Monday, December 11, 2017

Sword in the Cross

Hear ye faithful Christians, who worship as it seems;
put down your swords and axes, brothers,
that's not what Jesus means –
One said: “I'm in for mercy!” the other: “No, Good Deeds!”
a third said: “Fools, I'm all-in Jesus!” that smothers
me that you can't be one team! What bothers
most, like a vicious host – there your baptistry in flees?

For how can brothers say to each: “I cannot eat with you!”
One is yet Greek the other Jew – and which is saved, knows who?
Don't make your prayers go to waste by shouting outside: “Boo!”
for you there once a nobody and also called a Fool!
For if you eat with only those, who always win and do –
what booty shall you get from God, to be more than common blues?
Take on that brother and that sis' who roams in solitude!

You know that one you groupie smeered and didn't wanna see;
who hugged more walls, embraced more tunes and acted like a ghost.
Be one with those, who have no friends and who has to wait and kneel;
they don't wear same and don't hear same – no unity they feel!
So get down from your mighty horse and be a worthy host;
a warm hug to the Grinch worth more than hollowed knightly joust!
For Christ died for everyone and the same you need to be!

Don't pray for long and also vague, so others blight a yawn;
the issue is not scholarship, what others must adore.
Are you so good and suffer it, when someone's at your lawn,
when finished there your mowing chores and wont be at mourn?
Can you resist the slightest hiss and golfing there endure –
so why is that you put some traps; for others fishy lures?
Are you yet childish or a lord to have a stand-up grown!

Put down your sword and your axe and pick the holy cross;
the Judgment Day is closing in, it's time to witness here!
All scattered are like Steven's gang the former houses moss;
so worry not ye dandy lines: it's still a win not loss!
For Jesus Christ on Calvary had bled – and we are there;
don't go concerned, rejoice at last and make resound your dare,
for it's not the money – it's our Lord Jesus rules the world – the Boss!

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