Thursday, January 4, 2018

Be the light/ Sei das Licht

Be the light, don't forsake, then the world's insane and raped;
like the watchman on his tower, the Truth endures – even in tears!
You shall know how thistles can't devour your grapes –
those barking dogs hounding you are just lame and fake!
Don't agree their take and that is your providence above fears;
the residents of Malice may choke on you, as they toss your gears!
Don't despair for in the Righteousness you've been shaped!!

Sei das Licht, und loigne nicht was Wahr ist vom Heiden;
sie sint gar blint und wissen nichts zu bewahren.
Der Klick hat es getahn – deshalb sind sie geshieden;
vom Recht und Ordnung, ab gefrommen für maiden –
des unabhängiges gerichts. Es schlichtet ins verjahen;
verneine nicht dein geschlecht – du Krieger in Klahren!!
Stehe auf und kümmer dich nicht um die Wiesen unter den Linden.

Be the light, and mend the broken morrows into gleams of hope;
I will shoulder the yoke of insults and scrutiny, what smothers thee.
No witch-hunter may prevail against your lot – they can't cope –
no time to sling your barrel into the corn and ask for the rope!
The truth is everlasting, like a mighty grown up oak-tree;
don't watch their numbers for they shall dwindle like stars in Heaven – see!
Your conduct is becoming of knighthood – be the dope!!

Sei das Licht, und beschatte alles was Regen bewässert;
diese Redner die rente gleichen und Donner ergötzen.
Himmel Herr Gott“ Führhte dich nicht vom das Mässer;
diese Schmitz wehr bogen schuften gegen Fässer…
Die Troll-herden verden sich ins garnichtz protzen;
ihre hoiser eben wen sie gross sind als die Geschossen
des Schlosses vom Hindenburg am Himmel – Sei du besser!!

Be the light and darkness wont prevail your fruits and valor;
raise your head up-high and rejoice for justice and the meek!
Don't be silent – take your kite and sword and be a tamer;
who captives all the lost, who wish to ravine into the Shamer!
Don't give up and sniff the foul cauldrons of Hell – they reek;
better be witnessing the Truth, not your mirrored faces in bleak.
Be exalted in your craft and remain stout as a Claymore!!

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