Monday, December 18, 2017

Mercy not Sacrifice2

Mat 9:9-13 “As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him. Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Mat 12:1- At that time Jesus went through the grain-fields on the Sabbath. And His disciples were hungry, and began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to Him, “Look, Your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath!” But He said to them, “Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him: “how he entered the house of God and ate the show-bread which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests? “Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless?”
So now that Pastor Jeff Durbin from the Apologia ministries, who aired “Help end Abortion now!” has produced some explanation and bible quotes – thank you very much for your bible quotes, brother Jeff, now I know what you there doing there on the street to “deserve” the police attention, that propelled you to air your dish on the cops, what drew my attention, and here we are now… Took you long enough!
So you're the prophetic voice who wants to speak against abortion in America? You're the prophetic voice of the multitudes (1Kings 22:6) for you have gathered behind your back how many churches to aid you in your quest? Well, my problem with that is, that the Prophetic Voice has never been heard from the Establishment, but from the desert as the minority report. How on earth is your ministries, who gets funded so well, the minority report of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? But lets move on.
I agree with you – abortion is a sin – however I draw the line on passing the blame on the women. It's not that they can within reason yank their wombs out and insert it into the boyfriend/husband/you to have you reason weather or not choose abortion then the public is murmuring you for getting pregnant in the first place. Because the issue about abortion, is the bigger issue about marriage and unwanted pregnancies. Now it's again good that you're against contraceptives and call them “also abortion” but why don't you address the more important question: “How to keep the dick inside the pants and not produce one-night-stands what produce unwanted pregnancies forcing the woman to get in the open and taking all the blame, while the boyfriend/man is without blame!” I mean on most of the times, you don't expel men, who knocked their unmarried women pregnant or suggested them abortion. You're only hissing and snarling “Murderer!” in the face of the woman who carries the unwanted child, because it's her problem and not yours or the boyfriends or someone else. And that is Evil, for you're picking sides (James 2:3) Why you don't call the parents “murderer” who don't want their daughter to be impregnated by the boy from the lower class or by a useless delinquent? Why don't you call “murderer” the boyfriend, who doesn't want to get married for fucking the girl, who was in the drunk state and he has another girlfriend he wants to hang out or possibly marry and now the pregnant girlfriend who wasn't even one, but just drunk, gets the shitty blame and sometimes even “abortion by boot-heel!!” And you call only the woman who had the full womb “murderer” - That was what the ranting woman in her car tried to explain to you, but was unable. “Don't blame it to the women only!” see the bigger picture! I have yet to find a sermon from you or linked to your ministries what says: “Don't fuck your girlfriend pregnant – if you fuck your girlfriend pregnant, marry her – if you can't comply to one or two, you're committing adultery and are possibly a “murderer”! For the soul can be murdered too, not to mention the unwanted child! Why are you not having Mercy towards the weakest link of that problem, but trying to sacrifice them on your altars of self-righteousness? Why don't you start a ministries that gives out letters to call you, then they consider abortion, instead of yelling into the megaphone and putting all the ones who go into the clinic or even work there green-lit, so the public could hate-mail them for not doing the same sin! Aren't you Evil, by doing so – you corrupt conductor? I got this expression from Batman: The Brave and the Bold – Music Meister for you are also like Music Meister, playing you little tune and thinking yourself special. Just that you can drone others to submission – I watched how your arguments defeated your opposition, especially the agnostic. For you didn't offer them “fair game”! It is true, that from an agnostic perspective you don't know the truth, because everything is the same way truthful to them. That includes the bible. That means, that for an agnostic, the bible is truthful as being written by men, and not inspired by God – for their admit inability to experience the Gospel of Jesus Christ as truthful and you assault that, claiming, that the Agnostic is only truthful then he agrees with you! That is wrong and Evil!! How can they even experience the Gospel when you're not living it? (Gal 2:11-16) You're still producing works of the flesh and not of faith! Or if you ridiculed Amber the Satanist, for her cowbell – do I need to remind you of your Megaphone was according to the law and allowed you to threaten the police with a lawsuit and disrespect them to the point, you didn't even give them your full name, Jeff Durbin, what would have cost you 10 seconds of your time, they would have filed a report that they gave the report to you, about the complaint against you, because that is your legal right to know that, and that would have been the end of it and you could have assumed busineess as usual... but you there too busy quoting pro 24:11,12 to see the police as the devil – and then you lie to their faces about respect?? Something tells me, that the cow bell was not louder than your megaphone! Also, the Satanist is right, for you don't like nor respect her, for not Loving Jesus Christ! Admit it! You hate everybody, who is not immediately on board with Lord Jesus Christ and want to cast fire down from heaven as would have happened to Samaria, then Jesus couldn't cross their territory for the festivities in Israel and some of his followers suggested it! You are the same kind – without Jesus you would torch the whole world for not believing Jesus Christ! You're even worse than Isil, for they are doing that honestly what you are doing in your heart and not admitting to it!! (2Sam 12:12) You hate them and think of yourself betters, for not having that sin (Luke 18:9-14) For you are not an agnostic; you are not a Satanist; you are not the pregnant woman going to the abortion (John 8:3-7) And also, the Satanists are right in donating money in your name to the clinic, for you should love them too and not hate them for their work. For they want to help the women in getting rid of their shame what the unwanted child creates, pastors like you don't ever address – for its the women's fault in your eyes and they should deal with it and not you – don't you agree! And what was the rant about, you can't do everything – if you can't do everything, then you build up a team of members who do their fair share, and then together you do everything. You look like a fire-fighter, who extinguishes the top of the fire and not the root of it and manages to save 3 hot chicks, while letting the ugly witch; atheist professor of Philosophy and drag-queen burn to cinders with the entire house, while wasting three times as much water and resources as would have been needed to save it all – because the house was a brothel! If you would extinguish by root, the fire would be off faster and the house would still stand and it would be business as usual, but you don't like that, for business as usual dost not give credit to you! And that's why your ministry will fail, for not being built on the rock but on sand… You deserved to be startled by the police, for you there disturbing the public order and peace, and if I there judge in your case I would sentence you to 1 month picketing around the White House with a sign what says: “I, Pastor Jeff Durbin, are a tatter-tale – a teller of gossip, who murmurs behind the backs of others, without giving them proper chance to defend their case same score. I blamed the issue of abortion solitarily on Women and renounced the responcibility of church in educating the youth of not conducting in too early sexual relations!” And that I would put on your Apologia site and on You-tube 24/7 for you still have to apologize in front of the police officers you offended by not giving your full name to them and to all the other participants you offended by disrespecting them – especially to the Satanist with the Cowbell named Amber! For whatever you do or don't do to those who you deem lesser from you, are the face of Jesus Christ – and you have done all that to Lord Jesus Christ and shall answer for it not to me, but to God after Judgment day!! I hope to hear from you and your proper response to that claim, if you're not too busy with the lawsuit or something else, what could go through your mind… Peace and Love on Christmas.

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