Friday, December 29, 2017


I'm gonna love your cuts and love your cords;
all slip-knotted, toe tagged rights and wrongs.
I'm gonna catch you, then you fall into fjords;
to avenge your silence even unto the Nords!
I'm gonna love your unsafe and sorry prolongs;
to sing unto you lullabies and Heavens Songs.
Let me embrace your darkness, for I can afford…

I want to spill my guts to fish you out from misery;
to show my darkness and light – to set you free.
Like Hosea loved Gomer, I want to offer you fealty;
even if you feel dead, I wont break your heart truly.
Cherish your calamities and wronged Creeds…
Even then blue my lips, I will resolve your issues indeed;
no danger shall startle me to you be soaring!

I'm not sorry when you're mad – for I love the “You”, you have;
the words on your lips mean all to me, like a providence –
I will uphold “Your Self” and not let you drown in your cave;
un-wreck and resurrect your Joy, your heart save!!
For you, I will venture against a legion and jump over the fence;
hails of arrows nor dreaded liches wont give me suspence…
to get far away, then I want to be with you insane!!

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