Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sermon of the Mount and how to implement it

Mat 5-7 „Now, then he saw the crowds, he went up a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him and he began to teach them saying:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those, who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called Sons of God. Blessed are those, who are persecuted because righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you, when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for the same way they persecuted the prophets who there before you.
You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.
Do not think, that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Indeed, until Heaven and earth disappear , not the smallest letter, nor the least stroke of a pen will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands, will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
You have heard, that it was said to the people long ago: “Do not murder and anyone who murders, will be subject to judgment” But I tell you that anyone, who is angry with his brother, will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who calls his brother a fool, is to answer in front of the Sanhedrin. But who so ever would curse his brother, will be in danger of Hellfire.
Therefore if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember, that your brother has something against you. Leave your gift there in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift. Settle matters quickly with your adversary, who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Indeed, you will not get out, until you have paid the last penny.
You have heard, that it was said: “Do not commit adultery!”But I tell you, that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully, has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away, it is better for you to loose one part of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into Hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body, than for your whole body to go into Hell!
It has been said: “Anyone, who divorces his wife, must give her a certificate of Divorce!” But I tell you, anyone who divorces his wife, except for adultery, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman, commits adultery!
Again you have heard, that it was said to the people long ago: “Do not break your Vows and keep the oath, you have made to the Lord!” But I tell you, do not swear at all – neither by Heaven, for it is God's throne; neither by the Earth, for it is his Footstool; neither by Jerusalem, which is the city of the Great King. Don't even swear on your head, for you cannot make even one strain of hair white nor black. Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No” be “No”. Anything beyond this, comes from the Evil one!
You have heard, that it was said: “Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth!”But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the left also, and if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one, who asks you, and do not turn away from the one, who wants to borrow from you.
You have heard, that it was said: “Love your neighbor and hate your enemy!” But I tell you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be the Sons of your Father in Heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the wicked and the righteous and sends rain to the good and evil. If you love those, who love you, what reward will you get? For even the tax collectors can do that! Or if you greet only your brethren, what are you doing more-score from others? Even the Heathens can do that. But I ask you to be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect!
Be careful not to do your “acts of Righteousness” in front the people to be seen by them. For otherwise you wont have any reward from Your Father who is in Heaven! So, If you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. Indeed, they already got their fair share! But, then you give to the needy, don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees this, will reward you in secret!
And when you pray, don't be like the hypocrites, who love to boast, standing in the synagogues and on the street-corners to be seen by men. Indeed, they have gotten their fair share from life. But then you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then the Father in Heaven shall reward you in secret. And when in prayer, don't babble like a pagan, for they think, they will be heard for they beautiful craft and wits in finding words – for your Father in Heaven already knows, what you long for and what you need, before you ask him. But you pray thus:
Our Father, who art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy name! Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our transgressions, as we forgive unto them, who have transgressed against us. And lead us not into contempt, but deliver us from the Evil one!”
For if you forgive men, when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you don't forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins!
When you fast, do not look somber, as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. Indeed, they got it all coming. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so people could not tell weather you're fasting, so that your Heavenly Father, who is in secret, could reward you!
Don't hoard treasures on earth, there moth and rust destroy and there thieves break in and steal. For there your treasure is, there will be your heart also. The eye is a lamp of the body, if you eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both – God and Mammon!
Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important, than food and the body more important than the clothes. Look at the ravens – they don't sow nor reap, they don't store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They don't labor nor spin . Yet I tell you, that not even King Solomon, in all his splendor, was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and morrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, who are little in faith. So don't worry, saying: “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For also the pagans run after these things, and your Heavenly Father knows, that you need them But seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Don't worry about morrow, for it will worry about itself – to each day his own trouble!
Don't judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way, you judge others, you'll be judged and by the same measure, you measure with, it will be measured unto you. Why do you look for the splinter in your brothers eye but not see the log in thy own eye? How can you say to your brother: “There's a thorn in your eye, allow me to take it out of your eye!” And all that time there is a log in your own eye! Your hypocrite – first remove the log from your own eye, so you could see clearly and be able to remove the splinter in thy brothers eye! Don't give dogs, what is sacred and don't throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and then turn and tear you apart.
Ask, and it will be given unto you, seek and you'll find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone, who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him, who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread will give him a stone; or if asked for a fish, is giving a snake instead? If you then, though you're wicked, can do good unto your children, how much more will your Father in Heaven grant good gifts for those, who ask him! So in everything, do to the others, what you expect them to do unto you, for this sums up, what the Law and the Prophets are saying!
Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate, and narrow the road, that leads to life – only but a few shall find it! Watch out for false prophets, for they will come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you'll recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise any good tree shall bear good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. Every tree, what bears bad fruit, is cut down and frown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you'll recognize them!
Not everyone, who shall say unto me: “My Lord, My Lord!” will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he, who does the will, of my Father, who is in Heaven! Many will say unto me on that day: “My Lord! Did we not prophesy in thy name, and in your name drive out demons and performed many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly: “I never knew you! Depart from me, you doers of iniquity!
Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice, is like a wise man, who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it didn't fall, because of the foundation laid in the rock. But anyone, who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice, is like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house and it fell with a great crash.”
Then Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds there amazed at his teachings, because he taught as one who had authority and not as their teachers of the Law.”
The Sermon of the Mount, what is also called the “Cornerstone” for it's importance is the only Sermon, what Jesus gave Himself and what has the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ! I used NIV to write this passage and I didn't copy-paste it, as I would usually do from because I wanted to edit and write the text with my chosen words to see how many of you will address me and correct me according to the Law and how many will really read it through with a bible in his hands, and not just scroll it through. It's already 4 A4's on my LibreOffice Document. I would recommend you print it out, so you could underline and write comments, because you might otherwise forget about the right passage or what you there about to say – so if you're interested in a dialogue with me, do send me an e-mail to thank you very much.


Lord Jesus Christ starts his sermon by addressing various aspects of life as being blessed by God – and these blessings are already in contrast what the Pharisees would have chosen to be blessed by God. For what is here the problem? Israel was asked about so many things, what their priests should wear and how they should act, so you would assume, they will be also first in line here, but no such thing. Even more so, the proverbs arbiter actively to seek wisdom what derives itself from awe to God! But Jesus Christ said: “Blessed are the poor in spirit!” What does that mean? Blessed are the anxious, the ones who don't think of themselves better than the others and are therefore depressingly pondering about their true worth and not expecting it to emerge for instance from being a teacher of the Law – so that was already wrong with the establishment of that time and that was the first sentence!! Jesus comes back to it, then he asks to not worry about cloths, food and riches of this world – namely about money – which highlights the blessing of the “poor in spirit”! For you can have no pride, if you're poor in spirit! You don't expect people to treat you in a certain way, if you're poor in spirit – a highly spirited person is like Creflo Dollar or Justin Bieber – there is no fucking way you could miss his spotlight – it's just like he was made for the camera and the audience. But what does that do to the viewer and the listener, who has to accept the Words of God, from such a spirited person? He won't be able to get passed the applause and shut up, if you don't consider the sudden smirks and snickers or laughter as compliment and bribery to the preacher… And the entertainer loves these things – but a Christian should not be an Entertainer – he is not having “Much ado about nothing” on the pulpit – He has the Gospel of Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins on the Cross, and right now we have the Sermon of the Mount and not 50 cents although I don't mind about rap music – many of my spiritual experiences come from either Eminem or Snoop Dog or somewhere else nor do I mind about Shakespeare, however a preacher should not be performing these, then he is rather giving the bible to the people!! So If you're poor in spirit, you get the Kingdom of Heaven! Why is that so important to link depressed people up with that? Because Christians are guilty of a grievous sin – they condemn depressed people into hell! Every now and then a such person commits suicide, what do the Christians casually say: “He went to Hell, for you shalt not kill!” I always want to say towards those kind of Christians: “Jesus is condemning you, for casting stones at your brother, while still living in sin!” Or how did brother Francis reference it with his toothbrush? That it would be too gross to share it? We constantly share our lives and sins, like that kind of a toothbrush, brother Francis, so what gives? I still respect and adore brother Francis, the pastor of Cornerstone church, who's sermons are mostly adequate, if you don't mind, that he favors Christians over pagans and outsiders… To the one, who wants to follow Christ in a church, he has a lot to say about – too bad I'm no longer a member of any… Jesus Christ is still my Lord and Savior though, go figure it out!
We don't know what might be in our brothers heart, who has committed suicide, so where comes this audacity to judge like that, then you need the mercy of God yourself to be saved, and then you dare to condemn those, who are down for the count! How is that exalting Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel? Halleluyah!
Depressed people suffer so much, and people who have never experienced it, should not condemn them – for it is like you're nude-wrestling with a Harlot while having to preach about chastity in your life. Try to not put it in if she looks hot, but mostly from a depressed persons perspective, that “demon” will look like Christina Aguilera/Catherine Zeta-Jones/Shannen Doherty with monster stats on everything – and then comes along a “Christian” and condemns you for not being able to bible it or not even being a Christian? So very Christian of you, as Nietzsche would have said. Most of the time depressed people die due to not being understood and being too much patronized as happened to Job through his friends… and we don't condemn Job to Hell, for he has the bible at his side, but not so with the depressed people, who are not written into the bible!! Amen!
That will also sum up those who mourn, for we should be comforting them not condemning, but for that we should be meek and poor in spirit ourselves, to be able to be of any help – so it shouldn't be taken separately, as though all these traits are separated on different people. We should treat it as one perfect Christians embodiment. If you have done thus, it should be natural to hunger for righteousness and if you pursue it honestly you shall get it. Lord Jesus Christ will come to it back with his Knocking; seeking and asking – too bad Christians are mostly ass-King about everything like being smart-ass is not being very smart! So what's so wrong if you're as humble as a donkey with a crown, like Nietzsche has depicted in “Thus spoke Zarathustra”? You can worship humility in a way that it becomes its own antithesis and oxymoron. Just like “all kinds of evil” is not talking about “all evil” but the negation of the word “all”! That I learned from brother Voice, then he was talking about Mammon being the root of all evil and how one bible translation decided to scratch that out to be able to sell more bibles! Your worship might become such kind of whoreship, there you molest with words, and people are disgusted in you and your conduct, while Christians are faithfully cheering and applauding, for brother so-and-so is speaking and not nobody!! Because you only omitted one tiny “kinds of” between “all” and “evil” to win the people over, how is that any way bad, to have a full audience? People don't like Common Core either, although it earns a lot of money to the school-system and government – for dishing the problem into the future and making it more expensive to the person accepting Common Core. The same way, if you omit the bible, you wont feel the damage, but the one, who believes in you! What ever does Ez 3:18-21; 33:6 say about that? For the Christians are not living according to it, even if they would teach it! Otherwise they would take their words and actions more seriously, and not think that it's not their problem, if a sinner goes to Hell! The question is not about, how can you brand him (Mat23:15) it is remarkable that in the Taro deck the 15th card is “The Devil” and 23 can be converted into a “5” “The Hierophant” - so sometimes doing the right thing, can lead you to be an instrument of Evil and wickedness! But I used Numerology and Taro Card reading on a bible quote, to do so, just like Bileam was a wizard – and served God… Just read the bible quote and understand the irony or that sarcasm that the sons of this world are more shrewd than the sons of the Kingdom! (Luke 16:8) It's all about the money or who gets the credit for your deeds – You or God! Great men always preach about “My Millions of dollars we donated” – like does David Wilkerson. What are you trying to say, brother David, that it's still yours and not given unto God, because someone doubted it, and you couldn't rejoice in the Lord for being under persecution and insults which is the end of sinning? Or “My great ways, how I defeated this and that pagan argument or someone else and made it into a video on Youtube” as does Pastor Jeff – why should I give a fuck how you could defend Calvinism or how you defeat an agnostic or bully Amber the Satanist with her cowbell around, while not seeing the irony in your own megaphone, you used on your rally against the abortion clinics. Because yelling in the face of a woman makes the man fuck them less, indeed! And you threatened police officers with a law-suit – and that does the man who whines about being under the persecution of fellow Christians, while himself persecuting the police and calling them corrupt and using violence, then the act of violence was simply asking your fucking name!! That was for reference that they presented you with the complaint, that the people, who lived around the abortion clinic didn't like your megaphone – did you check the cowbell's decibels also, like you there so adept in pointing out to the officer? I'll come to that back with the splinter and the log…
If you're righteous – you become merciful by default. No mercy – no righteousness! Then the husband of Mary found out, that his beloved soon to be wife is pregnant, he had the Mišbat to present Mary as an adulterer and at least forsake her, if not stone her to death for being unlawfully pregnant – for the Law couldn't know, that God would be born into a virgin – even after the prophets says! He decided to forsake her in secret in order to claim by this deed the offspring what was in question – for he could suffer the condemnation of fucking his soon to be wife pregnant. In time he would have been forgiven, for shit like that, happens all the time. But nobody forgives to the woman, who is found pregnant, and Joseph didn't want to suffer that! He had mercy at the cost of his own reputation, and that gave him the vision, what allowed him to accept Mary into his house!! Any questions, pastor Jeff? If you're merciful, your heart will become pure. Your purity dost not come from fasting or preaching or something else. It comes from how you perceive yourself and the others. If you haven't suffered the previous tiers, you wont suffer purity of heart as well!! And you wont be seeing God, who is in Heaven and in Secret! Not in a public prayer meeting, there all could judge your holiness! If your heart becomes pure, you will become a “Peacemaker” for you will be at peace with yourself and at peace with the world and at peace with anything else. And for that you obtain the glorious title, you cannot wield, but others are using in – “secret” to comment about you: “The Son of God!” Otherwise it would contradict Lord Jesus Christs teaching of not calling anybody Lord nor sir nor Father nor any other title, known to man and Christian! And yours is the Kingdom of Heaven, if you're persecuted for it not for your own scullduggery – for that it is just to be wronged! Persecution for righteousness makes you one in the line of prophets, not being an unjust witness who passes all the blame of pregnancy on the woman, because she has to go into the abortion clinic! Don't you agree, Pastor Jeff?
Salt of the Earth/Light of the World

Lord Jesus Christ is still talking about the same thing using salt as an example how much we should hold the previous into ourselves and be able to give it to the environment – just like salt gives flavor to everything! That's why you call it “salty” and not “sweet” for salt dost not have to fare like sugar – it's no honeycomb but it's also not wormwood, so get over it already! It's meant for conservation and not for eating!! Salt is used, not to give praise to the salt, but to give praise to the dish, what has been correctly ensalted!! Too much salt can ruin the dish just like too little will just waste it with no effect! We don't need to be a little bit Christian, just like a woman can't be a little bit pregnant – either you are, or you are not! And then you salt has no flavor – then you're so politically correct and lukewarm, that nobody could take offense from you, then what's the difference from the picture, there you are not here? If you give a patient blacebo and he don't believe its effect, he will still be sick of the disease – and the same is not salty salt – it's useless!! And useless things have a tendency of disappearing... (“Tiberian Sun” Solomon to General Hassan) Light of the World does again say, what salt was referring to – you have to be visible and obvious not invisible – if you don't give up a punch, then people will treat you, like you're invisible – any emo or goth can tell you about it, how it is at School then you're deemed irrelevant and useless! When you haven't implemented what was about before, you will end up like the odd kid at school! Think about it, you proud Christians, who you forsake Lord Jesus Christ for your ministry as though you're the pharisees of old! The lamp, what is not on it's stand but rather under the bed or under the basket is exactly how Christians look inside the church – they are inside, and the people are outside – Lord Jesus Christ is with the wicked and the blind and the needy and not with those, who claim to see, for they will hold fast to their blindness, for not admitting to it!!
For our deeds must glorify Lord Jesus Christ and not us, nor our Church or something else like that. For that we must get out of the box! Soon after that Lord Jesus Christ reminds the audience that He has not come to abolish the Old Testament and the Law but to fulfill it. It is so tempting, then somebody comes with love and mercy, as some gays are doing it, to throw the bible out of the window, for we don't wanna hear what it say against us… It is true, that you have the right to come to Christ and be redeemed from your sins and if gays would remain faithful to ONE partner or lesbians to ONE partner, it would be accountable as love – the problem is not in the relationship – the problem is in the divorce – for God is not a Lord of separation – He is the upholder of Marriage and Order – so if your life does not highlight that respect there you treat your husband or wife better, than your socks, you can change every week or even after every other day – then you could call gay marriage comparable to Christian marriage – the devil is just in the detail called: “Divorce” As soon you do that, Lord Jesus Christ will hate your guts, and you lost all pretense of Love… And who divorce the most in this world – The Christians!! Halleluyah! Fucking read the Sermon of the Mount already ye Christians, how hard it is to memorize three chapters then your sermons are longer, especially your prayers! And therefore calls Lord Jesus Christ Christians “the little man” or should I say “the little spoon” for you're like a pussy to God and not like a Man!! For not doing what is inside the Sermon of the Mount – they at best caress the cross around their necks, like a geto-smurf couldn't do that. Geto-smurf means homey or groupie, only more narrower and more secluded – because you became so blue and small in your assumptions, like you're the nazi of Die Glocke what supposedly sent some men back in the time, to become allegedly the Hindu gods – I call that kind of bullshit gossiping “geto-smurfing” You are small and feeble and nobody can believe you even exist… The more you use the Us and Them mentality, the more you get into geto-smurthing or “angry smurthing” as Johny Storm in Fantastic Four would have said, then he was on trial for his misconduct – the destruction of a sentry bot, what was taken as an act of war. You should really watch that, Pastor Jeff, maybe you'll learn something from that…
Mat 5:20 NKJV “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Murder and Anger

Lord Jesus Christ is still on the same case and is referring to the things that can come in the way of the blessings he addressed in the beginning of the Sermon. You can't fight murder, if you don't fight anger first – especially abortion if you're casting stones against women for being so pregnant… Calling the sinner names, doesn't make him or her repent, it makes them bitter and fight back more so. For God, every single time, a Christian is opening their respective mouths to dish some pagans; heathens or just people in this world, while not living a holy life themselves – God hears that kind of preachers as though their would be non stop cursers. Like they would be the Harlot! Like they would be the Witch!! Punishable by death and Hell!! Because they're on the pulpit and preaching and in so doing, killing people with their words! Why does brother Francis even call on the tongue being the tiniest member of the body, what could cast us to Hell, then at the next moment, he can't find love for the non-Christian, for he must convert first to receive that!! It's not that the Sermon is wrong, but his actions towards non-Christians who fail to receive it from him… “Never judge a character, how he treats his next, but how he treats what he deems lower of himself” “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” People should even leave their offerings next to the altar and make up with their brother, who has something against him – that's how important fighting anger and forgiveness is to Lord Jesus Christ – for it is not very easy to leave your offering like that. The temple was not to be treated like a bank or a barn – it stressed out the importance of being always ready to forget and forgive!

Adultery and lust

You can't fight Adultery if you don't stop lust. If it's ok for Christian men to choose Christian women or even non-Christian women – for what has Belial to do with Christ – as some would ridicule the bible, at the sake of their own sexual desires. Didn't even Bill Clinton call oral sex with Monica Levinsky “Lip service” to God?? If that kind of conduct is that much ok, there the man is not kicked out of Church for adultery – for just as in jewish tradition in our world also, the Man has the most blame, then it comes to lust – unless the man wants to become the woman and let the woman marry him… Somehow people feel wounded like Kevin E. Levin in Ben 10 then Gwen Tennison tried to ask him out for prom-night - “Don't push me!!” Ibid
If you push your eyes to watch in lust and play it through, how do you say “NO” to the fruits of your action – like you did nothing? That's why cum comes out, if you jerk off!! You can't say: “Well I liked the jerking, but not the cum, for it stinks and is messy!” That's just another way to say, that you don't want to take responsibility for your actions and just want to have fun! Lust is not a game, for if it would be a game, you would be on level 0 – level 1 brings the one night stand; level 2 brings the unwanted pregnancy; level 3 brings running away from the unwanted pregnancy; level 4 brings your girlfriends depression with fast pre-endings a) Suicide b) Abortion c) Abortion through boot-heel – for that is done by “boyfriend” and not by girlfriend! d) Possible sexually inherited disease on you or her or you and her both!! e) Single mom or dad Level 5 brings break up with girlfriend number 2 who found a better match with the opting of new abilities a) Suicide (instant loss of game) b) Bitterness c) Cold heart d) Broken heart Level 6 brings marriage – but judging how you played the game previously you will be offered a handicap of holding the mouse steady inside the circle – the more bullshit you did, the smaller the circle. If you get outside of the circle, then it spells out “divorce” and in comes the Fatality event from ROTT there Gods hand comes and destroys you with a Kame-Hame-Ha; If you could somehow make it, you enter Level 7!! There you're happily married, BUT you have children, and have to teach them the ropes about marriage and sex – the same circle only with one difference. Every time, you get outside the circle, an odd event happens to your siblings. Either their choose pot; tattoos or odd music tastes, you don't like – it's all about you – or boyfriend(s); girlfriend(s) cults and activities you don't like or you or your wife may develop an outer-marital relationship (go back to level 6 about Gods Hand) etc. All depending on how many times you evaded the nude girls on the hentai run-game events. A hentai run game is there you run from one side to the other, and characters come your way to strip you from your clothing and have sex with you til you are totally wasted and the supreme monster owns you – and you have limited arsenal to fight them. In the Christian version you will bible some cloths on the opponents and different opponents have different stamina against your conduct and you have a time factor – or the supreme monster will own you!! If you could unlust a given number of opponents you get a positive rating, for any sex event you will have less cloths on, which will make your bible less effective, til you loose it and have no weapon to get your cloths on and opponents cloths on – and some opponents can't be evaded without the bible, so… On level 8 then you somehow could teach your children the ropes you meet the main event grand-children and the possibility of pedophilia if you can someone remain inside the circle now you get a happy ending if not the supreme monster will own you and fuck you really hard!! But there is no game here – really! (Irony and sarcasm) If you don't get it just Google “There is no game” which is the given quote. If you don't want your life to become that superfluous there people will hiss your Christendom as “the goat is a lie” Ibid for not fighting the lust but fighting the big sins what give the most credit at Church. Why bother about demon possession if your own mind is possessed by your dick? Why bother about pedophilia and other sexual tastes, then you cannot live in a christian way in your own sex life? Do I even need to remind the log and the splinter?? First fix your own life, then fix the other peoples lives. Why should they trust you, then you can't fix your own. Would you give your car to a guy to fix, who couldn't fix his own but broke it down – but people should trust you, then you're a preacher and don't live in accordance to the Sermon of the Mount? How smart is that?

Swearing and Vowing/ Love and Hate

Swearing has been born from vowing something to destruction or to God or just to make something really certain, if people would not otherwise trust your words. The problem with that is, the more Vows and curses you use, the less people want to talk to you, for you have no credit. Vows and Curses are like credit cards or checks. If you have no value inside your heart, they will bounce. There is no way a man can have plenty of value inside, if he uses too frequently swears and curses to prove his words true. I mean, how do you trust a man, who don't trust his own words but needs further proof. That is its own evidence against such a man! Just like Lord Jesus Christ says: “A Yes must mean Yes; and a No must mean No!” And if your words bounce, then you have lied in the name of God and are a false prophet!! So why does Lord Jesus Christ teach, that we must love those who curse and hate us then those things are wrong? Because you cannot fight fire with fire you dumb-ass! The more you point fingers and prove others to be sinful, the more they will try to disprove you or prove you of being sinful, so that your words would not hold any ground and wouldn't endanger them. What you give is what you get… How do you Love God, then you don't Love your enemies – how do you do more, than this world already does? Just like the liberal sign: “Make alt-right afraid again!” couldn't win them over to the “right” side for offering the alt-rightists “Fear” and not Love. Please show me a liberal who takes pride and rejoices then offered “Fear” Wont they call such a gift a “Malfoy”? “Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone” Fear is the reason we don't believe the good intentions of our next but would believe the bad. If you have Fear – Love is not possible. Martin Luther King had a dream, that white man and black man could shake and hold hands together, not that one side should be afraid and forsake his ways of life for the sake of the other and call that “tolerance” - somehow then the Nazis and communists tried to do that, we didn't call that “tolerance” we used the words “genocide” and “holocaust” against it… Shouldn't we deal with our fears and then we can deal with the fears of others, as in the log and the splinter? And then there is Love for us and Love for the others. But chasing alt-rightists around with “fear me” and “you're not a nice guy for believing like that” is not the right way to do, that is if you're in the business of inciting Love in this world and not Mass hysteria… You should always like more than your own inner circle – get out of the box!!
Charity/ Fasting/ Prayer

Why does Lord Jesus Christ put so much emphasis on that? Why does it matter it we tithe in secret or in public; if we fast in secret or in public? Because it is very easy to fake these if you're rich or if you're the so called “insider” who has information what is important in understanding something – like Christian preachers should know more about the bible, than non-Christian people. And even if it was so, it wont matter a diddly-squat if you're too proud to get the point, why you're doing all this. A soccer player is not playing for himself but for the entire team. If he plays for Manchester United, then he wants Man U to win and not himself, for that he could also do in a different team if offered a better perk or something. It's all about loyalty what makes the royalty and allows you to enjoy the premiums of life, not running berzerk after different offers the world has to give. If you're too much into money, people can't trust you for real, for you might freelance against them soon if the offer is right for you!! A real charitable person treats his charity like a rich man his credit card – we never liked the show off guy who flaunted his Golden Visa or special American Express – because he had no friends and that was his offering into the real life to have a happy ending. If you do your charity and fasting in the public you don't do it to God, you do it to yourself, so people would accept you, and not Christ! How hard is that to contemplate – even a 6 year old can read the Sermon of the Mount and understand it, but not a highly educated Christian Theologian!! Or how many PHD's there on the Mount and around it then Lord Jesus Christ was talking?
Or why did Lord Jesus Christ put so much emphasis on prayer? Because, if you pray too long, it has the same effect if you dilute root-beer with water. You can only do it so far, as the effect and taste rubs off – just like the parable about salt and light. People wont listen to you, if they don't understand you, and if they don't trust you! How do you understand an inane and too long Sermon or prayer – you just read it diagonally and scroll it through and all your beautiful talk was in vain…
So let's repeat it again and again and again, like Lord Jesus Christ does it coming back to forgiveness on chapter 6 as was in chapter 5. For God wants Mercy not Sacrifice or is your audience your son and you father Abraham who goes to Mount Moria? This kind of patronizing could yield unwanted results, for maybe God wont give you a chosen offering to find in the bush instead of that kind of a “Son” So don't waste your time and God's time and our time to do bullshit and fake it, if you could do the real thing, what the Sermon of the Mount is all about!
Even if you could get rich in so doing like many success theologians indeed have – what does it matter if you are unable to change a single life for real? To fight for the rights of those who are oppressed and suffer injustice; to mend the wounds of the broken and to give to the needy and poor… Your deluxe mansion wont help anybody into Heaven but your real caring and real hug or help at the right time without the fame and glory – the worst thing that happens if you collect riches, is that people wont believe, you are living for the afterlife – for why would you need so much stuff in here, or don't you trust in God to provide at the right time. Every employer trusts his boss that he will be given enough to do his job and they don't want to own the company to do it, so why the Hell do Christians need to be rich and well respected and regarded and try to always buy themselves into establishment?! Do they ask the highwayman and the hobo the same way into their house and behind their table, as the leaders of society? That is indeed the one million dollar question!
Mat 7:12 NKJV “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
Repetition is the grandmother of knowledge, as the Estonian proverb says… And chapter 7 has moore examples of the same as chapter 5 and 6 before. Nobody in their right mind tries to pick grapes from a thorn-bush or figs from thistles? But its very showy to do so. Thistles are composite plants, having showy purple flower heads, but their bear no fruit to our liking. They just look beautiful. Just like a wolf in sheep clothing may look and act well, for being an able performer – for he wants to eat other lambs and not go to Heaven. Deny him his booty and you'll see his true face how fast the meek lamb will wear off and the wolf will be drawn out…
Mat 7:22 NKJV “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’
For Christian service in pride is like you never did it in the first place. Just like the police is not doing their job to be seen and admired, they just do it, because they are ordered to do so, because they accepted their oaths and vows and training to do so – “to protect and serve” That's why it insults me personally, if a Christian threatens the police with a law-suit for no good reason. We should also be servants of servants to do the dirty work, nobody else wants to do – but instead I have to suffer the intolerance of some youtube feed who cannot take down a single video about how they dished the police, and on the next moment, the same Pastor Jeff, who was too afraid to give his name to the police, will judge some youngsters for bullying or calling names, while being a bully himself! So how can he be of any help to kids these days, if he cannot see more than his own pride and ministry – that is here the question!!
As Lord Jesus Christ is concluding his Sermon, he compares listening to his words and implementing it in your life as building on solid rock, and not listening to building on sand – to uncertainty and demise! So judge people according to their deeds and not according to their fancy words – if No Sermon of the Mount – No Life!

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