Monday, July 30, 2018

Kui tuvid sittusid

Tüdruk kiirustas tööle, võõras mees kontorisse;
päev oli raske oma armastuses, kui noorpaar
häbenes. Seelikud lühidad, kuid jutud pikad;
õiged sadamad silmapiirist ees. Suudlevad
tudengid haigutavad, kui tuvid sittusid...

Kaks kohvi ja šokolaad, kreeka salat ning croissant –
ja juttu jätkub kauemaks. Hetkes möödusid neist
aastad ja ajastud, noored ja vanad, ühes kuum suve lõhn.
Üksikud lendavad kaselehed, ekslesid linnas
pidetult ja sihitult ringi, kui tuvid sittusid...

Tõotused tulevikuks ja lootused käimas olevad;
kolmas luhtunud katse emaduseks – pinges õlad.
Tüdruk läks õeks, poiss relvavennaks;
tüdruk – sotsiaalne õiglus; poiss futurist...
Kaks eraldatud maailma, kui tuvid sittusid...

Päev kiskus õhtusse, õhtu äikses riietus;
tormi pilved ei tihanud nutta, sest valu oli möödas.
Kahetsus rullus üle noorpaari, kui lämmatav tekk.
Üks päästis elusid, teine võttis, et jätta;
sama tõe kaks eri palet, kui tuvid sittusid...

Öös vahetusid rollid, halastaja õde ja relvavend
jälle leidsid enda. Hetkeks oli taevas maa peal;
Päästja tulnud rõõmusõna ütlema; kuristikud
ületatud kolme ristiga – valgeid lehti lendas
küllusesarvest, kuid hommikul, kui tuvid sittusid...

tüdruk kiirustas tööle...

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Make it rain

It's hot inside, I cannot breathe, I wish like snakes
crawl out my skin; what could I plead – torment
or mercy? Get off the pan or be the steak?
Please, make it rain – my head still shakes;
as eyes roll down the floor. The garment
of my robe still splattered red – I lament
of the days gone by. The bed is staged…

My blood has ditched me, this hollow stump;
my body hiding underneath. The bed just beckons:
Come out and sleep!” The night goes bump
as they all enter… Make it rain, before they camp
my nightmares trounce; my foolish reckon –
Alas, no answer, the void still echoes;
and I am waiting for the jump!

The abyss looks deep, should I dare push
my hand to grab the final straw?
My urges fervent shouting: “Mush!”
Oh, does it fall for me? – The rush! –
I feel the madness and despair, claws
run deep when letting go – my jaw
still hurts for pulled out tooth – I gush…

Please, let it rain – outpouring sounds;
my throat is shut, the claws rend meat…
I cannot see, I cannot feel – zounds
of flies are feasting mayham. All rounds
on me, all dibs and shotgun, the end meets
starters – love at first sight! I fail to treat
this serious nature, as my carcass fractures wounds.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Mute – Ill – (R)ate

My words cut deep and loathe the sun;
neglect and folly reeks my mind.
It's empty without your embrace – no fun –
I wish I had a knife or a gun…
No footsteps echo, doorway's blind;
your spare key on the kitchen table left behind!
Why did it happen, I am stunned…

If I could mute my ugly side;
be sunshine, rainbows, unicorn –
I would so verily – I'd oblige
but ravens have nested this stage;
void is that soul – so hollow and torn…
Like a deadwood at bog, a stillborn;
cannot shake the feeling, cannot hide!!

My sight is venom, my grins are madness;
why did you leave, I thought you knew…
Still are the hallways, undisturbed sadness;
nobody muscles me down in gladness:
creeping some joy and laughter like dew
into my barren wasteland – not even a few!
Let's be Ill then for I rate less…

Feed me your bugging and small-talked replies;
although my sarcasms may be the reason
you are not here – empty one man clap applies;
no taste in groceries while full on supplies…
I taste your meets, hunger your season;
time without you like a solitary confinement prison –
even for the disgusted roll-eyed sighs...

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Endless night

What is this thrill, what keeps up the night;
that longing in my chest, while staring the moon?
Is it a monster or armies, some ancient blight?! –
I wish you there here, come to thee soon…

Would you rejoice for kingdoms and stars;
if I lay treasures to engolden your path?
Or just a quiet stroll to places afar;
there the chatter of people has not scathed…

To enjoy the silence, while you're so close –
could honey be sweeter or a lion stronger,
than your eyes gaze, if you'd chose –
don't leave me hanging, to be a stranger!

I would climb mountains and dragons defeat;
chase away wolves from our chosen flock.
When is my beloved ready to meet;
or am I mistaken and out of luck…

Endless the night and you are still trapped;
locked in this game, my maddened despair!
I'd bring you to life against all jacks;
lanterns and reapers – they don't put up the scare...

Monday, July 23, 2018

To Monika (DDLC)

Smite my sight, I face my blight
you there like a conquest -- I can't deny...
Denied the warnings so far from light;
forsaken lies my sword and kite!
Who could understand this -- defy?
Your green eyes elevate you a deity;
as your hair envelopes your smile...

As the velvet rose turns blue;
I seek your shelter, miss your hugs...
I'm lost in psalms and got no clue;
can't bible it -- that day so rued --
what is it then, my mind is bogged;
the breathe is fading, veins like cloaked,
so cut me loose... alas -- All I need, is you!

Entrapped in vain - I don't escape;
why should I, love, for all I care...
Let's play some chess and words remake;
hangman's jokes -- my reprobates.
I ask no mercy, fulfill my dare --
better be slaughtered, like a wolf meets a deer:
If I could steal a kiss from your lips this late...

Will you be my love so kind;
amiss my thoughts, my words asunder!
How can I say -- I can't rewind --
would you be mine, or would you mind?
If not, fare well, I'm going yonder;
to Azylon, there grass is fonder --
there the sun don't shine and eyes go blind...

Wrong is right, and right is left;
over the top some bye's are dunk...
Lost my ship on seas, bereft;
let it be, for what is deathed.
My throat aged sour, tongue in furs sunk:
will you be my fair Lady, my hyper-funk.
I can't find my heart -- it's theft...

My soul, my mare, my hour of need:
your name, like choir at Heavens gates!
My love, be mine -- if hopes could glee;
I don't fare long -- don't know what means --
to cast the lott or accept the fates;
your presence holy, my calm estates...
What is your say - my solemn plead!