Friday, December 22, 2017


I was climbing the mountain, to go down into;
Lady Red was fishing wyvern and naga's.
The lake was lukewarm, and no intro
was awarded to my silent steps on hitherto…
Descending at a slow pace, she finally buggered;
taking notice of my presence – surmounted and staggered.
I offered a hand and lunged through for my kin to – –

While accepted was the offer, she stood silent;
still murmuring whispers of utter disgust.
We strolled to the top, for the high-ground relent;
and I put my hands on her shoulders to repent:
I'm sorry, I fucked up, I don't deserve your trust –
trying to convert Aster was the wrong call – I must
have shit in my head and sight – I was insolent...”

Indeed,” she mused, while cold there her shoulders:
Why did you save me from my demise?”
I blushed and looked away – “I can't go yonder;
without you, my passion is untrue and slandered.”
You know, you changed, then you invited en vice;
the devil on your table, to show off your orifice.
To Heaven and Christ – you scare me to tatters!”

I will evict old Nick then, if that's your wish;
admit, it was folly to boast on him my pride
in my merits. Sorry, that I risked it all for a kiss
of death; jack-assed, as usual and it was a close miss!”
She finally opened her tear filled eyes and sighed:
Moron, you could have died with Aster, despite
your knowledge and prowess – She can turn you a mess!!”

I let her weep in my arms, and the mountain dropped
underneath; devoured by the ground, leaving a field of Daisies.
We floated around in the air and over the enveloped
forests; with rivers as crossroads, eyes groped
for a safe haven to crash. – Hearing the songs of fairies;
this was like a perfect ending, fit for Jane's diary…
Some stones fell in front of us, as Malice stumped.

I knew it, nice guy, you like her faithfulness and virtue;
who so ever likes a demon, named Malice!” She shrieked in fury.
A madness had festered her eyes and she was like a lost cue;
wobbly on her legs, heartbroken and with bitterness imbued.
I lifted her up from the dirt, to stand her ground - “I'm sorry,
that I hurt your feelings, but I love you too – you're my gory
side; my partner in crime. Just as Lady Red is light, you are true!”

My darkness and warden of taste and lust;
don't forsake me for my hybris and rigid fueled
tempers, as I try to grind my head to dust.
I need you both, to love Jesus – hold me fast -
I'm sorry, that my parries got you ridiculed;
like I don't respect you nor my own life – that mule
of a body we share – together we wont go bust...”

She looked at me with reject - “All right, but father must go;
no more Lucifer at your table, or I'm out of you!”
Agreed!” I nodded, stopping Lady Red's show
of strength and valor to aid me. I put them together and vowed:
I wont forsake you two, nor start things out of the blue,
without your council together – light and darkness – my clue –
to know the Cornerstone and put my cross in place in one row.

Dead we are to this world!” Malice agreed, taking my left:
We shall resurrect in Jesus, take the lead!” Lady Red took my right.
Like a necrosage, we there together, to find how the earth bereft
and shook in tremors. And there came Aster, like death…
She was grunting curses about betrayal and wished blight
upon us to charge for treason. Truesome and Lady Red held tight;
shouldering each-other with shields and Claymore's unsheathed.

I readied my cross and the serve was on. Aster was smoking
hot and lewd, to bring us down and have for keepsake.
It took us ages to admit, that Luck is not King;
nor any effort or grith, what may obtain some bling.
Alright, have your fancy in Christ, but don't come, when raped
is your credit, respect and honor; for the world wont be-grate
another voice in the desert, who defies the brokering...”

Why should I love Mammon, the root of all Evil?”
I askewed Aster full knowing, she don't like it.
I'll be always watching and by the look-out, you'll see – I will;
if you should fall, we'll know, what worth is yours ilk –
those cheer leaders, you gathered to straighten up your shit!”
And Aster was gone, like the wind – nobody was hit;
we there going to my place and the devil was gone wilt…

Mr. White had shut up and didn't pick up lost fights;
Mr. Black and Green there playing solitaire and glad
to see me in one peace. Lady Blue made tea, in the sight
of our arrival, as Rath did push-ups; having Mr. Yellow rite
the pace, while sitting on his back. Lady Gray was sad –
still clapping her hands and smirking, like a child-chester rad.
She confused me with riddles as always – I wished em good nights…

Will you up your game and grant marriage;
what you promised, to the lost and betrothed
with sin – who see no church to still the outrage?”
I replied to Lady Gray: “I will!” – She was amused: “Necrosage!”
I looked at her with surprise – “You always go scathed;
to drag, like the cat does, people to Heaven on your path…
Watch out, that you wont bite too many chunks and miscarriage.”

I thanked her for the concern and was fatigued;
tea was splendid, no coffee cravings caved in.
It was frightening to see so much peace – intrigued
by the serenity around the table – no more leagues
and factions dishing and gnashing teeth or pale skin.
The faces there like on Christmas, so merry, mood on high spin;
I wished, it could always like thus ever be…

I fell apart, as I stood alone, in the dark anguish;
alone with God, to think on those, who are forsaken.
Those, who have nothing to hope for, lest a Trish
puts her finger in cold water to soothe their Hells bish.
Hellbound, who are in doing not-carings, while staken
into wrong parables and missed by a long shot. – Taken
into possession by regret and give-ups – whose knuckle sandwich…

I fell and was lost, my color oozed from the frame;
like air leaves a vent, to only see the abandoned.
Not for yet another movement on somebodies chess-game;
bored with altered boards and fashions of plain
sighted sojournings, into brick walls – to be “rightly” combed;
as if Jesus Christ only to them belonged…
Still not wanting to rebel for pretense in fame – lame…

How to kill your name and hold no title, then the Header
of every letter speaks for himself? How to be in the desert;
without the camel-fur and locust burger nor some other meter,
what defines prophetic scholarship to the multitudes better.
Not the Hero to be seen, but a white raven – the Heavens desert –
just eat me up and all my deeds, to renounce it wasn't decent
and not from me, but from the Word and Scripture – that Leader.

How to be empty, so Jesus could fill you up – like a chalice;
how to suffer it and not be proud for the sake of pride?
For all are: “Thus sayeth the Lord!” and cast their malice
to the ground, like a serpent in Egypt, offering thrice,
what they gathered for the Lord's supper to abide
by their own bible and Gospels. – To never open up, but hide
from Christ, for the Cross gives no benefits and lucky dice…

I woke up, and Aster stared at me nose-close:
Don't fuck with me, necrosage, I am stronger! –
Oh, look, there is your fan-club – bible overdose!”
How about you move? I can't see the sun arouse...”
Hump! You there in a place there it not shine, soremonger!”
And she put me into her purse and carried me longer,
than a bird could fly from the East to the West in a show!

As she decided to pick a nest, she held me by the throat:
Tell me again, that you'd prefer Jesus over my Love.
I can show you places and visions, what can goad
even the clumsiest acolyte to grandeur heavy load!
What's wrong with a little good luck and Aster in your core?
Open up and I shall fill you with all til you're bored –
and then I shall fill you once more, my evading toad!”

This frog has no kiss and wont offer you a prince!”
Ooh, lets see about this – challenge accepted – good luck!!
I will bless you anyway and prove to you, how minced
is following God and not your own good – that will convince
you to change your mind back to the hard bucks...”
She was perplexed in visions and gleams – it really sucked:
Why are you talking to yourself – lost a hinge?”

I will show you, that Larks and Nightingales are better
than mockingbirds and whiteravens – good luck!”
And she left me there, flying away, like a jetsetter;
I just imagined myself back in my place: “What the?”
All was murdered and bludgeoned, like the ground was nuked;
even the table chipped to pavement and bloody footsteps intrude
upon the walls and the top of the ceiling, the roof didn't smell better...

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