3. Absolutism – While in Henotheism and Monotheism the King and the Priest there mostly different people. For one leads the divine ritual and the other arbiters tax collection and regular life, on the Absolutist period either the Hierophant or the King has usurped all power and called himself somewhat god himself or at least the emissary of god. This Emissary cannot be judged for he represents the honor of God – and God cannot lie nor do evil for religious doctrine does not teach that. God is Good! Everything what this Emissary says and does becomes God's word even if he basically rapes somebodies daughter or molests somebodies wife or does other things what are denied to normal people under the divine or regular law. But the law wasn't stated for God – but for his followers. That needs a conlusion
  4. Restitution – If the Absolutist king or Pope has exalted himself long enough and the peasantry is finally disgruntled and had it with this kind of life there they have to keep up a spoiled regent who's “finger is thicker than the previous ones loin” On times of Restitution people think of the good old days then everything was bigger and better. You 200 g of Chips there that and not 175g for the same price or mostly full of compressed air. They want change and now not in the afterlife. So there come the prophets and revolutionaries who say that you don't need this and that in the holy ritual coas you can do better. Like Martin Luther waring with the Catholic church against selling Indulgences for the Holymen have lived so happy lives that it counts for more than them or one roll on the prayers windmill is worth 1000 prayers. It works as long there are actually spiritual people in the community who keep paying for it with real prayers and not with the indulgent way. Somebody still has to do the “dirty work”. Or the system wont work. For what use to be obedient to the law and not kill – then you can simply indulge yourself on a holy-mans holy life while living like a parasite in your community. Can this kind of God who accepts that be in any relation Good no matter what his followers say? Really?! If there is no necessity for living the straight and narrow. That is the time there people start to talk about the difference between believing something and doing something – like they don't go together at all! That there are two kinds of people: Spiritualists and Practitioners The Spiritualists theoretically believe that God is something and this is that. The Practitioners do it with real meditation real prayer and real life work what starts to derive itself from the theory what starts to live a life of its own. Basically Liberalism is the Theorist kind of Christianity what does not hold sway in real life. For it does not really say how to relate to God in Real life and who this God is, for that would need a practical choice – a choice what a true liberal will never do – for then he is this and not that and cannot any longer speak to all. Then he has a color and a name and a face – while as speaking as on a theorist plane he could be omnicolor – just like Saruman didn't want to be White but Saruman Omnicolor. For each color has its strengths and limitations and weaknesses. Saruman the White couldn't fight in the same way as Sauron the Black – so he envied the “freedom” of black what his color lacked. Basically the thing that pesters any liberals brain. They want more prominence. To sit on all the chairs and not just one. To be knowledgeable in everything; to merge the scientific method with the Theological truth even though one can't stand the other. Trying to find the real tiger in the tank and finding out – there is no tiger. Tough shit, man, sucks to be you!
  5. After Restitution comes Resignation. Some people have learned that they actually don't need that God to live on and move on without that religion; find a new and better religion while the faithful are in turmoil and seeking their place in this world. For some reason God is silent and does not care enough… The big architecture and central body erected to sustain multitudes starts to eat itself. For you cannot sustain a cathedral without a congregation – and that is people, not the building. A normal Cathedral type of church needs at least 200 people to work. Why? Because only 2% of them will be able to become priests of the real kind and not be posers. So if your church has 200 members the figure is 4. How many ministers needs a church of that kind. One minister can sustain his attention at best to 15 people so 200/15=13,34 there do the 9,34 missing ministers come from? That is the time there all the rot of the community starts to fester inside religion – pedophiles; demagogues; warmongers or freelancers looking for thrills and perks – and the religion has nothing to do against it for there is nobody else to take – not even from the village on the other side of the hill or from behind the sea or in the forest etc. You just have to make bread out of shit. Some don't even know anymore if gods exist, for the other gods are no longer preached and their knowledge is censored; omitted or expunged. And you have only fairy tales of it.
  6. Fundamentalism – Yeah, now comes the part then some religious people who still cling to the old ways piss off. Just as the peasantry couldn't take it that the ruler is corrupt – the pious can't take it that everyday life has become corrupt. So a Restitution or Reformation of faith is in order. It no longer craves for a prophet or revolutionary to be implemented. Any guy with glowing eyes and fanatic frenzy will do. He just has to fanatically believe in it what is right, no questions asked. It could kick-start the religion and bring it back to tier 1 or loosing everything in the latter tier.
  7. Disenchantment – The Fellowship has crumbled the Faith has failed. The fundamentalist period has brought many wounds to those who follow it and to those who witness it outside. There are too many jokes of your way around how it has been implemented the “wrong way” til it becomes a slander-word to even mention your way. “Jack the Ripper”; “Freddy Kruger”; Ted Bundy. If people perceive you like this negative characters it's game over. Nobody will even listen to you or await your arrival. People will just scatter like a dragon is mounting on them. You can just stop what ever you there about to do, coas it's over!

The reason why Christianity is crumbling today is quite fair and simple. The majority has entered tier 5 while some of the more active are already on tier 6. Muslims on the other hand who suffered great losses after their empires crumbled with the loss of Spain and it's muslim culture are right now on tier 4 while all their outcasts are even on tier 1, ready to immediately jump to 2 if they get enough foothold in the community. The only way Christianity can get back to tier one is Holy War! What does that mean – no more liberal teaching of the bible and bullshit talk how a theologian can't find Jesus in the bible for he is too preabsorbed into flattering scientists and the scientific method. All the politically incorrect measures going back to KKK and so forth to segregate and reinstate the right way like it was in the bible – though Jesus was not white at all but a Jew! Knowing how liberal the Christian leadership really is – this will never happen, coas they don't wanna loose their votes like Pilate flinched then the Jews accused him of being the enemy of the emperor if he dost not suffer Jesus to death. And Pilate washed his hands and did like the majority asked for. The liberal leadership of Christianity will never go against the majority for they like their power and not the possible hardship of renegade life. Muslims on the other hand don't care at all what it will cost to them. They love to worship with their very lives. Just the way Christians did on the Roman period. See the difference. There is one bunch of people who want to suffer for their beliefs and the other who want their quiet resignation and pension. Who would win the fight? Make an educated guess… You can't have something then nobody is willing to do the dirty work and believe for himself. If somebody else is gonna do it than soon you'll be evicted from your church for not paying the upkeep of the house and other legal fees. You cannot lead then there is nobody to lead who wants to be led the right way. This is the reason why most of the peoples Christianity is just a keepsake name and not reality for they go to the church the same way like to the theater or cinema. But you wouldn't die for a ticket to there – that would be insane. People would actually die for a Harry Potter book, because it represents something non-tangible what can only be obtained through purchase of the book. Christianity to the majority does not represent that anymore. Then did you last see Christians to storm the doors of a church the same way Harry Potter fans storm a shop to first buy their copy of the book – and that is the very reason their faith don't work! Their eyes don't glow; they look like frustrated shift workers on the line who only do one motion and they hate it but can't admit it in fear of loosing that job or whatever it is to them. Without passion comes no vision; no vision – no respite; no respite – no growth; no growth – people burn out and leave! The end…
More Faith Christians and more Commitment or there will be no tomorrow for you! Amen.

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