Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Futility of seeking Wisdom without humility

 The reason, why a true seeker of Wisdom needs to be humble, is not because you should always turn the other cheek, and be a welcome mat to others, but in order to counteract the negative traits of pride and prejudice, what comes after the former. People tend to expect things bestowed upon them, based on their skills; values and logical outcome of known circumstance. Due to that, people have a natural sense of justice, which tends to emotionally obscure understanding things truely. Just because something is right, dost not always mean, you deserve it happen to you every single time. It somewhat makes the cost and value of something higher for no reason. It might seem counterintuitive to undervalue yourself and what you got, but if people constantly verily see, how high yous is, they might be tempted to sabotage it, to make their own look better. The same is true with Wisdom. Trying to directly approach it, will make you have less of it, because you are too busy following the rules, to the point, those become your confinement. Truly wise people many times cheat, in order to get the better of a situation, being detached from worldly and emotional bonds. Its not that those hold no merit, but they can get in the way in judging a matter accurately. A General, who is offended, that his city and troops there attacked on Holyday, will not remain in office for long. You always want to attack your enemies, then its most convenient to you, and least affordable for the defenders. Being offended for suffering wrong, is a weakness natural to peasants and lowlifes. You wouldn't tackle a game of Red Alert the same way, you would view the same mission, then all the troops there your friends and relatives. Because its personal. Nobody seeks Wisdom, because of personal reason, unless hes a fool, but for greater gains. You achieve more feats, the more Selfless you become. There is a reason, why highly emotional people make poor leaders; because they are easily manipulated and goaded into action, what detriments their goals. A Wise person has no face; no colour and no meaning. The problem with that form of nihilism is like with Saruman, who became rainbow coat, thinking he can become all the colours while not taking the responcibility or any of them. You don't detach from meaning, because there is none, but to reaffirm it in a new way. Every time you boast on a moral value, you also must be able to follow it through, more so, you should be able to discern, when it is more useful and meaningful, to relent from a moral value and not express it. In James Bond it was regarded as when to make use of the licence to Kill. Moral values are like swords, sometimes a quill is more useful, than a sword. Having no moral values can be equally menacing and futile. A truely wise person has a healthy balance of value and relent. Humility is like cutting your mind a slack, after a great workout. You don't do that, to shame power or people of power and wealth, but to gain new focus and determination. Its like a wise accountant, who dost spend all your money on one day like a child, then only needs to buy the groceries for that day and do what is for this event. Small and feebleminded people live their lives the same way, they draw maps in videogames. The Biggest map with the most resources and baddest units you can get. This is not how big corporations hire their workers. They want to get the cheapest and moldable possible, so you would be indepted and loyal to them and earn profit!! Try avoiding the urge to state everything and mean ALL. Just as you cannot always fit all the good cards in the same deck, you cannot always possess all the good values. For each good value you need a supporting bad value to back it up. Why is it, that Martial Artist Masters follow the same trope. They live in a secluded village and are mostly xenophobic; arrogant with a short temper and fondness for corporeal punishment. Why is that. How well would they do their thing, if they would play woke teacher, and try to educate EVERYBODY, who has an interest, regardless of ability or moral stance. Its like selling a granade to an infant and hope he grows into a soldier before he uses it. Your attention and education span as a teacher is limited and teaching the wrong person, who might abuse your skills can have futile outcomes for the entire society. That is the reason, why you cannot have equity in education, if you could even have equality. For people are not equally able to make use of their intellect. A person can have 160 IQ points and he uses it like a vault full of Vodka bottles, another uses 100 like John Wick does a pencil!! See the difference. The problem with our society is not lack of Intelligence and Information, but the lack of ability to use it. Our lives have become so safe from consequence, due to the fact than ever lesser people take a keen interest of taking responcibility not only for their actions, but in furthering anything, what could relate to a quest, like which Don Quichote underwent. Having strong moral values is ridiculed while being a soulless selfindulgent twat is celebrated as a rolemodel. Have you ever heard recently somebody sacrifice something, in order to gain something of greater value. No! People are always about immediate selfgratification like drug addicts. We are addicted to our culture and its selfimportantce, not realising that so did Sodom and Gomorra; Babylon or Rome. Eventually you run out of Tomorrows, if there are not enough people to walk the straight and narrow, and if everybody just wants to be a movie star, making up stories but not hard labor. Its time to make the worker and hard labor sexy again, or to perish as a civilisation to give way for a new one!! You can only hold fast to those values, you are willing to die for, not by doing pointless riots on the streets and throwing molotov Coctails, but literally putting your money there your mouth is and living your everyday life according to your values. It is easy to die a martyr, it is hard to stand your ground. The former gets a lot of admiration, the latter a lot of spit and misunderstanding. Because if you stand your ground, you get in the way of people, who might be going the other way. Your value might even be stopping them going that other way!! Having true values can cost your friendship and family to the brink of sanity itself. Choose wisely which values you make your own, because sometimes you cannot undo those choices later on. It is better to have less value useful to you, than die a fool, under a sack full of values, which of none you actually made use of in your life. Be well and live your best You! Know Yourself.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Issues about Woke Racism

 https://youtu.be/u9quq9NGUcM How Anti-Racism is hurting Black America 

The point about woke racism, where you differenciate the world into Racists and victims is, there is no way out. There is a reason, in the Bible, why there are so little passages about the Devil -- because Christians and Jews are meant to follow God, rather than follow the devil. Just like in social media -- hate-clicks and views are still clicks and views!! The more you deal with something, the more that something, can glimpse into your soul. Dealing with Racism nonstop, makes you unable to deal with compassion or empathy, because you are like Jason Bourne, constantly scanning your surroundings for something amiss. Those, who seek, shall find; those who knock shall enter... We should be proactive and seek positive things, not things, what differenciate and alienate us. 

Woke Racism also disgusses about radical inclusivity. A Rabbit cannot be a good woodpecker while a fish dost run well on the track. Only a pint of living goo can be equally good in all facvulties. Its the favourite example of MBTI evaluation tests, then discerning spiritual gifts, which can also be brought too far. Then an attribute becomes too selfimportant, it starts to foreshadow everything else; its like having one leg, what is more advanced than the other -- try to walk straight with that; or one arm -- try to work ambidexterous chores with that!! Thenever the left or the right is favoured, both loose, because, what you gain in one faculty you loose in the other and the logistics between them both. You cannot hear colours and see taste, unless your brain is wired differently and you have a special condition. Wanting to ordain, that all people should have this allocation is at best naive at worse malicious wanton brainwashing. Things work the best, then they are treated inside their own compounds. Woke Racism cannot do that, because you are constantly aware and fighting the Primordial Dragon. In order to hav true awareness on things, you need to assess it the same as with plowing your field or the day-night cicle. You can only be aware one term, after which you have to get space, to contemplate about the information, you have diggested during awareness. Due to our information worship, we have to binge so much data, its kinda hard. We should not only have a Sabbath day from work, but from information -- but try to rely that in todays world, there social media is paramount. The more you engulf in information, the less value it bestows in your spirit. Less is more!! Woke Racism is like a picture with too much contrast -- both the main event and the surroundings are equally highlighted, as though you are watching on it, then you are not. A great picture, has one focus and everything else is highlighting that, letting the surroundings have less contrast and detail. Otherwise you would drown in the white noise. You cannot arteficially represent people, by assuming default abuse, because it is nondemocratic and brings us back to Feudalism, but its also cynical, because the Woke Racist is not represented in accordance of the same rules and guidelines. The Inquisitor/Comissar is excempt from contempt and persecution, while the suspect eternally remains the witch. Woke Racism deems the nesecity of Witch-hunting. That makes it Evil. The less you inquire about the true value of your surroundings and your next, the better life you have -- for that reason, was Israel not allowed to account all his men, in times of peace, in order to know, how much you can tax; to make sure, you would be moderate in taxation. What you don't know, lets the people breathe!! Wanting to constantly know, what the people think and do, is what kills our social cohesion and why there cant be Communism nor a Woke Utopia. Why should people trust themselves unto you, if you constantly mistrust by wanting to know Everything!! Willingness cannot be trained, because we're not dogs nor pigs. If you're treated like those animals, you'll loose your soul as a Man. We should focus our lives in doing our thing, not chasing after dragons; fairies and demons. For you are, what you eat; you eat your deeds and thoughts and statements!! Halleluyah! Have a nice day <3 ^^ UWU

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Transcendental Education Concordance -- TEC

 https://youtu.be/1RPRxdodQ3I Gender Identity for First Graders -- Black and White Network 

This is going too far! This is the time, then all the Republicans and Christians, who feel the same way against CRT and Wokeness, to make a Transcendental Education Concordance, what works like a Christian Reservation/ virtual embassy, taking their scolarships and educational vocations from outside government and country -- for instance, working together with other denominations and Super-structures, like Northern-Baptist Union etc. Lets keep the government out of our schools, because this kind of political brainwashing has to stop. Do Christians get to teach the first graders about the rib-story or about the 6 day creation or some other things, Christians believe to be true? Take your children back!! Who ever remains silent about this, wants this to be done to his children and in his country... 

This is the time, for all the denominations, to forget our differences, what we may have based on, how we see our service and gifts, but to cater to the greater good and to our calling in Christ. For it is said in Rev 18:4 about the Fall of Babylon to get out, to not share her sins! Get out of the school system and schoolboard and make your own. Find businessmen, who see it your way and who accept only workers from your Union/Concordance. Raise awareness and make it go over the borders. Protect your children, for Biden is too demented to even know, what he is spurting, less to save anybody else. They have already given up on themselves and damage as much they can, til the imminent Trump return and the loss in midterm elections. Transcend your borders and differences to become the arbiter and protector of your values and culture, because the government and their spokespeople will not! 

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 https://youtu.be/hDfzxj3jrLo 2Pac -- Paranoid 


When I retail Lee, for your raincall was checked in late; confederate flags there on Sweet G's Usha had bad faith. the fate was to be against Hate! Who gets to choose, you'll loose, all the Goodwill Huntings and Evil Genii in the obliette and booze Allmighty, as Akbar registers you unemployed. Those nosedivers divesting people of meaning and possessions; digressing into French, while swearing on American Constitution, then the body was worse than private Harris; sorry if it hurts, blurryface. Nobody was the last man Stanning Superman Great!! 


What does it meme, when "Whiteness" is a problem, while yellow stars are not ok to Jews? When you knock on edgy doors, because "Who sent that?" Unreal at Noork Elbow, fighting off giants and Eldrich horrors, due to closed shores and avenues in politics; who implore Lord and Lady status for office, but democracy for ours?! Did their moma drop them or something along Game of Thrones, to smash with the bugs and Penthouse bunny whores, as Clinton did lipservice to the Lord!! Would Tyrion Lannister in there or send to the black wall the chafe?


Cutting off tongues, calling yourself the Title -- dost that make you It, or dispute? Whenever you have to say out loud, what you are and mean, dost that diminish the prude! Hey Jude, dilute me this; how does it amiss, then you can transform gender into a decepticon, but not tolerate right wingers trolling bliss? There's the Jiss then the gist was put on watchlist, to be 1984 most Wanted; while Lefties can Hiss their stories at kindergarden, no worries nor edge there to inquire the safe and sorry. How dost Democracy fare well in those Estates Depuis!! 


People wanton, to create Communism, while hating the worker. That's so New Yorker Democracy, to be rich and spouting nonsense, you cannot follow suit. What dost a rally meme, or a riot root, then your soy latte is more expencive, than another mans entire days meal! Or driving Tesla for the cahoots, then no coils to charging up the rubbersuits of Red Alert. No comrade, you're not one of US! you're just a bit in the wrong chute. Retaliate your own immutes, what cannot be digested by readers ingest, while reinventing the Wheel RIP!!

Lent from Whiteness

 https://youtu.be/cylQMopSBQQ Woke church gives up whiteness for lent -- Black and White network  

Mat 22:23-34; 6:16-24; 5-7 Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-40; Acts 23:8; 15:1-35;6,7 Ga 2:11-21; James 2:3

Where do I even begin. This is another of those American things, there you need to use Pastor Francis Chans examples of the Iceskating ring, there people toss fish at dismayd penguins, scream goal and call it soccer. How can people go this far from lord Jesus Christ, and still believe, they are in Union with Him? Did St Paul fast from being a Jew? Did he fast from Greek Christians, to embrace his zealot nature, knowing much more about the law, than the average Christian? No, Did Steven the Martyr give way to the freedmen, who believed, you need to have something else, before you're eligible for the Gospel? Hell no!! You are Baptised in the name of Lord Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit, and thenever you come together in His name, worshiping with who ever would be in the church, regarldess of skincolor; political affiliation or even gender affirmation -- the very thing, that "Whiteness" is being put up on the shield, to be disregarded. A Christian cannot say thus!! How can you make a difference between Christian and Christian? Do you have one place for the lord, and another for the pleb? James 2:3?! Since when can a Christian hold priority in this World?? Since when can a Christian treat Worldly thoughts and Philosophies at equal footing with the Gospel? If you make a difference according to "Whiteness" you abstain from Lord Jesus Christ!! For these very reasons, there the Diacons  called in the office, because some people saw a difference between the Greek and the Jewish widows and elderly and didn't wanna give everybody the same service; while St. Peter didn't even wanna dispute this question, what should have been brutally obvious, how it should be rendered. Because it interracted with his prayer to God in the wrong way!! (Also it was politically incorrect, and Peter was abit of a wuss) Acts 6:1-7 You are either serving Mammon or serving God!! It is especially irroneous, because Mat 6:16-24 specifically speaks about, which kind of fasting or lint is desired from God. How does this kind of virtue signaling from that church, who fasts from "Whiteness" help to preach the Gospel and the Christian Love with loving your enemies like yourself? Do they exlude themselves from worship too, should they be white? This is not a Christian thing, and this Church shall not venture to Heaven! Don't even take the dirt from the road, if you abandon them, but give em back as token of proof. They are not with Christ but with this World; with Mammon!! For they have shamed lord Jesus Christ, preaching abandonment of the Gospel! We are not called the Church of Wokensss nor the Church of Critical Race Theories; nor something else -- We are Christians, because we follow the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ found in the Sermon of the Mount Mat 5-7!! Halleluyah!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The Oreo problem

 https://youtu.be/u8m6-5K3vj0 Why do people call Oreo Cringe -- Romanian TVee 

https://youtu.be/ZHvO7oPAx14 Hilarious backfire of Oreo -- The Quartering 

https://youtu.be/vmwj7OAJ1Is Wokeness out of controll -- Black and White Network 

Why does this keep on happening? How long must people suffer those capitalists, who LARP communist; social; political; religious or sexual awareness! What ever happened to cultural misappropriation?! I think I'll never buy a product like the Oreos, not even the related Domino from Fazer, because stuff like that makes my blood boil. How dare the corporations use religion and politics to sell their product!! Who cares about your affiliation, as long your product is good? Whats next, are we gonna buy Christian Whitebread or BLM Blackbread? Are those just names, like ladies and gentlemen, what mean absolutely nothing, and are just smalltalk? This is the reason, why censorship can take over, because people are detached and fed up, when ever a commercial airs or a company or politician has a say. Words mean shit!! Just like the time, you could buy the tetris games in estonia saying 9000 in 1 although there where only 8 variations of games, and you got to play the same game on different highscore chart and slight graphic alteration. The merchant had to put a calculator a pair of scissors and a ruler in the box, or otherwise people wouldn't buy it. At the prime time, then the game was only 16 in 1 it sold for 300-500 krooni while in the end it couldn't even sell for 30. I hope the Oreo stock will do the same, because useless things have a way of disappearing (Nod campaign Solomon to General Hassan) 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Escaping Hell

 https://youtu.be/Twc6T19tap4 Why Free Speech is the Antidote to our problems -- Jordan Peterson 

https://youtu.be/YwWfa5TcCz4 What goes on at US universities can be horrifying -- Romanian TVee 

https://youtu.be/K38qirFBhb4 Transgender Lia Thomas may flip Blue States -- Black and White Network 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory CRT Wiki 

https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-13-no-3-2012/paul-james-faith-works Paul and James on Faith and Works -- Mark D. Ellison

What it means to have Freedom of Speech, where it begins and ends 

When you have Freedom of Speech, it dost mean, you can mop the floor with your political or religious opponent, as long you have the Mayority, whether in numbers or social discourse and interest. For most times, the reason, why woke agenda is not addressed, is the way, they tackle dialogue,. making it next to impossible to assail, if you have diferring opinions. The reasons, why it makes it hard, is that you judge all the arguments and criticisms through the lense of your political or religious bias. Imagine, if the Christians had the same social impact at Univercities, in shaping opinion, lets say in self-harming and fasting, in order to get closer to God. How you gonna reason with that opinion, if your arguments get converted to the other side in an inquisitorial way? How can you convince the side, who is at it -- "To save the Soul"? The same problem is with the Woke agenda at Univercities, who don't do it out of malice or spite -- although I have to agree with Jordan Peterson, on this point, whats the difference in terms, then it looks like a duck; walks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- what else could it be!! The reason, that the Woke tell themselves and are indoctrinated that way -- having the Gospel of Woke if you will, that leaving it would feel like Apostacy... if you believe in CRT so much so, that a student becomes a living weapon, if to use a Diablo 3 reference. I'm still surprised and thankful, that so much of that intercourse has seeped into the Templar character and order, highlighting the absolute state of Universities in America, while I understand, it was made to ridicule the church, while failing the same, as the WW2 Hitler time german version of the Movie "Titanic". 

You cannot argue with a person, who has convictions, because convictions are believed upon, and are not the subject to change. Only the convertite can change, which means You, not the convicted Faithful Zealot, who gives you his Way and True Gospel!! That's what I learned, being a fundamentalist Christian, though it might not look that way anymore, due to my views on LGBT community and the Satanists. You cannot have Free Speech and your own Religion, as St. Paul proved with his very life, while being a moral zealot. You eventually loose the very thing, you are sworn to protect and fight for!! 

Free Speech begins, then you let go of your control over the discourse and start it at equal footing. A concept so foreign these days. Because the same forces apply to both sides. If you escalate and try to censor the opposition and subtly undermine and/or gaslight into a patronized state -- the oppressed can reply in kind. That was the reasons, why Jesus taught us to love our enemies. It is easy to love your friends, because one hand washes the other, and thats how corruption begins. By listening or more so, because I hate, what its called "active listening" there you nod your head and give assertive remarks as though you're in the convo, while being somewhere else in your mind -- for that reason, I more want to see, the words executed in your life, not to see the works of the Law, there you do a virtue signal, but not an actual thing, what corresponds with your thoughts and beliefs. For talk is cheap, and virtue signals even cheaper!! 

Free speech is not Free of Chrage or responcibility, its Free of Inquisition; Intolerance and Persecution. The things, what befell the first Democrats, then they tried to give us those rights, risking life and limb, going up against clergy and establishment, still into the Two swords doctrine, where the Church and Court ruled over the peasants, who only needed to obey! 

Free Speech is the instrument, what allows the commoner, who is not into establishment, nor into the party nor into the church nor guild etc. to have a say, without being persecuted for it. In what way then, does a stealing student, who has a differing race question with a Bakery, who just wants to get payd for his business, differ from the Christians, who threw their opponents out of the window, based on believing the wrong confession? 

Whenever you are persecuted, you are in Hell, because your thoughts and says don't matter, in shaping your environment. You are like a helpless child, awaiting mommy and daddy to give you permission to have this or that, if at all... This tyranny of the superminority for the benefit of the elite, must stop; lest our Civilisation will stop much like Rome fell before us. The Problem is, the woke believe, they are the Heathens taking over Rome, not understanding History nor Art, how long of a process it was, for the European tribes to take up power, while the Empire was breathing her last. How much political intercourse between Arianism vs Catholicism and Catholicism vs Orthodoxy there was. How many people there slaughtered over the iota, whether you believed the Holy Spirit came from only the Father (Arians) or both from the Father and the Son (Catholics) defined, if you there dead or alive in the conversation. Much the same way we have the question of Transgender, there some people believe, you are having a genocide, if you reaffirm the natural gender of male and female. Because you cannot have opinions and Free Speech anymore on that topic -- unless it reaffirms your own convictions in your moral superiority and the inferiority in the same sense, as the West looked at Africa, while colonizing it. I like the novel by Tõnjanov "The Tale of VereÅ¡tÅ¡agin" there a Russian elite soldier decides to become a painter instead, insulting his father in so doing. The book was rather atheistic in nature, because of the time it was written, but the openmindedness was refreshing. It looked at religious violence in the name of assuming power, and I recommend it to be read. 

How to have Free Speech, then the left is colonizing the smothered and selfloathing West? Then it is no longer taught, to respect yourself and your ancestors. The Three Novels of Inka by Anton B. Daniel about the Conkistadors in America, from the perspective of the Highpriestess, married to the dead king and a Spanish soldier banished by the Inquisition for his affairs and having a sus birthmark on his body, what became relevant in the religion of the Inkas. or the Magicians Guild by Canavan, what was well aired as a movie. I liked the statement of Akkarin about training for war, in order to acclaim the Red Mages traits even at times of peace, lest not loose the ability to defend. I don't like to give spoilers, because his reasons are better read than told. The book was very progay, but written so well, I had no problem it from a Christian standpoint. Because the book was written in dialogue, and had a conversation with the reader. Good Luck getting that from the left today!! And I do mean the meme from Taken. You really wanted to root for Sonea, the illegal immigrant, fighting off the evil Wizards behind the forcefield, and getting a stone through, because unbegnowst to her, she was a wizard too! Again, both series are recommended reads, if you love Democracy and Free Speech!! You cannot escape Hell, if your stuck in your own opinion, because you don't really own that opinion. You are like a prince, who believes to be the best boxer in the world, because the King has advised all your friends to loose against you, to not upset you. And looses in the first real battle. Then you open yourself up to wrongthink, is then you reclaim your values, and make them Yours! Then you stop being a child and become an adult, who takes up charge and responcibility not does as told by his betters. 

Democracy and Freedom of Speech is thought upon every time you breathe and make decisions in the mall and on the internet. What you buy and what you sell or throw away, tells more of you, then what you acclaim! Whenever you protect it from arguments, you rather smother and kill it, to make way for a Tyrant, who knows best. Does it matter if that Tyrant has a D behind his name instead of a svastika? Demonising your opponents as Nazis or Witches is the reason why so many people want to be Nazis and Witches, because they cannot agree with the Leftoid and Woke hogwash. The Left and Establishment basically summon their very own demons to be the Champions, who shall defeat and vanquish them. A Party or School of Thought sencoring his opposition, especially in power, has not won, but lost the argument, because now it happens under the counter, there you cannot seethe nor critisize, then the conversation goes amiss. You need Freedom of Speech, so you are protected from people getting the wrong conclusion of your actions and thoughts. Once you disabled it, because you are Righteous and your opponents are Plebs, you deemed yourself the target of the next counter-Revolution!! You have to choose, whether you want acolytes or discourse -- you cant have both, which came clear in the young church as in John vs James, although they there not against each-other, but their followers, not understanding the Teachings of Jesus Christ there. Also the Jewifiers wanting to further their own agenda, not even trying to understand the Gospel. The same way, I don't think the woke even understood, what the values of America and Constitution stand for, because they are too busy building Communism, that everything goes, while living in the 19th century still, then arguments go. That's why it is so easy to compare them with Christian failures in the Church. Its ironic to talk about progress, then the Woke are so stuck in their own thought patterns, you may even call it decadent. What are your thoughts on this matter, because I do love dialogue. Take care and have faith, for the night is young and just beginning, thus the chatter of the birds, going to sleep!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Life in Poetry

 https://youtu.be/xfvtPTvuFTA Poets of the Fall -- Drama for Life 

https://youtu.be/biZpPNzt3II Poets of the Fall -- Choice Millionaire 

https://youtu.be/di7NMssrqsE Poets of the Fall -- Daze 

https://youtu.be/I2PmwSgkHUI Poets of the Fall -- Can you hear me 

https://youtu.be/0f_hewSrAH4 Poets of the Fall -- War 

https://youtu.be/f2-HOaIO7Wg Poets of the Fall -- Dream you Wide Awake

The Figures of Speechless screeches, envisioning a safer tomorrow -- what business does I fare thus! The Poet lives for the Danger, shaking the Tree of Knowledge for the Root of Evil and Wormwoods Vinegar pinch taste. Bleading the blenders dismay, what others thought patterns agreed and concented; policed together from Ivory tower E-defiance, what a single Rapuntzel could thwart hairsplicing even.

An Avocado raided my Bill of Rights, while a Kiwi trotted my flat earthed worldrueing plans. Nothing but a sinister Lime, slandering the missing translations of Artist and Audience, the newground AA confederacy unwinded from each-other, winging with mourning Drew, Sunkissed by the Gatekeepers smokescreened tears, what there too fake to not be True! Exclaiming on the inhailed Vigor mortis stain. 

Picturing the Perfect Storms, what got away, as the Munroe Doctrines X-Factor auditions, there looking for the next Dramaqueen, who is gay enough but not queer. Rules are meant to be broken, especially self-imposed implores, overtaking the sonore, for the sake of bleaching out devils from the Wall, never stoned into that Monastery, to keep it from falling in. A Femme Banale could do the trick though...

Life is Poetry out of powerty, then covetous bigotry meets your destiny. Willing all your rhymes and limerick, what got blurted into a Sonnet, scratching out the profane processions, to find shining angelic armor -- arborists Ent in the fervent denial, to not relent from the saving Grace to the Worlds Pretended Rend, what trended in tender silver-endings. I traced the wraiths and ghouls to Rashomon discerning -- 

What on Earth could account, what Poetry could not give? Sold on the notion of Dazed and Confuzed; to scold the forebodings of wise Crows, who caught too much golddust, rust in the combustion of their Just. Lustice had a say, mixxing up some letters and giving new meaning to old words -- many scrapes goad the Poet, while not paving their Soul to meet the Hell's deep throat and anxious darkness. 

What can a synic meme, when you're not invested in anything, but gilded parachutes warding you away of Danger? True Poetry begets, there your one foot is in the Dragons nostrils and the other on the white knights blade, what was lying on the ground. What does taste have anything to do, if you got something to slay in the minds flytraps of the common sheeple! Just show the mirror to the broken and unfazed...  

Listen to your Madness, not those lecherous Critics in Concerned Conservatories, selfserving their own ineptitudes, they wanna read inbetween your lines...  Everybody wants to rouse the World, while not giving anything back for the times!! Wanton detrimenting for the sake of earning shortterm gains, what latter kings have to iron out with their heads under the Guillotine. Give in your Life -- Poetry!!

Con tempts me

https://youtu.be/ADrIcHpkIJA Poets of the Fall -- Stay Forever 

https://youtu.be/aMT5Tuw0yZk Poets of the Fall -- My Dark Disquiet 

https://youtu.be/8L6Tf3EPhZA Poets of the Fall -- Partif avec moi 

https://youtu.be/vkweStbjjSE Poets of the Fall -- False Kings 

https://youtu.be/rVZzQGRTT7c Poets of the Fall -- Moonlight Kissed 

https://youtu.be/SWLReEoxjFk Poets of the Fall -- Requiem for My Harlequin

 Pastors pastures, greener than moneys environment; some men born, to be jesters, courted by humorless and witless corpses, criple to gnaw a voice the be heard, just to be torn apart by desires ire and dark flames fathoms into outdone contemplatons of deus ex machina. Everything but a play, taking seriously every jab and panter, for the sake of commerce. 

Slowlearners want to fasttrack their mediocricity into perfections Grandeured Magnificense mania grandiosa. Like a shadow in my wake, to cradle with tomorrows, what never come in the alt-righteous Selfloathing leftover, rainchecked nudity of cosplays contrasted to be special, while being same old... People forgetting their inner child, for pathos and Patros! 

Everything, but a product and brand, waiting to be underwhelmed in the microwaved expectations of catch cold and lease the Ree's to fake the outrage for the sake of thunderous aplause or riot. Gaunt in the decadent pleasure of being top dog, true artists always edging on the verge of sanity-genius, but merchants stave off the lightningrods, to make a buck. 

Are you in it for the, gleeful dance and gallivant or to liberate some numbers in the blackbooks? Fantasicing the sized commons of expecting Patrons to voluptously agree and buy your remorse, of never being born to grow up, but to be a stillborn anthem of a dusty cupboard gaining waste and gravitas. The French lost to your soul and Gray Grouse...  

Con tempted me, to take a stand on demand, to regrand the chant of the Harlequin and Requiem its rebirth -- maybe its still hope for the world, who lost hope and redemption a long time ago. Latinized our science, infantilized our fourthwalled breaks of relapsed judgment catcalls; embarrassed of eating the last peace of cake, aghast of the counterparts!! 

The Real Comedian, can that be even a fable, in such an obscure realm, there the apogee is its girdle of navelgazed druncated stupor? Eyes see down not per aspera ad astra nor Ultima Thule, divorsed from any kind of evil, while endorcing highhorsed remorse, what nobody ordained to contemplate, but to complain for the sight so grain, to not take actions attract!! 

To confess the nude emperors court-magicians spree of vipers, you had to eat up with your rod of ruinous discent, while lacing it in minced words and commenced postures. Then all the knights there on parlor, to Morrigan their opponents armor like Asahel vs Abner; quietly swallowing Prides as being marred with the i of homoousious -- are Comedians the Sane?

The Problem is not Moral Dilemma but Moral Dementia

 https://youtu.be/zV7b5hVPo8o Artificial Stupidity -- Thomas Sowell

Seven Kingdoms of the Earth for a real dilemma -- in an overpoliticized World, where everybody is a swordsman, as in Rashomon, fighting over a Womans body and ownership, not even Love. Our culture has become old, being 2000 years from the birth of Jesus Christ; so old, its demented, not able to grasp all the things, they have gathered and pilthered together. People are not, what they are, but larger than Life, Larping fables and tall stories, not be able to suffer average ordinary mundane Life. Reading tales of Champions have given us confusion, what a Noble is and what a Hero is or even a Prophet or Revlutionary is. Our Swordmanship and Intellect is like Tajumaru, holding your head in the face of the lie, to not loose Honour and Esteem. 

People don't want to own up to anything nor take responcibility, but just avoid consequences. People know, what to think and believe to be Good or Evil, not how to think and verify the whole problem of 2+2... Too many people adapt moral ambivalence, without first adapting any discipline to loose it for the broader view. Because we try to teach our students the last chapers, before they have even learned the basics to understand the Introduction to the first! Truth is not the accurate depiction of what is and what happens, but what stance you are taking on the face of it. 

https://youtu.be/0vVETFktVNQ Philosophy -- A Preface to Rashomon (Also read the Novel of Akutagawa not only look the movie of Kurosawa) 

One person sees calamity and walks away; the other sees an oportunity to insert his agenda; yet another looses himself and does the right thing, often being ridiculed as the Fool. They evade their fate, like 1408! 

https://youtu.be/vXeeDrvgBLw 1408 Commentary 

He, who is Himself, has no Remorse, nor Regrets for failing his journey however great or small it is... only the Jumpin Jack needs to worry, about his trick failing and people moving on, or the Harlot, worried, that if she grows old, people want no business anymore!! What is your Way, and whos thing does it do? 

OMG What Now?!

 What the Fuck happened on April Second? >//////////< O-o 58 Canadians and one unknown bloke reading my blog? how on earth, and then I got it nice and void of attention. You guys are killing me... :(( In my personal life, I lost my job, because I was too slow and couldn't see the difference between light- and dark-yellow; to differenciate the cleanness of plastic cups. Apparently thats a thing, if you're a dish-washer. Not to mention the stress, then the machines break down, and you break stuff with your clumsiness. Lately my eyesight is dropping fast, I cant even read the Songbook anymore, to sing in the church, I guess I have to spurt with a lense from now on... :S :o :( I hope you got something from your ventures. Just as Gaara of the Red Sands, I hate to waste anybodies time nor keep people waiting. Take care and do your thing! <3

If you want to be Wise, don't take advice!

 Wise people don't listen, but behold. Then you listen, you believe, then you behold, you judge and contemplate, on can you believe it. Only listen to things, you can trust, while loving your enemies and hating your friends, to the point of hating Yourself! Those, who love themselves and their friends, perpetuate the same course of action, not because they deemed it right, but because, they bribed and cheered it right. It is better to have a thousand fiersest critics than one overzealous friend, who always gets psyched on whatever you say or do, regardless of its weight or depth. There can be no weapon more deadly nor poison more sinister, then the false praises of a friends and blessings in the morning. Speak little, do more. Don't expect others to do, what you are reluctant in delivering... Avoid books on gathered wisdoms, just as a martial artist avoids tehniques done but once. What good are those, if you only listen, but don't behold them in action -- especially in your Life. Knowledge has become a spectacle, there wise men, are like fencing aces, showing off their gimmicks, how to trick their opponent into defeat, not how to make Life better. You should always have something greater than yourself, to call God. If you don't have God, have Superman or the nearest highest mountaintop to give you shadow in the blaze of the day and in the dark chill of the night. Man is not made to stand alone, but He can suffer, if he has something to venture to. How do you fare, if you only listen, but not behold. An era of listeners of bread and circus, has made our vision blurry and blind. Thus blind men lead the insane into their undoing. It is better to be a peasant and do your daily chores, than to be a failed leader. If a peasant gets sacked, he gets up and finds a new job; if a leader or lord gets sacked, he carries his Shame whenever he goes!! Not being able to forget our failures, while focusing on success, is the reason, why we cannot achieve any witholding Luck from our Lives. You are your own Lucksmith, when you know Yourself and Humble Yourself, just like a trainer Humbles his racinghorse, not giving him the best food or leisure, but as much to get in shape and to further the goal of being the fastest horse in the track. What is your Goal? Dont look for common goals, for what has the lion in common with the gazel!! Common goals are for negotiators and diplomats, to ease the pains of defeat and grant the Victor his laurels without the common scourged earth policies at the stages of War. Why would you seek common good in regular life? You should challenge yourself and your neighbour -- give him firewood in the winter, but don't give him bread, then its time to sow!! One hand cannot turn down and destroy, what the other hand does, while you should no know everything, what people say about you or the government, because you have slurred in your Youth as well. 

Whenever You see Wisdom and Knowledge, don't call it Good nor Evil, unless You have seen it in action!! Why do people call men wise, not regarding their teachings in their Life. Is a product Good, if none buy it, or a place Great, if nobody wants to live there? So how can people be wise, but their says go unfazed, never to be taken into action or implemented in your Life... If you have to aid or correct a teaching, in order to make its caster wise, you just invented a cane for the Wizard! If you have to travel half way on someone elses Wheelcarriage, in order to go your way by foot, it makes You lazy in admitting, that you rather despise the Teacher, you just quoted or revered, out of fear, what his disciples might do to you, if you opened up. True wise men, can laugh with the wolves and run with the stallions, without getting any harm from it. Because people listen too many chants and incantations about Good and Evil, is why the world has becom weary and vain, a lover of decadence; fame and progressive culturelessness. You cannot Love something, if you Love everything. If you choose to eat meatloaf you cannot eat beefsteak!! Every freedom of choice, denies another. Once You have made yours, you cant turn back to respeck your attention and talents to test another! Its like with marriage -- the just married cannot turn back from the altar; love and marry another, without marring the First!! People are like Pigs and Dogs, who binge themselves with the spoils of ancestry, never understanding context nor subtext, reading their own desires and fears on the lips of the teachers, servicing only death and calamity, but no advantage what so ever... This is the reason, why criticism has become Enemy of State, for people are not able anymore to see Ideas in action. Because we see and read too much, without really beholding and judging our character in the face of those words, do we really intend of paying the asking price, or are we just flattering ourselves with Virtuous looks on bankets and worthy notions on the streetcorners, where it accounts very little. How can a Man, who invests in everything, see merit? Invest in one thing, and you see results, but stay humble, for you havent invented anything, what other dost know already. Even if you have made something New and Outstanding, still stand humble, for the inventors are often robbed of their intellect and the merchant gets rich not the golddigger nor the Champion who enters the fray!! Wisdom and Prowess seldom come hand in hand, as was with King David; his son, King Solomon, was the Wisest and Richest Man on Earth, still He fell in the councel of foreign Women!!  

What do you see, when you look at Wisdom and Knowledge? Is it a Tool; a Weapon or a Chance to find youtself and service Your Way and Your people and Your culture. I have a disdain for people, who seethe themselves betters of their upbringing, venturing to be Cosmopolitcan, while needing government help and censorious aid, in order to stay that way!! A Lion nor a Wolf, don't see themselves better, than the cattle, they are hunting. They merely see their needs and ponder how to deal with it. We also don't congratulate ourselves, then we eat our beefstake, how great or awesome we where eating it. But we do so, then devouring countless books of knowledge, while implementing very little in our Lives. There was a gamer, who owned a thousand games, but had an intrest nor could play none of them -- He was called The Collector! Many Wise Men are collectors and connoseurs of fine taste, for the sake of the art, not because they find an use for it, what could benefit others. A merchant is better off, than such a wise man, because he sells goods and lies maybe about the price and quality; a Wizard lies to himself and the others about Everything!! Don't say anything, if you have nothing to say -- especially if you're the 3rd Generation of a Famous Christian or Wise Man Standing, don't say a thing. It is better to remain silent than to loose Respect. The birds chat the loudest, then the darkness falls, before the night, so too are the advisors most active, just as in Jesus time, a Wizard here; a Witch or Warlock there; all descending on the carrion of Man, who gasps for last breaths of Reason and Will. There is no Will for those, who allow themselves to taste Everything, becoming bored for a little game here, a little festivity there. Just like Rome fell with bread and circus; so do will our times... The more you have, the more you owe to your deptors. Every Wisdom and Knowledge is like a loan or a drug. You have to pay the Piper eventually!! It is better to serve God knowingly, then go insane chanting, you have none, while serving them all... Fear is a great demigod, the creator and destroyer of Civilisations; if you don't know and humble Yourself. Even the Predator Humbles himself before He encrouges to His prey, and all Warrior Kings bowed down, to grasp Leadership from the ground it had befallen. Our times bow to none, and respect nobody except their gaze du navel and their newspapers are its gazettes, calling niese and oncle on every crossroads, for any Eldrich Horror who could bat an eye of Karen!! 

Too much attention to needless things, while no attention for the needy! That is, what ruins great civilizations and thoughts; making leaders and advisors look, like God has made them folly!! A Bow stretches and lets go -- our time only stretches and breaks down and askews the broken, how dare you!! You be Wiser than the lot and travel outside of the established circles and amongst ravens and evil spirits. For what is called Evil and Transgressive amongst this adulterous Time, is often, what pleases the Lord and not its face value... Be your own advice and guidance, which everybody can read. The Open Gospel for Everybody but none, what You Live in your Life!! That is your Holy Super and your Sangreal... Halleluyah and Godspeed!